Yeah that anime is awful, I mean aside from that man with the glasses since I think he's pretty hot but I just don't like how he treats that loli as a princess. Anyway, I'm glad you like what you see. ;)
just saw your comment on EGoistDEusu's Profile about DS2, and i find it funny, because the the only people who actually like the anime adaption have no idea what an adaption means, and most people who actually like the anime, havent played the game (around 90% of people who have actually played the game, hat the anime(i saw a poll somewhere))
Those crazy Hindu made a movie in the likes of AI or Bicenturial Man. Starts as a social drama and after the second hour it is non stop super awesome action
Glad to see you got something out of that review even though you love the show so much. Most people cant be that objective about something they really like. I certainly liked alot about the show but it had some really maddening faults that really hampered my overall enjoyment of it. But I am glad you liked the review, of all the ones I have written I am probably most proud of that one.
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Thanks, maybe one day I'll make it big. xD Anyway, if you'd like, you can see the pic in my sig and profile uncensored here:
If only I could sell that, haha.
Just mass sharing this hilarious Attack on Titan hindu spoof
Of course and I will keep watching it, it will give me enough material to curse it in a review.