All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 227.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries1,163
- Rewatched27
- Episodes14,036
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 52.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries219
- Reread0
- Chapters8,755
- Volumes625
All Comments (5) Comments
Hope to see you around the club, if ever have a question about a feature just give me another profile comment or ask in the club comments =).
If you want to tell some of the other members about yourself you can post on the introduction thread =) -
I mean I have a hard time even deciding who'd I'd like to hang around more. I feel like I'd have better conversations with Hermione but I'd have better experiences with Luna. It is so hard >.<.
Here is a link to the club page -
I feel like mine is between Luna Lovegood and Hermione Granger, I feel that is a pretty common battle between the two. Luna I fine much more interesting but Hermione being a main character gives her the edge.
But I do also like to interact with the people I'm looking to bring into the club.
The club consists of a lot of different seasonal activities from Power Rankings to OP/ED Comps to Seasonal Cards.
We also have an active Discord Server as well as annual events throughout the year ^.^.
*If the invite doesn't go through just message me about it*
Who was your favorite character in Harry Potter?