All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 154.2
Mean Score:
- Watching22
- Completed427
- On-Hold30
- Dropped62
- Plan to Watch214
- Total Entries755
- Rewatched21
- Episodes9,230
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 35.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries73
- Reread24
- Chapters1,404
- Volumes213
All Comments (40) Comments
Exams everywhere I see, mine too are starting this week >_<
I'll try to reduce gaming or stop playing for a while. I need either anime or games to entertain myself, anime is in better position during exams period..haha
I'm overall fine, bit busy with revision and life.
How how you been lately ? except that you changed your username quite a lot of time..xD
And we're in the second category. >_<
I still hope for the day I win Lottery or Loto..xD
Weekends and random holidays are here to save us..xD
Already one month has been over which is unbelievable when we were so excited that new year was coming. 11 months left, dunno what reserve us.
How's school going on there ?
Let's celebrate NY the most enjoyable way now :D
Merry Christmas. Wish you plenty of success and happiness and what!!
Dunno where a parallel world appeared in FMA when the story was about homunculus, the gate and
And who were you favorite character and favorite homunculus ?
I liked Roy and Lust here :D
Have you started any new anime or manga series lately?
Which you prefer the most...FMA or FMAB ?
The hair is still growing in the manga..o.O
That explains why they should continue it right..these konoyaros!!
And her power really was awesome to control time and dimension shifts in a specific area. I liked Lavi, Lenalee and Allen here.
Hated it when Lenalee has her hair cut though. Horrible!!
The story was really good and I hope it resumes in the future ^ ^