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Seishun Buta Yarou wa Yumemiru Shoujo no Yume wo Minai
Oct 14, 2021 1:48 AM
· Scored

Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
Oct 14, 2021 1:48 AM
· Scored
All Comments (20) Comments
Examples: Letter Bee (Tegami Bachi), Beelzebub, Hunter x Hunter 2011 etc.
Yeah, Druaga Episode 1 was funny xD.
Dark Souls huh? I've never played Dark Fantasy RPGs before, would I like it?
I'm watching Tower of Druaga, and I'm currently playing Grand Theft Auto 4 (PS3).
on another note, the name Sadaharu, if i spelled it right, is actually pretty cool.
I understand it, there just isn't much worth understanding. Protip: You're not watching any sophisticated stuff, just anime.
here is the link for the torrent
if it doesn't let you download it, here is another link
it is just missing episode 25 and 67, but if you have firefox you can have it copy the episodes from the megavideo links from the first site I gave you
Sure it's fine, I have actually been wanting to talk to some other anime fans on here but most of them don't like what I like or only watch the new animes and not some dating back to the 90's, sucks cause there are so many great ones they are missing out on
I also found them all on torrentz if you would rather download them
These are some recommendations 4 you ^_^
enjoy if you'd like
It's not the subbing issue thats the problem, or how they look, I just hate having to "read" my anime, if you know what I mean.
Anime is only meant to be heard and seen, not read too >.<.