I'm a 25 year old anime fan, and have been watching since a friend let me borrow the Trigun and Escaflowne DVDs sometime in 2004. I was hooked immediately.
The majority of my anime watching was done throughout my college years, and in the year following (this year!) Netflix, CrunchyRoll and streaming anime sites have gotten me through a lot!
The anime that constitute my favorites list are those that are driven strongly by soundtrack, unbreakably stubborn protagonists, and most of which contain ridiculous hilarity.
I have a Bachelor's Degree Of Science In Computer Animation, which I completed in 2013. I love to model, rig, and animate. Although anime isn't my animation style whatsoever, I'd love to give it a try at some point (as 2d animation isn't out of my spectrum.)
If we have some common interest, shoot me a comment! Let's recommend each other some titles!
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I didn't really think that though cause I only really use MAL to keep track of what episode I'm on if I want to watch multiple, or take a break and that, so I don't really see the point but whatever.
I've rewatched many of my old pre-MAL anime, so I also have almost every anime I've seen to be fair.