Hey there. Merry Xmas likewise.
Catching up? Hah, fat chance. I did finish Sleepy Princess, hoping for s2 since I saw manga have a lot of chapters left. Might pick it up to read but not sure, since I rly like VA of Princess mostly. Almost done with Tonikaku and Sigururi. Rest quite behind.
Good news are, Im mostly done with manga I can read via app. Only bigger titles left Hero Acedemia and Hitoribocchi. After them might resume waching via tablet or start another new titles but hardly anything left to read big besides Gintama.
Anything good going for U? I see U found new fan :p
Btw, last couple days I was working and finished these babies.
On left Fw 190, on right Spitfire, on center Avro Lancaster B2.
Now only Graf Spee left build and I can start working on painting all my models, another big project coming :D
First of all thanks for accepting :)
What did I like from your profile hm ... well I like your pfp XD, and also I like your taste but personally I tend to avoid NTR
Nice gifs. Havent watched that ep yet, but glad they put fanservice, bit too early but I DO NOT MIND. Catching up with manga is time consuming as I though, I mean years worth on so many titles haha.
First things first. Best app I found is Manga Melon
It have majority of manga I read (see my list, I tagged manga I found with "Melon" and ones I havent with "Online") Quite easy to use and allow do things I want, though it most annoying this it dont save titles picture in offline mode. Other than that, best free app atm. Also best to actually read manga offline too or else U get ads once in a while.
I havent started Kamisama ni Natta yet, but if U correct, another feels ride :S Also I noticed another interesting anime I will give a try to see if its any good. Munou na Nana, quite decent rating and story looks interesting.
My this season top fav is Maoujou de Oyasumi. Just cant stop loving Hime <3 For second and third I go for Tonikaku Kawaii and Senyoku no Sigrdrifa. Just love waifu and husbando comedy, I guess like U said its flashback for not getting Hina X Hayate ending. For Sigururi Im too much fan of ww2 related things, also lovely girls that keep me entertained.
This Adachi to Shimamura worth time? Seems like normal Shoujo Ai.
Great news. Got myself new phone( my brother gave it away), Huawei something. Anyway, took a while to find decent app that allows to download, fast download and read while offline.
So Im on good road coming back to read a lot of manga. Sorting out now trough my manga list to filter titles I can find and what remains to be read on PC due nudity or other reasons etc.
Ugh, will take a while to catch up to latest chapters on many titles. Some of them havent read over a year.
Ps. She not even best girl. Miyako carry this show. I see Cloudia as gloomy and boring "Im victim" type.
Finished Oregairu. I guess Finale was wrapped quite nicely. I was team Yui though. Best best girl was definitely Shizuka. Dunno what else to discuss about this title.
Hey hey. I checked almost all new anime from this season. Only havent checked Kamisama Natta since its airing quite later.
So I have rly saved U time and have good news
Its only new title review, sequels up to U to decide.
Rail Romanesque: Too short, no idea whats going on. Gonna keep watching it since its short and nothing to lose.
Assault Lily: Bouquet: OP and ED are great!! Story normal with girls fighting robots/monster etc but its smells like its gonna be quite Yuri, I think U gonna enjoy and its only girls too. Fight scenes great too, art is ok in most parts. Did I mention they gonna have petankos and tights? Give it a go!!!
Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko: I guess Im fan for isekais. This one got me interested from start. I dunno how much I need to tell since U read manga. But I gonna watch it.
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World: Story quite weird, one side is modern, another witches? Dont care, Took liking to Alice! Did I mention her VA same as Aqua? Gonna be lovely ride. Im up for it.
Kuma Kuma: Idk about this one. Looks average af. Only trademark is her costume. Even VA felt liked its not suited, should been more childish or character less calm and rational. Gonna watch it, but weakest this season I think.
Majo no Tabitabi: First ep was lit, animation was great. Great rec, hope too see more of Flan too, sad it was only one ep of student/teacher growth. Hope it gonna be good rest of eps like U said.
Tonikaku Kawaii: Normal start, Ok story. Hope to see more of Tsukasa reactions, she was too calm all ep. Also OP was lovely.
Sleepy Princess: NOW THATS WAS HIDDEN GEM OF THIS SEASON!!!! To start with, U get lovely OP of VA singing herself cute song. Did I mention VA same as Chino have? Get this too, same paced voice( not like same VA have to change voice depending on age or character) , similar char design too, so U get Chino in another world. Comedy was great, she was so sadistic than it comes to getting good sleep and it was funny how far she go. Ugh, I wanna see more eps now. I STRONGLY REC THIS ONE. Dont miss out on this one. Im telling U, its hidden gem being so low by members. I found my Kuma this season.
Thats my review of new titles. Not gonna bother with sequels. I tried to make it look neat and professional, hope it looks good. Feel free to share Ur opinion about these new titles if U want. Enjoy
Yeah, U right about Charlotte, its good shit. I do like sometimes rewatching great scenes, like from Overlord, or other anime were characters had great moments. With dramas, I always test if I do feel same way I did first time, cuz it might differ on my own emotional state how it effects me, if I have great week at work/home/life, dramatic scenes might not effect me as much compared if I had shity week etc. If U get my drift. With comedy Im always open, I crack even with scenes I know since my jokes quite forgettable and kinda all about timing etc.
I finished watching many anime this week while staying home, also have couple days left to watch more.
1. Made in Abyss movie 3: I looks like U havent watched it yet, wtf man, go do it, its on nyaa. Not gonna spoil U, but its GREAT!!!
2. Maou Gakuin etc: Was great at start, later it kinda got cringe, especially that song(haha) , considering how powerful and ever knowing he was, he was failure so many times its embarrassing that he comes to steal spotlight. It was like a plane, nice flight until U run out of fuel and crash haha. Hope no s2.
3. Re Zero was great, can`t wait for next part. Shame he didn`t get to next reset point and still stuck in village, but I wonder how he sort that shit out :3
4.SAO: Average as fk, part 1 was way better, dont get me wrong, it was ok, until certain points that kinda looked shit af. First would be humans coming all OP and not rly doing much, just having show off on entry and having reunion and getting discarded. Later would be RATH part with that robot, not gonna go in details, but that was shit scene with that bomb. Fight with PoH( cleaver guy) was stupid af, like how he controlled peeps from other countries. And ofc, I WISH I DIDNT WATCH EP11, that space battle was wtf a joke. Like how those 2 girls still alive? They never aged? So how first ppl died cuz of age hahaha, so stupid. Man, glad they gonna do reboot of first season instead of sequel of that macross frontier/sidonia hybrid.
5. Railgun: Did I ever told U how much I love Railgun? I always preferred it over Index. Mikoto is best MC in this franchise. They should make more and more of her life in most interesting city. Now give me couple of GIF of her :P I beg U, I love to have those.
6. Uzaki: Comedy aspect was kinda average, teasing as well. main guy was kinda boring most of part, I have to say, I watched only cuz of Hana, she really carried show by herself. Oh, and her mom :3
7. Rental Girlfriend: aka Life of SIMP. Now thats a shitshow that was painful to watch, like I read in forum, renting a prostitute and now fking her hahaha. In OP U can see prince, 5k YEN per hour, category (rookie) 5k yen, costs (city limits) 2k, my guess city limits that she can meet U easily, dont need to travel far etc(more expensive train fares, longer travel time etc) So for one hour in my currency thats 90 pounds etc, plus 35+ per each hour. I pay 80-90 for one hour of FK. Now U pay same and even more if U go to have fun activity with the girl U can`t even kiss??! Not only that, U kinda have to pay for activities too!! Now thats life of SIMP. Author rly had inspiration from patreon/onlyfans mixed with prostitution hahha. Only best thing was positive art and cute girls, MC was pathetic from start till the end. I hope in S2 they fix him and give more screentime to other girls, mostly Ruka and Sumi.
Sry, my reviews kinda straight forward. I kinda vent it out more than do professional one about story and art etc like ones U see in title page haha. Im yet to finish Fruit Basket and Oregairu. Also finished Konosuba and Isekai. So Im all for new season.
I downloaded every first ep of new title/sequel Im gonna watch this season. Counted that its gonna be 14 titles this season, quite a lot. After first ep I might drop some if doesn`t look promising, but U can see everything in my CW list what I picked up. Well, dont forget what I asked/begged in number 5 :3
P.s. Sry my numbering dont look pro as Urs, im quite no good. Would help if U give me BB codes of Ur list were U rec titles.
God dammit, just finished Charlotte, I watched it long time ago, but watched it again. Lovely show. Watching it again made it lose some of uniqueness but still, wanted see if I gonna cry during Ayumi collapse scene, sadly only felt discomfort and empathy.
Idk whats going with me, me re watching anime I seen instead of finishing last season. But I made my myself steady, only Konosuba and Isekai quartet to finish and Im done. Not gonna rewatch anything anymore. Sorry for delay :P
Ps. Love the gif. I hope U do it more often. The gif quality U put is always rly nice.
Its cool, I didn`t knew myself. No worries. I will see how it goes. I never experienced too. I hope I get it back. I been almost 2 weeks losing them :/
Well, back to anime. Stupid me, instead of finishing seasonal ones, I started watching Konosuba and Isekai Quartet again :D I guess I wanted goofy anime since didn`t watched much last season, only Uzaki.
About ones U linked:
Tonikaku Kawaii: I wanted rly read manga, but didn`t had time. But ofc I be watching it :D
Kuma Kuma, I remember U rec to me like long time ago than they announced anime, so ofc I be watching it
Majo, this one also cought my interested, but didn`t added yet since I knew nothing, wanted to wait for rating after few weeks first. But since U rec it, I guess I watch it, it does look cute.
Rail: Whats up with ep time? 5 mins? Is this one gonna be hentai/story ones like we have one each season?
Now , what my plans besides sequels:
forgot to mention, last week during holidays I binged Mahouka in 3 days+movie+specials, so ofc I gonna watch it sequel too.
Kamisama ni Natta Hi: kinda looks interesting, also quite cute. Dunno why U havent mentioned it, maybe cuz it have few guys in main cast haha
Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen: I kinda wanna watch it for fantasy setting, but gonna wait few weeks for ratings to come out. Kinda like heroine, reminds me of Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade :D
Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko: I wonder about this one, story sounds like Tensei shitara Slime rip off, but depending on rating might pick it up.
Well is season gonna be quite relaxing, all hype goes towards Mahouka and Danmachi, so quite good time for me to pick older titles as well.
Hey, thing is, that sickness might be famous china virus. I lost sense of smell and taste, besides that I feel worst passed. I still need to stay home cuz I can get others sick. Ever wondered how it feels losing 2 senses ? All drinks feel same, only temperature and smoothness I can feel. Food, dem ,, just food. Man, I miss pepper taste Q_Q I been like this for week already. Smell? I used perfume on hand, and like dipped nose near it I think I smelled it faintly, or been imagination. I always hated how strong my nose was, felt like kinda security dog all time, but now I kinda miss it, I just miss smelling my food cuz smell increases appetite and love chicken smell, with peppers and garlic sauce :D Dem this virus
I gonna write season end review later if thats okay with U. I kinda like writing them :D Few left to finish.
Im so sorry it took me so long to get back to U. I hope U been doing well and shit. I been on holidays myself, and I think U know me by now me on holidays = game all day and ignore world around me haha, well I wish that was case, as soon I started holiday I got cold, so I was feeling like shit most of days, than I get like this , nothing creative comes out of me so I didn`t wanna worry U, but I might gave U opposite feel.
I still have couple days left, I gonna finish all seasonal anime I have left, can`t wait more days till I go back to work to watch them, might be having anime malnutrition haha
Thx for rec.
I didn`t disliked Hinako Note, dont get me wrong, Im all in for for girls only anime like U enjoy. But I found this one a bit too "childish" I guess since it had shitloads of chibi moments. No hard feelings.
U right about K, it is so gay af. I didn`t what I was thinking watching first seasons, I might enjoyed that glamour and shit. I had to watch movies to finish title etc, felt kinda forced but I guess we all a lil of masochists inside :p
I like Princess Princical, I did heard ppl said its shit and stuff. I did found bit weird that lil girls doing stuff and none questions age etc, I mean they were too young looking imo, mostly ninja girl and princess assistant, but I loved world building mostly, I guess steampunk fantasy is always was interesting.
U can check weekly titles in my watching list, I keep that stuff updated all time, like if I started that seasonal show, I gonna finish it. But I get U, if U not in mood to watch out of season others shows, its cool, we all had those moments.
About recs,
Busou Shoujo: I might watch alone for green haired girl, she so looks like CC and I adore it. Plot sounds like shit, but for girls shows thats secondary.
Flip flaps: Looks interesting, never heard about that one before, also rating quite good. Gonna pick it up.
Haiyore Nyaruko: I know that for long, its kinda like MM! title were I wanna start show with petanko but Idk why I never start {?_?}
Hataage: Fk this shit, I know its from same guy who created konosuba, but this one mc such ugly bastard I kinda wanna smack author for making it.
Isekai: Well, its one court show, might, maybe might think about it if I wanna quick title.
Anyway, thats kinda all for today, hope U doing well. Till next time
Right, so I finished Hinako Note, my opinion I had from ep1 till end didn`t rly changed. It did have way too much easy going, utopia like life. It reminded alot of "Is the Order a Rabbit?" but had way too much chibi moments, like half screen time haha. It was enjoyable but not good enuff.
Took longer to finish as well since I completed K Seven Stories all 6 movies (seven stories??), atleast got that thing out of my way.
Gonna start now Princess Principal, was rly curious about this one.
How is it on Ur end? Any shows U finished worth mentioning?
Yup, U correct about Dfrag, but aren`t most comedies lacking in character department, but yeah, this ones feels kinda too much.
Had to google Houkago Teibou Nisshi cuz for some reason its in "Continuing" despite being 12ep and from april. Not sure whats good about it, I see it as another rare club anime we have every season now. Is it comedy or what ? I mean good about it. Tell me.
Frame Girls were alright, I mostly started to enjoy last 4-5 eps were they started to use even drawn art for girls instead of all time CGI, and that fever scene were she dreamed about going to school with girls was adorable. Ofc, lets not ignore hot spring part. Battles were ok too, but it felt kinda stupid like Gourai always do kinda oneshot move and knocks them out while while never showing to lose hp while getting ass kick, but thats only battles, I kinda focused on antics girls do and U gotta nail Materia Sisters for being best in show :D
Ok, almost done with Frame ARms Girls, took longer since out of random decided to watch D frag and later to catch up with seasonal anime. I decided to start Ginga after this season ends. Now gonna start Hinako Note after Arms girls.
Man, I rly enjoying Uzaki and Maou this season. Also Oregairu packs drama that breaks heart with Yui getting kinda rejected.
Kinda decided to read manga of Rental Kanojo after series ends. Wanna explore more of this title.
Speaking about manga, lolicon sensei is good, BUT its not good as paradise, something with that teacher dont sit well with me, but plot is kinda reasonable.
Also, I didn`t liked with High School God, didn`t liked art, story was weird, too many things were off. Dropped right away, dunno why ppl hype it.
Peter Grill I wait for uncensored, atm show unwatchable.
All Comments (134) Comments
Catching up? Hah, fat chance. I did finish Sleepy Princess, hoping for s2 since I saw manga have a lot of chapters left. Might pick it up to read but not sure, since I rly like VA of Princess mostly. Almost done with Tonikaku and Sigururi. Rest quite behind.
Good news are, Im mostly done with manga I can read via app. Only bigger titles left Hero Acedemia and Hitoribocchi. After them might resume waching via tablet or start another new titles but hardly anything left to read big besides Gintama.
Anything good going for U? I see U found new fan :p
Btw, last couple days I was working and finished these babies.
What did I like from your profile hm ... well I like your pfp XD, and also I like your taste but personally I tend to avoid NTR
Nice gifs. Havent watched that ep yet, but glad they put fanservice, bit too early but I DO NOT MIND. Catching up with manga is time consuming as I though, I mean years worth on so many titles haha.
First things first. Best app I found is Manga Melon
It have majority of manga I read (see my list, I tagged manga I found with "Melon" and ones I havent with "Online") Quite easy to use and allow do things I want, though it most annoying this it dont save titles picture in offline mode. Other than that, best free app atm. Also best to actually read manga offline too or else U get ads once in a while.
I havent started Kamisama ni Natta yet, but if U correct, another feels ride :S Also I noticed another interesting anime I will give a try to see if its any good. Munou na Nana, quite decent rating and story looks interesting.
My this season top fav is Maoujou de Oyasumi. Just cant stop loving Hime <3 For second and third I go for Tonikaku Kawaii and Senyoku no Sigrdrifa. Just love waifu and husbando comedy, I guess like U said its flashback for not getting Hina X Hayate ending. For Sigururi Im too much fan of ww2 related things, also lovely girls that keep me entertained.
This Adachi to Shimamura worth time? Seems like normal Shoujo Ai.
So Im on good road coming back to read a lot of manga. Sorting out now trough my manga list to filter titles I can find and what remains to be read on PC due nudity or other reasons etc.
Ugh, will take a while to catch up to latest chapters on many titles. Some of them havent read over a year.
Ps. She not even best girl. Miyako carry this show. I see Cloudia as gloomy and boring "Im victim" type.
Finished Oregairu. I guess Finale was wrapped quite nicely. I was team Yui though. Best best girl was definitely Shizuka. Dunno what else to discuss about this title.
So I have rly saved U time and have good news
Its only new title review, sequels up to U to decide.
- Rail Romanesque: Too short, no idea whats going on. Gonna keep watching it since its short and nothing to lose.
- Assault Lily: Bouquet: OP and ED are great!! Story normal with girls fighting robots/monster etc but its smells like its gonna be quite Yuri, I think U gonna enjoy and its only girls too. Fight scenes great too, art is ok in most parts. Did I mention they gonna have petankos and tights? Give it a go!!!
- Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko: I guess Im fan for isekais. This one got me interested from start. I dunno how much I need to tell since U read manga. But I gonna watch it.
- Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World: Story quite weird, one side is modern, another witches? Dont care, Took liking to Alice! Did I mention her VA same as Aqua? Gonna be lovely ride. Im up for it.
- Kuma Kuma: Idk about this one. Looks average af. Only trademark is her costume. Even VA felt liked its not suited, should been more childish or character less calm and rational. Gonna watch it, but weakest this season I think.
- Majo no Tabitabi: First ep was lit, animation was great. Great rec, hope too see more of Flan too, sad it was only one ep of student/teacher growth. Hope it gonna be good rest of eps like U said.
- Tonikaku Kawaii: Normal start, Ok story. Hope to see more of Tsukasa reactions, she was too calm all ep. Also OP was lovely.
- Sleepy Princess: NOW THATS WAS HIDDEN GEM OF THIS SEASON!!!! To start with, U get lovely OP of VA singing herself cute song. Did I mention VA same as Chino have? Get this too, same paced voice( not like same VA have to change voice depending on age or character) , similar char design too, so U get Chino in another world. Comedy was great, she was so sadistic than it comes to getting good sleep and it was funny how far she go. Ugh, I wanna see more eps now. I STRONGLY REC THIS ONE. Dont miss out on this one. Im telling U, its hidden gem being so low by members. I found my Kuma this season.

Thats my review of new titles. Not gonna bother with sequels. I tried to make it look neat and professional, hope it looks good. Feel free to share Ur opinion about these new titles if U want. Enjoy
Lets talk.
Yeah, U right about Charlotte, its good shit. I do like sometimes rewatching great scenes, like from Overlord, or other anime were characters had great moments. With dramas, I always test if I do feel same way I did first time, cuz it might differ on my own emotional state how it effects me, if I have great week at work/home/life, dramatic scenes might not effect me as much compared if I had shity week etc. If U get my drift. With comedy Im always open, I crack even with scenes I know since my jokes quite forgettable and kinda all about timing etc.
I finished watching many anime this week while staying home, also have couple days left to watch more.
1. Made in Abyss movie 3: I looks like U havent watched it yet, wtf man, go do it, its on nyaa. Not gonna spoil U, but its GREAT!!!
2. Maou Gakuin etc: Was great at start, later it kinda got cringe, especially that song(haha) , considering how powerful and ever knowing he was, he was failure so many times its embarrassing that he comes to steal spotlight. It was like a plane, nice flight until U run out of fuel and crash haha. Hope no s2.
3. Re Zero was great, can`t wait for next part. Shame he didn`t get to next reset point and still stuck in village, but I wonder how he sort that shit out :3
4.SAO: Average as fk, part 1 was way better, dont get me wrong, it was ok, until certain points that kinda looked shit af. First would be humans coming all OP and not rly doing much, just having show off on entry and having reunion and getting discarded. Later would be RATH part with that robot, not gonna go in details, but that was shit scene with that bomb. Fight with PoH( cleaver guy) was stupid af, like how he controlled peeps from other countries. And ofc, I WISH I DIDNT WATCH EP11, that space battle was wtf a joke. Like how those 2 girls still alive? They never aged? So how first ppl died cuz of age hahaha, so stupid. Man, glad they gonna do reboot of first season instead of sequel of that macross frontier/sidonia hybrid.
5. Railgun: Did I ever told U how much I love Railgun? I always preferred it over Index. Mikoto is best MC in this franchise. They should make more and more of her life in most interesting city. Now give me couple of GIF of her :P I beg U, I love to have those.
6. Uzaki: Comedy aspect was kinda average, teasing as well. main guy was kinda boring most of part, I have to say, I watched only cuz of Hana, she really carried show by herself. Oh, and her mom :3
7. Rental Girlfriend: aka Life of SIMP. Now thats a shitshow that was painful to watch, like I read in forum, renting a prostitute and now fking her hahaha. In OP U can see prince, 5k YEN per hour, category (rookie) 5k yen, costs (city limits) 2k, my guess city limits that she can meet U easily, dont need to travel far etc(more expensive train fares, longer travel time etc) So for one hour in my currency thats 90 pounds etc, plus 35+ per each hour. I pay 80-90 for one hour of FK. Now U pay same and even more if U go to have fun activity with the girl U can`t even kiss??! Not only that, U kinda have to pay for activities too!! Now thats life of SIMP. Author rly had inspiration from patreon/onlyfans mixed with prostitution hahha. Only best thing was positive art and cute girls, MC was pathetic from start till the end. I hope in S2 they fix him and give more screentime to other girls, mostly Ruka and Sumi.
Sry, my reviews kinda straight forward. I kinda vent it out more than do professional one about story and art etc like ones U see in title page haha. Im yet to finish Fruit Basket and Oregairu. Also finished Konosuba and Isekai. So Im all for new season.
I downloaded every first ep of new title/sequel Im gonna watch this season. Counted that its gonna be 14 titles this season, quite a lot. After first ep I might drop some if doesn`t look promising, but U can see everything in my CW list what I picked up. Well, dont forget what I asked/begged in number 5 :3
P.s. Sry my numbering dont look pro as Urs, im quite no good. Would help if U give me BB codes of Ur list were U rec titles.
Idk whats going with me, me re watching anime I seen instead of finishing last season. But I made my myself steady, only Konosuba and Isekai quartet to finish and Im done. Not gonna rewatch anything anymore. Sorry for delay :P
Ps. Love the gif. I hope U do it more often. The gif quality U put is always rly nice.
Well, back to anime. Stupid me, instead of finishing seasonal ones, I started watching Konosuba and Isekai Quartet again :D I guess I wanted goofy anime since didn`t watched much last season, only Uzaki.
About ones U linked:
Tonikaku Kawaii: I wanted rly read manga, but didn`t had time. But ofc I be watching it :D
Kuma Kuma, I remember U rec to me like long time ago than they announced anime, so ofc I be watching it
Majo, this one also cought my interested, but didn`t added yet since I knew nothing, wanted to wait for rating after few weeks first. But since U rec it, I guess I watch it, it does look cute.
Rail: Whats up with ep time? 5 mins? Is this one gonna be hentai/story ones like we have one each season?
Now , what my plans besides sequels:
forgot to mention, last week during holidays I binged Mahouka in 3 days+movie+specials, so ofc I gonna watch it sequel too.
Kamisama ni Natta Hi: kinda looks interesting, also quite cute. Dunno why U havent mentioned it, maybe cuz it have few guys in main cast haha
Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen: I kinda wanna watch it for fantasy setting, but gonna wait few weeks for ratings to come out. Kinda like heroine, reminds me of Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade :D
Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko: I wonder about this one, story sounds like Tensei shitara Slime rip off, but depending on rating might pick it up.
Well is season gonna be quite relaxing, all hype goes towards Mahouka and Danmachi, so quite good time for me to pick older titles as well.
I gonna write season end review later if thats okay with U. I kinda like writing them :D Few left to finish.
I still have couple days left, I gonna finish all seasonal anime I have left, can`t wait more days till I go back to work to watch them, might be having anime malnutrition haha
Thx for rec.
I didn`t disliked Hinako Note, dont get me wrong, Im all in for for girls only anime like U enjoy. But I found this one a bit too "childish" I guess since it had shitloads of chibi moments. No hard feelings.
U right about K, it is so gay af. I didn`t what I was thinking watching first seasons, I might enjoyed that glamour and shit. I had to watch movies to finish title etc, felt kinda forced but I guess we all a lil of masochists inside :p
I like Princess Princical, I did heard ppl said its shit and stuff. I did found bit weird that lil girls doing stuff and none questions age etc, I mean they were too young looking imo, mostly ninja girl and princess assistant, but I loved world building mostly, I guess steampunk fantasy is always was interesting.
U can check weekly titles in my watching list, I keep that stuff updated all time, like if I started that seasonal show, I gonna finish it. But I get U, if U not in mood to watch out of season others shows, its cool, we all had those moments.
About recs,
Busou Shoujo: I might watch alone for green haired girl, she so looks like CC and I adore it. Plot sounds like shit, but for girls shows thats secondary.
Flip flaps: Looks interesting, never heard about that one before, also rating quite good. Gonna pick it up.
Haiyore Nyaruko: I know that for long, its kinda like MM! title were I wanna start show with petanko but Idk why I never start {?_?}
Hataage: Fk this shit, I know its from same guy who created konosuba, but this one mc such ugly bastard I kinda wanna smack author for making it.
Isekai: Well, its one court show, might, maybe might think about it if I wanna quick title.
Anyway, thats kinda all for today, hope U doing well. Till next time
Took longer to finish as well since I completed K Seven Stories all 6 movies (seven stories??), atleast got that thing out of my way.
Gonna start now Princess Principal, was rly curious about this one.
How is it on Ur end? Any shows U finished worth mentioning?
Had to google Houkago Teibou Nisshi cuz for some reason its in "Continuing" despite being 12ep and from april. Not sure whats good about it, I see it as another rare club anime we have every season now. Is it comedy or what ? I mean good about it. Tell me.
Frame Girls were alright, I mostly started to enjoy last 4-5 eps were they started to use even drawn art for girls instead of all time CGI, and that fever scene were she dreamed about going to school with girls was adorable. Ofc, lets not ignore hot spring part. Battles were ok too, but it felt kinda stupid like Gourai always do kinda oneshot move and knocks them out while while never showing to lose hp while getting ass kick, but thats only battles, I kinda focused on antics girls do and U gotta nail Materia Sisters for being best in show :D
Man, I rly enjoying Uzaki and Maou this season. Also Oregairu packs drama that breaks heart with Yui getting kinda rejected.
Kinda decided to read manga of Rental Kanojo after series ends. Wanna explore more of this title.
Speaking about manga, lolicon sensei is good, BUT its not good as paradise, something with that teacher dont sit well with me, but plot is kinda reasonable.
Any news from Ur side in last month?
Enjoying this series a lot.
Peter Grill I wait for uncensored, atm show unwatchable.