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Boku no Hero Academia 5th Season
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marinara-sauce Feb 13, 2020 10:29 PM
Hey, don't worry about it. I hope you don't feel pressured to reply to me, I've been pretty busy with school myself.

Also some great news, I finished the light novel for Solo Leveling like half an hour ago so I think I'm gonna start Spy x family tonight when I come back from athletics. I'm so glad it's finally the weekend, like I have homework but I reckon I'll be able to squeeze in a binge session somewhere.

Aw cute! I never went through a mermaid phase, I was pretty much a little boy (I literally had a buzz cut) until like 8 years old, since I have an older brother I think I just ended up doing and liking everything he did without realising it. I agree, mermaids, and most mythical creatures for that matter, are just such a cool thing. I love when stories add a fantasy element to a realistic setting by having them. Also the idea of living underwater and swimming around all day was something I'm sure everyone dreamed of as a little kid.

I got into my discord and I sent you a request! I think my tag is marinarasauce#4691, so if you see that, it's me :)
marinara-sauce Feb 12, 2020 12:42 AM
I know right? I was thinking of how it's crazy that we can find people that are so far away, living lives so different from our own and still be able to communicate with them about all sorts of things. Even though there are so many similarities between us, the differences are indeed mind blowing.

I feel like we're becoming friends too :D

I've actually heard of that one, it sounds super cute. I've never read any mermaid stories yet but I feel like they're a sub-genre I would get addicted to sooner or later; since it's gonna happen anyway why not start now? Looks like my immediate plan-to-read list has a new addition.
On the topic of mermaid stories, I've also heard good things about Sirens lament, I've been meaning to read that for a while. Do you know it?

Technically speaking I do have discord. I made an account a while ago but have long forgotten my login details because I never used it. I'm sure that if I search through my laptop I'll find where I wrote my username and stuff so yeah we can talk there :) I'll admit I don't know how to use it though so you'll have to deal with me being a dunce until I get used to it hehe
How do I add friends to it?

I'll admit I've neglected replying to you a couple times just because of the sheer length of our messages so that would probably work better.
marinara-sauce Feb 9, 2020 3:14 AM
Working with clay is a lot of fun! I'm really bad at it though and since I never really sat down and tried to improve, it's not my preferred medium. As for other 3D materials, I made a seashell by carving a bar of soap once, I was really proud of it but I can't remember where I put it so I've only got the photos on my phone to remember it by.
I love admiring the art in manga. The fact that it's just black and white lines but can give me such powerful feelings is amazing. I especially love the art in some manhwas, since the large majority of them are coloured and digital I find there's a great deal more the artists can do, even though they lose the special feel that manga art has.

I'm the same as you but in the opposite sense, I get surprised when I hear that people have snow as a regular thing. Snowstorms sound pretty damn scary to me, that crazy amount of wind is not something I ever want to experience tbh.
The fires this season were way too intense, they've always been a natural part of Australia, some plants even rely on fire for germination, but the destruction this time around was on a completely different level. It wasn't something I'd ever experienced before and I hope I never will in the future. Trust me, I struggled to comprehend it too and I live there.

That's good to hear :) Puerto Rico sounds like so much fun and props to you for helping out with disasters and that.
I take advantage of my days off school by binging anime and not needing to worry about the consequences that'll come the next day. It's actually so bad, I do literally nothing on days I don't have plans with my friends. What do you do on vacation? Do you usually go on trips with your family?

I don't really travel much but it's not like I don't travel at all. Every 3-4 years we go to Italy to visit my mum's family since they all live there but other than that we don't do much. Most recently, we hired a camper and drove all the way to Brisbane over the span of a few days and ended up spending Christmas in this beautiful place called Fraser Island.

Honestly, I don't mind this sort of general conversation about a bit of everything. I think it's nice to get to know you. I can't really think of anything I want to discuss either haha
I really meant to read spy x family this weekend. This might sound like an excuse but the only reason I didn't is because I got sidetracked when I started reading Solo Leveling instead and I got so hooked on it I read all 104 chapters in like half a day and then I found a website to read the light novel and so that's all I ended up doing for the past 2 days
Solo Leveling is really good by the way - the art and story are both amazing, I love it.

Anyway, spy x family is next after I finish the light novel I swear

Is there anything good you've watched/read recently?
marinara-sauce Feb 6, 2020 11:54 PM
Laputa is super cute! I definitely recommend it. Oh yeah! Princess Mononoke is really good as well, there's just something so cool about it. The nature vs industry theme is a good one, I like it too. What's your favourite anime that has it?

Nothing to be afraid of there, as far as I can see we're all weebs if we've got a mal account. I've only been watching anime since April 2018 so if you do the maths with how many episodes I've watched that's a lot of sitting down and doing nothing haha. That's cool! I used to do drama as a subject (it's pretty much a class on theatre in case you don't know) in year 9 and 10 but I never tried doing stage crew type things.

I do, I'm actually a complete sucker for sports, they're so fun to the point where I get so into it it's embarrassing. I play netball in winter, athletics in summer and badminton all year round at school. I recently started taking boxing lessons too. I started yesterday and now all the muscles around my armpits are sore. I like art too. Sometimes I randomly get hit with inspiration to draw and I always have fun when I do. I used to do art as a subject too but now that I've stopped I don't have access to paint, canvases and other mediums apart from just paper and some pencils.

I actually hadn't watched that video, I just saw it now and that idea actually is so stupid and great at the same time, of course I'm gonna do it. Sounds like a lot of fun if you ask me.

You get snow? That's so amazing! I've only ever seen snow twice in my entire life and only once have I actually been able to touch it. I don't know if school camps are a thing where you are but, every high school I can think of here does a ski camp for year 10s, mine lasted for 4 days, it was super fun and my first time skiing but I think I got the hang of it pretty fast.
How much snow does there have to be for school to be canceled? Do you always stay home when it happens? I have so many questions lol

The weather a mess right now. It's supposed to be the hottest time of the year right now, early February always has the hottest days. And it was really hot at the end of January. Up until like 3 days ago, every day was a minimum of like 30 degrees (that's like 86 in fahrenheit), most getting to around 35 (95 for you). The hottest it got where I live was 43 degrees (109.4 fahrenheit), I spent the whole day at the beach and I couldn't sleep at night even with my fan on max just because it was so bloody hot.
But suddenly (and I mean very suddenly, the temperature dropped like 15 degrees overnight) we got a hit of cold weather and it's also been raining non-stop. I say cold but the most I mean is like 20 degrees, you know cold enough to need a jumper when you go out. Still, in the heart of summer, that's definitely wrong.
The rain is good in a way because it's killing the fires but it's raining too much in too little time so rather than helping with the drought it's just causing floods instead. The rain is cleaning the air which is nice, all the windows of my house and the car as well are covered in little brown-black circles where the water from raindrops evaporated and left ash behind.

I'm safe where I live, I'm close to a big city so my area's totally urbanised, no need to worry :) There really isn't enough bush to actually cause a threat even if it caught fire. I did get really heavily affected by the smoke back in December though. There were days when the sky, despite not having clouds, was grey and tinted orange and the sun was looking like a red ping pong ball that you could stare at without hurting your eyes. The moon went orange too. It was so thick at one point that you couldn't see more than 100 metres in front of you. I remember just walking to the bus stop in the mornings made my throat burn and my eyes water. And the smell too, I would open my window in the morning and swear the house across the road from me was on fire just from the smell, it stuck to your clothes and everything. They closed the oval at school as well because just by running around you risked collapsing from the strain on your lungs.
It really felt like I was in hell or some sort of apocalypse. However, I would much rather having to deal with the smoke than actually being on fire.

How has your day of relaxation been? I'm glad the weekend is here, I've had 3 6am starts in a row and I'm dying since my body is still in holiday mode - sleeping after midnight but waking up around 10. It sucks, I go to bed and I'm not tired so I don't fall asleep but then I'm physically incapable of getting up in the mornings.
marinara-sauce Feb 6, 2020 1:54 AM
I'm excited to read it! Talking about series is always so fun, especially with people who enjoyed it as much as you. (I hope I find it as good as you did)

It's such a good place I have one weeb friend and we don't get together very often but when we do we always go there haha

Well my all-time favourite Ghibli film is probably a tie between Laputa and Howl's Moving Castle but they all give me such a nice feeling when I watch them, they radiate peaceful energy, if you will. Ponyo is especially cute, I remember the first time I watched it I understood absolutely nothing, I got so confused since she kept turning into a person and then back into a fish and then suddenly everything was underwater and there was this pretty lady and the moon was really big. I then watched it again like 2 years ago and after I actually understood it I liked it a lot.
Totoro is also so cute. I watched it for the first time last year and I fell in love. There's so just so many cute moments, like when they're dancing to make the little garden grow or that famous scene in the rain with the umbrella. Also, I love the cat bus. Aw, that actually sound like such a good tradition, I don't have any new years traditions maybe I'll copy your idea but with a different movie :D

Another random question, do you play any sports?
marinara-sauce Feb 4, 2020 10:04 PM
Well then, looks like I know what I'll be binge reading this weekend.

Oh yeah! I forgot about Nux and the anime man haha. I watch some of their videos too but only when I'm particularly interested in the stuff they're talking about. I personally find Sydsnap to be annoying and Cdawgva comes across as a little awkward so I never really watched their videos :/

The animation is incredible, you're right about that. The fire and explosions just look so good. As for music, I haven't really noticed much other than the op and ed which are both bangers.

Unfortunately there aren't really any libraries near me, the only one I actually have regular access to is my school library and the manga collection in that consists only of volumes 6, 13, 14 and 44 of Naruto. Like I said before, there isn't really an anime community where I am so I guess there isn't demand for manga and stuff like that.
There's one really good library I know of and it has heaps of manga because it's in a predominantly Japanese area. There's really good ramen and bubble tea places near it too. It's like right in the middle of the city though, which is not somewhere I go often at all so I've never been to it. The libraries near me have more selection than my school library for sure but they don't have anything I'm interested in reading which I don't already own.

I do plan to read the Tokyo Ghoul manga. When I'm in the right mood for it and I do, I'll want to talk about it so you'll be the first person to know :)

Uzumaki is the really freaky one with the spirals right? I don't really know anything about it, just spirals kind of take over in some way or another. I'll get around to reading that too, probably before I read Tokyo Ghoul since it's shorter.

I guess One punch man is either hit or miss with comedy. Either you love it or it pisses you off.

On a completely separate topic, have you heard that Netflix is getting all the Ghibli movies this year? Those movies were literally my childhood, I have the dvds for some but I can't wait to watch the others. I'm definitely gonna be having a Ghibli binge session at some point this year haha
marinara-sauce Feb 3, 2020 1:11 AM
Yeah I was wondering about time zones when I asked where you lived haha. I actually saw this while I was at school during a free period but I couldn't really type out a nice long reply since I had other stuff to do

Do you watch much anitube? The only anituber I actually like is Gigguk so I can't say I watch much of it, he only uploads every 2 weeks anyway so he's never really given me the urge to pick up a show. I mostly get by on recommendations from people here on mal :P
Yeah I feel like it can be pretty stressful to keep up with a lot, especially long-running series that go on for like a year or more. I felt that way pretty recently about Black Clover, I've been following it since episode 73(? I think) and I got a bit sick of having to dedicate a part of every single Tuesday to watching the new episode. I'm actually kinda far behind now, I haven't seen an episode of it for quite a while.

How far are you into Fire Force? That was one of the shows I waited for back when it was airing but I'm finding it really hard to binge. I don't know why but I find it really hard to watch more than 2 episodes in a row without getting sick of it. I've heard people complain about the pacing and predictability, maybe that's what's throwing me off without even realising it.
You're right, some anime are better in small doses. I feel that way about most slice of lifes and slow-moving anime in general. Especially those ones that just radiate calm and relaxing, I find those sorts really hard to binge. That's the only reason I'm watching Somali to Mori no Kamisama this season since I haven't read the manga it was adapted from.

Oh wow, given the amount you've read I thought you'd have much more than that. Does that mean you read a lot online? What websites do you use?
I thought Tokyo Ghoul was okay, that's from an anime-only standpoint though. I've heard lots of people say they absolutely slaughtered the adaptation for root A but since I didn't really know what was going on anyway it didn't bother me that much. I still cried a lot in the famous Hide-carrying scene but I kind of cry in everything I watch (I'm a big softie). Maybe I'll try the manga, see if I end up liking it more.
I buy bnha and opm at a bookstore that's pretty close to where I go to school and I buy Haikyuu and Yona online.

I'm not really a fan of seinen and horror stuff in general. I guess I just like the immature predictable bullshit more since it just makes me happy, that's part of the reason I'm isekai trash for sure. I haven't seen anything I would classify as horror, (the fact that it's animated or drawn takes away the scary element for me) but seinen always makes me start thinking about actual real life issues, and not just mine, I'm a pretty happy person all things considered. The fact that someone somewhere goes through that kind of thing often hurts me more (I really am such a softie).

Okay, One Punch Man. First of all, the animation of the first season was godly. That shit was a work of art, like the Violet Evergarden of action series. The second season was more average but honestly not bad, it was just not as good as the first season which made people really dislike it, unfortunately. The art in the manga is also beautiful, sometimes I find it's hard to keep up with action scenes when they're just still images but it's done so well I can see exactly the way the characters a moving everything. Story-wise it's not much, it's a stupid premise, the sort I love, and it's executed really well. That's pretty much all there is to it. I think it's another case of the 'good vibe' type show that's just so enjoyable for me, also it's really satisfying when people finally find out how powerful Saitama is.
It's a bit weird now that I think about it, sure I love it but I don't know if I love it enough to give it a 10. I think I gave it that the second I caught up to the manga and was still fully on board the hype train but now that I'm rethinking it, maybe I'll give it a 9. Actually no, I'll keep it as a 10 I really enjoyed it regardless.
marinara-sauce Feb 2, 2020 1:42 AM
Don't worry about it, I've been neglecting my school work anyway haha
Just out of curiosity, where abouts do you live? (just country is enough and you don't need to tell me if you don't want to)

Vibe is honestly a good word for it, I never use it since it just makes me think of tik tok but that's really what Dororo does. It gives off a good vibe.

I agree! I think winter and fall are probably the best seasons for anime (that's summer and spring for me but oh well). I haven't been following seasonals for very long though so I wouldn't know much.
I don't actually watch much anime as it airs, I'm more the type to wait until something is fully out and then binge the lot in a day. The only time I actually follow a show as it airs is when I've read the source material so I know what's gonna happen or if I'm not patient enough to wait and the show looks really good. Instead, I make a list of shows that I'm waiting for every season so I can binge them once they're completed :p
I can't stand it when I get left on a cliffhanger and have to wait a whole week to find out what happens next, being able to just click on the next episode is so very gratifying. I do really love the feeling of finishing a show you've been following from episode 1 though, it gives me this odd sense of pride and accomplishment.

I've heard only good things about Toilet Bound Hanako-kun, it's on that list I mentioned before. Id:invaded is also on it but I don't really know anything about that one. The way you're praising Eizokuen is making me really wanna watch it too. I'll give all of those a try, thank you :)

I find myself liking a lot of shows with stupid comedy too. Something about them just makes me want to keep watching and the absurdity of some of the shit that goes down in them always makes me smile. I was never really a fan of the whole moe cute girls doing cute things genre, I personally find most shows like that to be a bit boring, I haven't seen many of them though so maybe it's not my place to judge.

I try to get physical copies where I can but I don't have a job and I don't get pocket money so I have to aks my parents when I want to buy any and it makes me feel bad because they'd have to buy a lot if they got me everything I read and when you think about that all added up it's actually a lot of money. Right now, the only manga I have physical copies of are One punch man, Yona of the dawn, My hero academia and Haikyuu. I wish I could buy physical copies of everything since that way I can support the people who made them but I lack both the money and access for that since there isn't really an anime community where I live and the only thing I can really find in bookstores is Naruto (I buy Yona of the Dawn and Haikyuu online).
Also, most of the manga I've read is just plain yaoi smut and I highly doubt my parents would agree with half of the stuff that goes down in those. My list doesn't even begin to cover it, I've read so many BL oneshots and one volume stories I've forgotten what I have and haven't read, let alone the names of them, so I've pretty much given up on every adding them to my list.

How do you store your manga? I'm picturing a big bookshelf stacked with volumes haha

I actually read everything online and then buy physical copies later since I find it's much faster for me to access them that way, but I love the feeling of having the paper in your hands, there's really nothing like it.

Looking at your list and comparing it to mine, we seem to read very different things. Excluding the hard smut, most of the manga I've read is fluffy and cliche sweetness (mostly guilty pleasure stuff) while yours seems to be quite dark and more serious, so I don't really have anything I recommend haha.
I have recently found a new guilty pleasure genre though! It's the 'I've been reincarnated as the villain of a romance novel/otome game' that's so popular in manhwas for some reason and I can't get enough of it. I'm pretty sure I've either read or caught up to all the good ones though. Do you have any suggestions for me?
marinara-sauce Feb 1, 2020 3:08 AM
Yeah I totally agree with what you're saying, it really pulled off the maximum amount of main characters a show can have (and omg I'm actually in love with Karma like dude how can you not). I loved that last episode of it was so cute, I honestly want a spin-off sequel of Nagisa flexing on the class of delinquents but that's not gonna happen so I guess I'll give up on it.

I've been planning to read the manga for the Promised Neverland since I finished watching it like a full year ago. It's just one of those things I never really got around to, I don't know why since I'm sure I'll love it. I don't know if I'll be able to handle the anxiety that show gives me though. The entire way through that first season I had this crushing fear that they'd all just suddenly die. I confined myself to stupid comedy and soft slice of lifes for like 2 weeks after I watched it as a sort of mental rehab lol.
You're making me consider picking it up and reading the whole thing tonight (which will not be a good idea because school just started up again and I need to correct my sleeping schedule from the holidays).

Dororo was just so enjoyable in every single way. Looking back I don't even know why I loved it so much, I think it was just the feeling it gave off that felt so good. I also really like both the ed songs. I started watching it when 13 episodes were already out and I remember just instantly loving it so much I watched them all in a day. Maybe it was just the combination of the really good fight scenes and the wholesome relationship that slowly formed between Hyakkimaru and Dororo but it basically just ticked all of my boxes for what I wanted to get out of it.
Also the whole idea of it is so freaking cool. Like, this dude's father sells his son to the fucking demons, expecting him to die, so he can have some nice crops or whatever and then his son comes back with goddamn swords for arms, slaying all those demons that took his body. If that isn't the definition of awesome I don't know what is.

Have you seen anything you liked recently? I've been coming to terms with how low my standards of entertainment are given that I'm enjoying Mahou Shoujo Ore so much. It's probably the stupidest thing I've ever watched, even stupider(?) than Konosuba, I feel like every minute of it makes me lose like 40 brain cells but I can't get enough.
marinara-sauce Jan 30, 2020 6:57 PM
Yeah I agree the animation this season is pretty lacking compared to the other seasons. It's sad because this was my favourite arc in the manga :(

Even without seasonals, we can always talk about favourites and anything else you've watched recently. I saw you love Assassination classroom and The promised neverland, I really liked both of those too! Assassination classroom was the first show I ever properly cried in so it has a special place in my heart. The promised neverland was really cool I'm excited for the new season this year :D

What did you like about them?
marinara-sauce Jan 29, 2020 10:14 PM
Sure thing! I'm always up for a chat about anime
We're close in age too! I'm June 2004 :D
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