42yo boomer dev/devops/sysadmin nut, kids in college, now living near a beach with clean hills to hike. Resumed watching anime seriously with covid after stopping back in 2005. Been totally aloof off the "big 3", "big 5" shonen/isekais/timetravel/86 marketing so don't be recommending me those teen operas.
Only active for MAL fantasy league, caring seriously for the second time. As of Week13 completion, I'm ranked 25 from the top and in 0.01%tile out of 35k(?) participating. . Not that these are any major yardstick to go by but I probably understand anime more than you, and with fewer anime consumed.
I drop a lot of shows not because I dislike them but due to lack of time. I like all genres except isekai, idol, CGDCT, and shonen. Although, I do like shonenwatchers's meltdown and antics thanks to their chunibyou and dunning kruger making them think they are as matured at 18 as people at 25/35/45... Never a not fun day when they visit here to potty.
All Comments (34) Comments
Speaking in terms of backgrounds, hand drawn art I feel is a very lost age and technology because it truly brought anime to life in a way you can never do with static computerized backgrounds. With space cobra for example if you look at every shot, you can see all the brush strokes, even the flaws in each picture and it really gives it a greater detailed look, like a canvas that just stretches out with slightly different alterations, per BG shot. With CGI, it looks like the same repeated shot on a loop in comparison. This is what some fans have called the “Tron effect” because it looks like you’re inside a tron world. It is also very apparent when you encounter fast-moving foreground objects like someone driving or a robot or some mecha traveling quick and the background scrolls.
Also, by far the WORST thing I have ever seen in the industry is mixing 2d animation with 3D CGI. If you notice alot of western 3d films or tv shows, they are either animation or 3d CGI, but never both. There is such a thing as a clash with the two different styles and that is what you get. You can't physically create 2d animation foreground objects over a 3d background, and you can't create 3d foreground objects over a 2d background. How are these animated 2d objects supposed to interact with the background environment? It’s just impossible, there on a completely different field and so you get shit like the Berserk remake as a result or even in some instances, scenes from attack on titan. CGI is nothing new, its been a part of the anime industry for many years unlike 3d, but I think animators new more how to use it to great effect for example battle starship Yamato, it was only used during explosions or when the ship was taking off for space travel. Also I think in real motion picture 2d animation, you had frames moving much quicker then you do with 3d. You ever look at the way 3d objects move on screen, its very robotic and just rigid movement. Extremly unappealing.
Anyways I can go on about this stuff and I am by no means a photography major or have my qualifications in anime production, but even I am pretty observant to some of the problems with animation these days and I think a lot of it mainly is because its far less costly and time consuming so studio production companies can whip up something pretty fast using 3d and digitized CG techniques but the newer generation of designers and animators just suck at implementing it.
I don't have much of an opinion on most reviewers here, but he writes some of the most generic 10/10 for everything "crowd pleaser" reviews I've ever seen. Wouldn't surprise me if he were a bot.
I remember he deleted all of my responses (I got a message similar to the one he left you), so I'm surprised he let those stay up.
Though that is not to say that every single production is like that, once in a blue moon you will find something that goes above and beyond like Ufotable's Demon slayer or Studio Bones One punch man. But yeah I kind of do miss the more gritty, artistic hand drawn motion pictures of the yesteryears. Unfortantly with the advent of 3d taking over animation, its only going to get worse. What I would like to know who's dumb ass idea was it to mix 3DCGI with 2d animation? It just doesn't work, its simple programming concept, collision detection, it clashes every time.
These new gen kids that watch all these shonen's and there isekai's don't even have a clue what real motion picture animation is.