Anime Stats
Days: 63.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries360
- Rewatched4
- Episodes3,862
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Manga Stats
Days: 1.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries9
- Reread0
- Chapters150
- Volumes21
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (7) Comments
It’s a funny coincidence that I’m currently rewatching Sugar Apple right now, as part of a simul-watch with a MAL friend. We’ve both been enjoying it a lot, and we have a little discussion after each episode. I was quite surprised at the weighty topics the series got us talking about. Like, equality between men and women (because of Anne doing what’s commonly thought of as a man’s work, as a sugar artisan), equality between different races and unjust exploitation (because of humans being in an domineering/exploitative relationship with the fairy race), and even female sexuality - in regards to Bridget's boldness in conveying her desire for Shall, and her pursuit of him. And, arranged marriages (the situation Bridget’s unhappy in), and paying for a marriage/romantic partner or companion - like the buying and selling of companion fairies, and the multiple men and women proportioning Shall. And overall, Anne’s a really likeable and noble female lead, and I love the artwork and colour palette. It really does transport you to a magical fairy tale realm, full of the wonders of sparkling silver sugar confections!