I noticed that you don't really go back and forth updating your MAL. Why not download the MAL Updater to do the dirty work for you, Takaii? It's got some stylish themes to it and it's really convenient for those who are as busy as you when it comes to anime. :D
Never felt so glued to the screen before. D: So touching. Chock full of morals and lessons to be learned. The artist was amazing. His work during action scene was unbelievable. Even more stunning was the consistency of the show's perfection! Every episode got better and better. Even something that can easily feel boring such as a flashback.. KEPT ME GLUED TO THE SCREEN! Like.. wtf
You gotta see it. And if you decide to start watching it, you must download ALL of it. THEN watch it all in one go. Either that or large chunks. 6 episodes here, 10 there.. <3
Ugh.. I can't describe how fucking awesome that was just now-to complete that anime. Damn that felt like a once in a lifetime anime.. Dx
It's funny. That song from the single started out NOTHING like what I would expect. Heck, I thought it was a whole new track. They really change up the melodies as the song progresses. It's as if it could be much much longer, y'know? Great win though. I'm a fan now.
All Comments (32) Comments
Best.Adventure Anime.Ever.
Never felt so glued to the screen before. D: So touching. Chock full of morals and lessons to be learned. The artist was amazing. His work during action scene was unbelievable. Even more stunning was the consistency of the show's perfection! Every episode got better and better. Even something that can easily feel boring such as a flashback.. KEPT ME GLUED TO THE SCREEN! Like.. wtf
You gotta see it. And if you decide to start watching it, you must download ALL of it. THEN watch it all in one go. Either that or large chunks. 6 episodes here, 10 there.. <3
Ugh.. I can't describe how fucking awesome that was just now-to complete that anime. Damn that felt like a once in a lifetime anime.. Dx
"Hiiiima, Hima-Hima, Hiiima, Himaaaa~" lmfao