Ah, so you don't have middle school and that seems to be for your country only and maybe one other. Ok, that makes a little more sense.
What I was saying with transferring to your country or out of it while in school still was I was wondering what the equivalent would be in case a child from my country were to transfer to yours for example. Like if you were to come to america or another country with a school system like ours, at the age of.. lets say 17 since at that point your are out of school or in college in your country. Now, if that kid were to come to America with their family, would they have to then enroll into a school because at that age, kids are still in high school here.
I imagine that it has a ton of paperwork to go along with it, but w/e, it's not something that either of us could answer. So, what is your review? Is it something that you have to complete like a research paper or something or is it something that was done while you were going to college still or in your intern? I guess the board exam is to see if you know enough to become a teacher and I guess this is still a bit early, but good luck!
So, besides watching loads of anime, what do you like to do for fun? Are there special sports there that you like to play? I'm not sure what I mean by special, since it would probably be hard for you to know what isn't played here so much, but yea. I like to go motorcycling, bicycling, hiking and I read a good bit as well. Though, I haven't done all that much bicycling this year and this it ones of the best times to do it because it will be way too hot soon, but oh well.
So, I'm a little confused as to what your age is when you start and finish school. Here, we can start at age 4 where we go into a pre-kindergarten class and then we go to kindergarten at age 5 and then in some parts of the US we might go from 1st grade to 5th grade or in others the school goes from 1st grate to 6th grade like yours. then we have a middle school that goes from 6th grade to 8th grade, so roughly, we start middle school at age 11 and leave at age 14 or 15 and then we start high school at age 14 or 15 and finish at age 18 in which we go through grades 9th thru 12th. At that point you get your high school diploma and you can stop going to school, but many keep going until they finish college. 2 years in college will get you an associates, 4 years a bachelors, 6 years a masters and if you want to get your doctorate, you have to keep going for several more years until you have completed all of the classes required for it in that field of study. I have heard of people going to college for 15 years in order to become a doctor.
That seems to be a pretty good breakdown of how our school system works and I was under the impression that school for you stopped at 18 years old and then you would go to college. Now, i'm throughly confused as to how you would transfer from here to there or vis versa.
So, this means that you are now looking for a job and you are completely done with school! I am now 21 and foresee several years more of school before I would find a career. Well, now that I'm going into the Navy, that isn't quiet true anymore. They will train me to do whatever job I qualify for and want to do and will put me through any additional college that would require.
Is, this also the way they do the schooling in japan and other countries around there? Though, I don't expect you to actually know since that's not where you live. It's just that when I would watch an anime that had to do with school, I always figured it worked similar to the way it works here. Or at least the graduated at 18 or something. Now, I'm not so sure and it seemed like I saw several with a middle school, but you didn't mention anything like that for your schooling.
So, what is your next step in life? Though, I probably shouldn't ask that question since you are probably being asked that lover and over and over and are tired of hearing it by now.
Ah, 18 years old is the drinking age... and your 20...? I guess my math was off because of the late hour of the night.. maybe?
What does "give me come sakura tree" mean? I'm not familiar with the saying. Though, I am very excited to go abroad and see the rest of the world.
So, what are you going to be doing now? You still have another year of school if I remember correctly, but when do you start that? And do you live in japan? or is it the Philippines? Or somewhere else? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, I'm just curious to know since you were telling me how the school system works and I was winding if that's true for just the country you live in or also other countries around you as well and so on.
OMG!!! OMG!!! I just realized that I completely forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I'm SOOOOOOO SORRYY!! I hope that you get this soon! I hope that it was a good one and that you had lots of fun! Well, I guess you would have been at the beach with your friends if I have my timeline straight... probably not?
So you should be 19 now? What is the drinking age there? It's 21 here, but I know that stuff changes from country to country.
Anyway, I'm really sorry for missing your birthday, I don't generally look at people's info very often. I hope your doing well and are able to get back on before too long!
You have had some really bitchy teachers, I have been pretty lucky and not really had teachers or librarians that have been mean like that. Well, except for that speech teacher.
So, on another note, it looks like I'm going to be going into the U.S. Navy soon. I decided that I'd give it a try and see more of the world on the governments' bill. We have a base in Japan and I will try to get stationed there. I have never been outside of the U.S. and I feel that this will be a great opportunity to see more of the world.
So, how are you doing now? I'm sorry for not responding earlier; are you still on vacation? I guess you probably aren't, but I figured I'd ask anyway.
Don't worry about it and I really enjoyed reading it too! Your pretty good at that, and I'm sorry that you had to deal with a pregnant teacher. When I was in HS, I had a teacher that was pregnant and she would be a complete and total bitch one day, and the next we were her favorite class. *sigh* I hated that class.
The way your school system is set up is completely different from ours in both HS and your college. Our overall grade is done on a 4.00 grade scale with 4.00 being the highest at an A and I guess you can get a 0.00, but I have never see one.
I'm glad that you were able to get through that without killing anybody, or maybe that's the other part of it...?
I guess, just tell me the rest when you get around to it, if you want to. Either way it was rather entertaining and put a smile on my face. I'm sorry for laughing at your misfortune... well, maybe not sorry.. Haha
You don't have to worry about trying to talk or type like that, I was just interested in seeing if you noticed something similar in the way I write.
I don't think that it is weird at all and I hope you don't feel self conscious about it now that I said something. I like that about you and I think that it is cool to talk to you.
I hope that it's not too difficult to recall the entire thing, though I'm excited to hear about it!
I'd love to know about your experience with the cooperating teachers. I mean if you want to sit and write about it that is, I'm not sure if it will take you a few minutes or several hours.
As far as "speaking" formally, I'll do my best to give examples. Most of it is just little things that aren't incorrect in the way you say them, but I guess they don't... flow like we would say the same thing here. I'm still not sure that is the right way to say that.
For example:
"But I don’t like my experience with my cooperating teachers; I had hardships in dealing them."
If I said this same exact sentence I would say:
"But I didn't like my experience with my cooperating teachers: they were hard to deal with"
Like I said, both are correct, but it's just a slightly different way of saying it that makes it sound formal or something.
Example 2
"Sorry, I am just curious; I usually converse with other people like this."
How I would say that:
"Sorry, I'm just curious; this is how I talk to people normally."
So, do you notice any difference in the way I "speak" than from the way you and other people from there speak? I really find this fascinating, I always wanted to ask about this but felt kind of awkward asking.
Wow, that's cool! You had your intern-ship at a high school? That's something I couldn't do. I don't really hate kids or anything, I just don't feel that I have the patience for them. I would probably be fired for hitting one of them. I'm not really violent, it's just that some things get to me and I end up smacking you before I think about it. At least I do that with my little brother.
I'll keep going for as long as it takes, I just need to quit finding other things that seem better than studying.
That's too bad about your parents not wanting you go on overnight stays. I can understand why they don't want to let you go on one hand, but you also must let your kids go and do things away from you from time to time as well. But, if they say no then it's best to do as they say. I they not to disobey my parents when they tell me not to do something because they give me a roof and 3 square meals a day. I really can't complain too much if my parents tell me not to do something. How did talking about you, turn into talking about me? Oh well, I guess it's just easier to relate that way.
I love to talk to you partly because of the way you "speak" english. I put quotes around speak because we are really typing. But, it's cool to see how you talk in comparison to how I do and other people I know from here. I suppose it sounds more.. formal? I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I guess it kind of reminds me of when they switch from japanese to english in an anime to translate to some american character in the anime. I'm not making fun of you in any way, I just wanted to tell you and I'd also like to know if I "speak" like one of the americans from an anime. Though, those normally sound pretty bad and the american always seem more pepped up than normal.
That's good, we need all of the teachers we can get. Do you know what you would like to teach? And what age group? As for the engineering, I'm not sure that it's what I'll end up doing because of all of the math. I'm only up to trig right now, and it's hella hard! I don't study enough for it and it does't come to me as easily as algebra does. Right now, I can't imagine how much harder taking calculous 1 - 3 will be like. I'm probably going to change to something else, but it's what I'm currently focused on.
I'm also glad that I can talk to you about random things; I have dyslexia and tend to take a conversation from one thing to something that seems completely different, but it is still linked to what I originally was talking about. I have a friend that is like me in that way and when we have a conversation... well, lets just say we can turn donuts philosophical. Hmm, that doesn't sound like the right way to say that, but.. yea.
Why didn't your parents allow you to go to the beach? I mean, my parents would have been like, you better stay all day and here is some money for food and well, they would have been glad to get me out of the house. I think it would have been better had you been able to go, because once you start working, it's a lot harder to get out and hang out with your friends. Even if at some point you would have wanted to be alone, you can suck it up and have fun with them. You can have your alone time when your at home. Well, that's just me anyway, but it's neither here nor there since you weren't even allowed to go in the first place.
Don't worry about saying random things to me, I like to talk about everything and if you want to talk about something that frustrates you or you just want to vent, it's all cool. I'll also try to get back to you sooner than a year and a half or so like I did last time. lol
I'm so glad that you came back on and saw that I had finally replied! I thought I had replied, but found that I had not. I currently have at least 2 years of school left, but mostly because I have several classes that I can't take at the same time because they build on one another or something. I'm currently looking to be a mechanical engineer or and engineer of some sort at least.
What are your majoring in? It seems like you were taking programming classes the last time we talked about school, but that doesn't mean that it's what your majoring in.
you don't have to worry about asking too many questions or anything, it just gives me more to write about. haha
Thank you for telling me where you got the picture from, though it doesn't look like an anime that I would watch.
All Comments (177) Comments
What I was saying with transferring to your country or out of it while in school still was I was wondering what the equivalent would be in case a child from my country were to transfer to yours for example. Like if you were to come to america or another country with a school system like ours, at the age of.. lets say 17 since at that point your are out of school or in college in your country. Now, if that kid were to come to America with their family, would they have to then enroll into a school because at that age, kids are still in high school here.
I imagine that it has a ton of paperwork to go along with it, but w/e, it's not something that either of us could answer. So, what is your review? Is it something that you have to complete like a research paper or something or is it something that was done while you were going to college still or in your intern? I guess the board exam is to see if you know enough to become a teacher and I guess this is still a bit early, but good luck!
So, besides watching loads of anime, what do you like to do for fun? Are there special sports there that you like to play? I'm not sure what I mean by special, since it would probably be hard for you to know what isn't played here so much, but yea. I like to go motorcycling, bicycling, hiking and I read a good bit as well. Though, I haven't done all that much bicycling this year and this it ones of the best times to do it because it will be way too hot soon, but oh well.
That seems to be a pretty good breakdown of how our school system works and I was under the impression that school for you stopped at 18 years old and then you would go to college. Now, i'm throughly confused as to how you would transfer from here to there or vis versa.
So, this means that you are now looking for a job and you are completely done with school! I am now 21 and foresee several years more of school before I would find a career. Well, now that I'm going into the Navy, that isn't quiet true anymore. They will train me to do whatever job I qualify for and want to do and will put me through any additional college that would require.
Is, this also the way they do the schooling in japan and other countries around there? Though, I don't expect you to actually know since that's not where you live. It's just that when I would watch an anime that had to do with school, I always figured it worked similar to the way it works here. Or at least the graduated at 18 or something. Now, I'm not so sure and it seemed like I saw several with a middle school, but you didn't mention anything like that for your schooling.
So, what is your next step in life? Though, I probably shouldn't ask that question since you are probably being asked that lover and over and over and are tired of hearing it by now.
What does "give me come sakura tree" mean? I'm not familiar with the saying. Though, I am very excited to go abroad and see the rest of the world.
So, what are you going to be doing now? You still have another year of school if I remember correctly, but when do you start that? And do you live in japan? or is it the Philippines? Or somewhere else? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to, I'm just curious to know since you were telling me how the school system works and I was winding if that's true for just the country you live in or also other countries around you as well and so on.
So you should be 19 now? What is the drinking age there? It's 21 here, but I know that stuff changes from country to country.
Anyway, I'm really sorry for missing your birthday, I don't generally look at people's info very often. I hope your doing well and are able to get back on before too long!
So, on another note, it looks like I'm going to be going into the U.S. Navy soon. I decided that I'd give it a try and see more of the world on the governments' bill. We have a base in Japan and I will try to get stationed there. I have never been outside of the U.S. and I feel that this will be a great opportunity to see more of the world.
So, how are you doing now? I'm sorry for not responding earlier; are you still on vacation? I guess you probably aren't, but I figured I'd ask anyway.
The way your school system is set up is completely different from ours in both HS and your college. Our overall grade is done on a 4.00 grade scale with 4.00 being the highest at an A and I guess you can get a 0.00, but I have never see one.
I'm glad that you were able to get through that without killing anybody, or maybe that's the other part of it...?
I guess, just tell me the rest when you get around to it, if you want to. Either way it was rather entertaining and put a smile on my face. I'm sorry for laughing at your misfortune... well, maybe not sorry.. Haha
I don't think that it is weird at all and I hope you don't feel self conscious about it now that I said something. I like that about you and I think that it is cool to talk to you.
I hope that it's not too difficult to recall the entire thing, though I'm excited to hear about it!
As far as "speaking" formally, I'll do my best to give examples. Most of it is just little things that aren't incorrect in the way you say them, but I guess they don't... flow like we would say the same thing here. I'm still not sure that is the right way to say that.
For example:
"But I don’t like my experience with my cooperating teachers; I had hardships in dealing them."
If I said this same exact sentence I would say:
"But I didn't like my experience with my cooperating teachers: they were hard to deal with"
Like I said, both are correct, but it's just a slightly different way of saying it that makes it sound formal or something.
Example 2
"Sorry, I am just curious; I usually converse with other people like this."
How I would say that:
"Sorry, I'm just curious; this is how I talk to people normally."
So, do you notice any difference in the way I "speak" than from the way you and other people from there speak? I really find this fascinating, I always wanted to ask about this but felt kind of awkward asking.
I'll keep going for as long as it takes, I just need to quit finding other things that seem better than studying.
That's too bad about your parents not wanting you go on overnight stays. I can understand why they don't want to let you go on one hand, but you also must let your kids go and do things away from you from time to time as well. But, if they say no then it's best to do as they say. I they not to disobey my parents when they tell me not to do something because they give me a roof and 3 square meals a day. I really can't complain too much if my parents tell me not to do something. How did talking about you, turn into talking about me? Oh well, I guess it's just easier to relate that way.
I love to talk to you partly because of the way you "speak" english. I put quotes around speak because we are really typing. But, it's cool to see how you talk in comparison to how I do and other people I know from here. I suppose it sounds more.. formal? I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I guess it kind of reminds me of when they switch from japanese to english in an anime to translate to some american character in the anime. I'm not making fun of you in any way, I just wanted to tell you and I'd also like to know if I "speak" like one of the americans from an anime. Though, those normally sound pretty bad and the american always seem more pepped up than normal.
I'm also glad that I can talk to you about random things; I have dyslexia and tend to take a conversation from one thing to something that seems completely different, but it is still linked to what I originally was talking about. I have a friend that is like me in that way and when we have a conversation... well, lets just say we can turn donuts philosophical. Hmm, that doesn't sound like the right way to say that, but.. yea.
Why didn't your parents allow you to go to the beach? I mean, my parents would have been like, you better stay all day and here is some money for food and well, they would have been glad to get me out of the house. I think it would have been better had you been able to go, because once you start working, it's a lot harder to get out and hang out with your friends. Even if at some point you would have wanted to be alone, you can suck it up and have fun with them. You can have your alone time when your at home. Well, that's just me anyway, but it's neither here nor there since you weren't even allowed to go in the first place.
Don't worry about saying random things to me, I like to talk about everything and if you want to talk about something that frustrates you or you just want to vent, it's all cool. I'll also try to get back to you sooner than a year and a half or so like I did last time. lol
What are your majoring in? It seems like you were taking programming classes the last time we talked about school, but that doesn't mean that it's what your majoring in.
you don't have to worry about asking too many questions or anything, it just gives me more to write about. haha
Thank you for telling me where you got the picture from, though it doesn't look like an anime that I would watch.