Welcome, fellow camper! Make yourself at home! ^^ Üdv, kedves táborozó! Érezd magad otthon! ^^
Hi all!
I made a blog entry about misconceptions I want to clarify, you can check it out here. (Thanks Shizuna for pointing out it was private)
So! A few things I want to share.
I'm a casual anime watcher and gamer. I usually watch 1 episode/day, so I'm a slow burner, although recently this number increased to 2 or 3. I don't stress about watching all the good shows in a season. My hobby is actually collecting anime titles on a neverending list, not watching them. :)
There aren't many low rated anime on my list. That's because I usually drop them if they are too bad. I just can't power through a series that's painful to watch, even if the ending might be satisfying. Also, some of the shows are rated in retrospect so their rating might not be perfectly accurate.
Talking about ratings. I rate based on overall enjoyment, not the individual parts, but certain little things can make me alter this, so it's rarely objective. Art and animation doesn't matter unless it's very good or very bad. Same goes for music.
For me, the ending is very important. A bad show with a good ending can get a higher rating that what it deserves. But the reverse is also true.
As for my gamer side, I prefer indie titles. My favorite genre is platformer, not just metroidvanias but hardcore platformers too. My favorites are Celeste, Spelunky and Cave Story. (The last one is completely free!) I'm also a huge Oxygen Not Included fan, which is a complex and goofy colony simulator.
Szóval! Egy pár dolog, amit meg akarok osztani.
Alkalmi animés és gémer vagyok. Általában 1 részt nézek meg naponta, szóval elég lassú vagyok, bár mostanában ez a szám inkább 2 vagy 3. Nem stresszelek rá, hogy minden jó sorozatot megnézzek egy szezonban. A hobbim sokkal inkább az animék gyűjtése egy végtelen hosszú listán, mint a megnézésük. :)
Nincs sok alacsonyra értékelt anime a listámon. Ez azért van, mert ami nagyon nem tetszik, azt abbahagyom. Egyszerűen nem tudok tovább nézni valamit ami folyamatos szenvedést okoz, mégha a vége jó is lenne. Emellett néhány animét utólag értékeltem, ezért nem biztos, hogy a kapott pontszámuk teljesen pontos.
Ha már értékelések. Az alapján értékelek, hogy összességében mennyire tetszett valami, de bizonyos apróságok tudnak ezen változtatni, szóval ritkán objektív a végeredmény. A rajz és animáció nem számít, kivéve, ha nagyon jó vagy nagyon rossz. Ugyanez igaz a zenére is.
Nekem a befejezés nagyon fontos. Egy rossz sorozat jó befejezéssel kaphat jobb pontszámot, mint amit érdemel. És fordítva is igaz ez.
Ami a gamer oldalamat illeti, inkább az indi játékok vonzanak. Kedvenceim a platformerek, nem csak a metroidvániák, hanem a hardcore platformerek is. Kedvenceim a Celeste, Spelunky és a Cave Story. (Az utolsó teljesen ingyenes!) Emellett hatalmas Oxygen Not Included rajongó vagyok, ami egy komplex és humoros kolónia szimulátor.
The secret room with 4 corners
Rebel corner
I like the classic Mega Man OSTs AND Mega Man 11’s OST
I like both the original AND the remastered Cave Story soundtrack
I like Attack on Titan
And I LOVE My Hero Academia
I use an AMD GPU
I value graphics quality more than FPS
I think there’s nothing wrong with 60Hz
And FullHD is also fine for me, even on 24”
I prefer games with smaller and more linear worlds
And 2D games in general
Instrumental tracks can be just as good as lyrics tracks
I use Firefox every day
I love Linux and I love Ubuntu (just to upset Linux fans too)
My precious gaming achievements I’m proud of. The list is not complete.
- All screens completed (except the Farewell golden exclusive)
- 58:31 sub-hour speedrun
- 10 golden strawberries (chapters completed deathless)
- Golden on the dreaded A3 chapter (look it up and you’ll understand)
- A Farewell speedrun of 1 hour and 6 minutes (single chapter)
- < 300 deaths on Farewell (best run only)
- A full run with invisible motion
- And A1 destroyed in many ways (speedrun, invisible golden run, 100% golden run, and I’m practicing for a blindfolded run on A1 too)
- 6:30 speedrun (minutes and seconds)
- All but 2 achievements (500k gold and no-gold)
- Multiple hellruns completed
- Give me 3 tries and I can win you the game at least once from start to finish
Cave Story:
- True ending obtained
- I can almost do the true final boss without the healing pot that refills your health once
- I got the normal ending with 3 max HP and the machine gun (freeware version, so it wasn’t “true” hard mode)
- I play the randomizer because I know the location of every item. I also use custom presets to make it more interesting
--- Updated: Jan 18 ---
I decided to make a music section for showing hidden gems. It'll mostly feature OSTs and instrumental tracks, and maybe vocaloids and metal.
Úgy döntöttem csinálok egy zene szekciót a rejtett gyöngyszemeknek. Főleg OST-ket és instrumentális számokat fogok ide rakni, és esetleg vokaloidokat és metált.
This is beautiful
Lyrics are secondary for me, but this song has good lyrics
Q: What was your first anime series?
A: The first series was Berserk (as I have seen almost all of the Ghibli movies) but it wasn't the anime that gave me the final push. It was Attack on Titan. I gave it a chance because I really liked its OP. xD (I still use this searching method occasionally.)
Q: What was your 100th completed anime?
A: Evangelion 1.0: You Are (Not) Alone
Q: What's your favorite genre?
A: Psychological thriller. Recently I became more open to other genres too, but it's still my ethalon when it comes to great shows.
Q: Seriously, you gave Death Note a 7?
A: Yes. The cat-and-mouse game was thrilling and exciting, but I can hardly find even one character that I honestly liked.
Q: You gave 86 a 7? It's anything but a 7!
A: I'm not saying it's average. It's just a mixed bag. While I really liked the cinematic aspect, it was extremely manipulating and preachy.
Q: Shinsekai Yori is not a 5!
A: That anime was just not for me. I couldn't accept its world view. Also, it didn't feel really coherent.
Q: You didn't like Slime??
A: Sorry, but not really. I found it dreadfully boring aside from a few episodes. However I did like those children at the end and the early episodes.
Q: Everybody likes [insert anime]. Why don't You?
A: When I give an anime a noticeably lower rating than most of the users? (A difference like 7 and 10 also counts.) It's usually because the anime has an aspect that bothers me. When it's soaked in it. When it's unavoidable. When it hinders my enjoyment.
Q: Why not Question corner?
A: It's tradition. It was always called Potential questions and I didn't want to change it.
Q: Why Potential questions?
A: Because nobody really asked them, so they are not frequently asked, but I feel like answering them.
Q: Can I still ask them?
A: Sure! If you're not satisfied with my answer or want to know more, feel free to ask.
Thank you for reading / listening!
Köszi, hogy elolvastad / meghallgattad!
binoculars expert.. was gonna ask ye about Black Lagoon is it worth it.. or bird watching would suffice instead?
It's not always easy to decide.. just like meals hehe
Oof, yeah, gaming on a Chromebook is rough. Itch is a vast open marketplace though, so there's always some gems to find! So long as you're willing to sift through the shovelware and pornography
Yeah, I did get it through that bundle lol, and I have tried out Mewnbase and attempted to play Celeste. I actually bought it because I thought it'd be fun to sift through all the weird items, like the Bird skateboarding game, or some random RPG Maker game called "Hexed". also iirc it had a few game assets in it, and I was really wanting those.
I also got the game on itch, years ago, and my hard drive failed. I never backed it up, so I had to restart. Good on you for having some foresight, at least 😅
lmao me and some friends drunkenly binged the show one night during a terrible-anime watchparty and co-wrote the review for it so yeah cop craft was not good lol
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You'll get there.. Crunch Crunch!!
It's not always easy to decide.. just like meals hehe