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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai
May 29, 2013 5:42 AM
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If you watch it be sure to let me know what you think. Cheers.
I look forward to reading your review of Shinsekai Yori when you get it out! If you could send me a link when you finish, it'd be greatly appreciated.
I can't say i'm too excited for much coming up either but there's always the never-ending backlog
( ´◔‿ゝ◔`). Let me know if you come across anything cool though.
*brofist ;3*
i mean, waddafawk anyway why does people like it so much, when people mention it I just can think of CLICHE ALL OVER. Im so tired of fucking cliche. (Sorry Im very excited right now) In all the scenes I was supposed to cry I just sat there with a super straight face because I felt no bond to any character, at first, yes I loved Suoh but then CLICHE APPEARS and eventually started feeling nothing even if he was being tortured with a knife in his left eye or something likely, you know what I mean mostly ugghh. I ended up enjoying Kusanagi's scene more because he is NORMAL, because he doesn't mean to call out so much attention, because he is a total extra, instead of those stupid cliche-made character. IS JUST, WOW, SO CLICHE. I finished watching it today and I saw everyone a few days ago emotional because of how it end it, but I finished watching it for merely kindness to the producers and company. I'm a nice gurl you know. But... anyway, wow, so long this shit I wrote hahaha. I just had to... communicate my feelings about 'this' someway.
I dont even know where anime's plot originality is going nowadays... I don't know.