Name's thetrickster but you can just call me t-chan, trick,trickster.
I like a varieties of things. Generally-speaking, I like almost everything, and I'll point it out if I don't. For instance, I don't go for shota-con and some incest anime/manga with some exception , rap & country music, & too much romance movies. :3
Oh, and if it isn't obvious yet, I read more than I watch. I'll watch anime if I real~~ly am interested or liked the manga-version. Typically, I don't go for long-running animes. :P
Read the following:
→ UNGRATEFUL people annoy THE HELL out of me.
→ WHINING makes you look like you're 5 years-old.
→ English grammars are NOT my friend. [ Even though I write. ._.; ]
→ BUT typin lyke dis 2 talk is STUPID. We're LEARNING English for a reason. Type like that to me, and YOU DIE.
→ MUSIC [esp. J-rock ] is LIFE.
→ EVERYONE has a LIFE outside of the Internet.
→ IGNORANCE is NOT bliss.
→ being RACIST & PREJUDICE are NOT welcomed if you wish to interact with me.
→ LIFE is what YOU make out of it, so DON'T go on and COMPLAIN/BLAME others about it.
→ DEAL with the fact that there ARE people who LIKE yaoi and/or yuri and are heterosexuals.
→ In fact, I happen to LIKE them.
→ DISCRMINATION on the sole basis of a person's sexual orientation is WRONG.
→ CHAIN LETTERS = COMPLETE UTTER LIES! So for bloody sake, STOP spamming!
→ MORE to be added once people go and do something idiotic. XD
After reading the above statements, and you're not offended in any shape or form, and find that we have common interests, BUDDY ME and let's talk. :]
Some artists/bands that I currently enjoy [ in no particular order ]. If I listed everyone--last I checked--I had over 64 artists/bands. xD
★ Duel Jewel
☆ D'espairsRay
★ Girugamesh
☆ heidi.
★ sadie
☆ Duel Jewel
★ the GazettE
☆ Super Junior
★ JJ Lin
☆ Yoko Kanno
☆ the TRAX
☆ -OZ-
☆ Se7en
★ Nightmare
Shows/Programs/Musicals [ not anime ]:
Shows: House MD, Mythbusters, CSI, CSI Miami, Law & Order: SUV, Human Weapons, Dirty Job, Fairly Oddparents, America's Best Dance Crew, Burn Notice Programs: Discovery Channel, TLC, History Channel, SPIKE, Comedy Central, CartoonNetwork, Travel Channel Musicals: Bleach Rock Musical: No Clouds in Blue Heaven, & cont.
Hey!!! (the amazing person who saved me from the darkness without ES21XD)
I'm fine thanks!!and i'm happy to see you well too!
Yeah,it was licensed in italy too T_T shit..a lot of stupid now read it..
What are you up to!!?? Watching any of the new anime besides Junjou Romantica? That anime is adroable I can't wait for the next episode woot!! I am also watching a really good one called Nabari no Ou it's adorable!
yep yep you must go watch it the 1st two episodes are out on CR...and it's so funny because the manga wasn't very Shounen ai and the anime has a lot of it in it lol it's adorable ahaha...and people are getting mad because they made the anime shounen ai lol haha well I say screw them kekeke....
All Comments (46) Comments
wanna hang out before our spring break? march 13 i think it is? :D
I'm fine thanks!!and i'm happy to see you well too!
Yeah,it was licensed in italy too T_T shit..a lot of stupid now read it..
u dunt kno me!!one!!
Not much of an anime watcher myself
Btw, cool guy from Eyeshield :) And i see you're friends with Da-chan =P Do you mind if we talk?