All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 104.6
Mean Score:
- Watching12
- Completed183
- On-Hold30
- Dropped97
- Plan to Watch59
- Total Entries381
- Rewatched195
- Episodes6,149
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 51.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries81
- Reread35
- Chapters2,253
- Volumes465
All Comments (12) Comments
From what anime is your profile picture :)?
Those NHK bastards!
What anime is in your default?
Haruka and Ayato became human and real to me regardless of the fact that RahXephon has captured one of my most precious dreams and turned it into an art form that I could see unfold before my eyes.
It was great to see another person finding something similar in RahXephon.
/realizes how weird it seems to relate myself so much to anime
//a shout out from another uptown Jersey resident