Hmm i see, thank you for translating it, and thanks but no, i won't use google translator if i can ask a person who knows about the language to translate, after all, google translate it wrong 40% of the times.
Thank you, i hope you find more time to watch anime and appear at the forums ^_^
Try to interact more at that café and i'm sure you will be able to make friends quickly, and don't get stuck solely on one club, try to meet other ones.
I wish you good luck, and once again, thanks for the translation!
PS: I'm sorry to hear in Cairo it's hard to find anime related things or people who like anime.
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Thank you, i hope you find more time to watch anime and appear at the forums ^_^
Try to interact more at that café and i'm sure you will be able to make friends quickly, and don't get stuck solely on one club, try to meet other ones.
I wish you good luck, and once again, thanks for the translation!
PS: I'm sorry to hear in Cairo it's hard to find anime related things or people who like anime.
" اللغه العربيه لغه جميله و يسعدنى جدا أنك معجبه بها لدرجة أنك كتبتى خيط عنها شكرا لكونك أحد أطيب و ألطف الناس على هذى المنتدى الحلو مونيا ☆ ~('▽^人)"