The Trashman's Profile
Bri'ish fat man who has been watching anime since 2012.
First one I saw was Haruhi Suzumiya, because I saw a Sonic cover of it and wanted to know where it came from -
Alot of stuff from 2013-2018 I don't have the best memory off and have been trying to rewatch a lot of the first shows to see if I liked them as much as I did when I was younger
If you message, I will try to answer but MAL is bad at notifying and I'm bad at messaging lol
Favourite 10 shows ever
All of these mean a lot to me;
Spice and Wolf - Nostalgic romance about taxes (i live in england so very relevant to me)
Ashita no Joe - It defined what passion means to me, to chase a dream even if it kills you
TTGL - fucking cool
One Piece - Best long running shounen IMO, I prefer pre-timeskip but it's overall good
Mob Psycho - Animation is insanely good, the lessons with personal growth really struck a chord with me
Demon Slayer - Consistently well animated/paced shounen, visual spectacle
Haurhi (movie specifically) - Mostly nostalgia for Haruhi in general but the story is legitimately interesting and keeps me on the edge of my seat each time
Ousama Ranking - Love the message about believing in yourself and animation pops off
Golden Kamuy - Very funny show with legitimately intriguing story and characters
Soul Eater - Stylistically one of the best shows I've ever seen. Anime original ending hurts it a lot but would easily beat One Piece otherwise imo
Favourite Anime OSTs
These OSTs are most of all, consistently good, where as in a lot of other anime they can be very boring with the only purpose to serve background noise aside from 1 peak song, I think with a lot of these you can listen to the full OST no issue.
Clicking on the pictures will give you examples of each OST.
A lot of the older OSTs during the 80s and 90s were ones that I believe had nicer sounding instruments or were more experimentive. They also can serve the purpose of setting the atmosphere but I really only care about what songs I like and think are cool.
Experimental OSTs are also just really cool and appreciated, like how TTGL can mix opera and rap, just awesome
Favourite Anime OPs and EDs
The CARDS are my favourite anime OPs, I am putting my favourite EDs in this textbox as I am limited by the "about me" layout.
1 - Naruto ED 1 - www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oyhpwyrq1N0&
2 - Trigun ED - www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO0H80_JiOI
3 - Ashita no Joe 2 ED 1 + 2 -
4 - Re:Zero 2 ED - www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXcEbr1ixEc
5 - Bleach ED 2, 4, 6, 14, 16 (they're all really good)
6 - Evangelion ED - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixi0sUpLVRc
7 - FLCL ED - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9COHyaFMU8
8 - TTGL ED 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYoV2zxPbuQ
9 - DB ED - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAsspV1qKcI (Can't find HQ one)
10 - JoJo Part 3 ED 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG7jKUHsLfY
Now here are my favourite OPs below.
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