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Days: 68.4
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- Total Entries688
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Days: 17.2
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- Volumes273
All Comments (37) Comments
Yeah, Norwegian has existed for a long long time (though it has changed through the years), but now a days some language scientist think that written norwegian will die out and be replaced with english even in Norway in about 50-150 years : (
Im just gonna try to find work first.. and grad school if i can't. lol
But all in all, It was worth using all that time to learn english, since it has brought me closer to the rest of the world, and it has given me the oppurtunity to get to know alot of people that I never could of communicated with, without english !
Yeah, I guess every language is different in some way. Also I feel your mothers pain, It's alot harder to translate something from your native language to english, than just reading and understanding english in itself ! Atleast with all these small languages, because often in Norwegian atleast, there is no translation to english for alot of words!
Well, Old norse language died out over 700 years ago, so there is no current Norse language : ) But Norwegian is one of the languages that came from Old norse ! And Norway was also the main country of vikings and old norwegian! But Norway has history that goes back to like 3000 BC, but still Norway as we know it today was founded in 1814. So well that is probably why it sounded like it had alot of history behind it, because it does : )
Well, in Norway the alphabet consists of 29 letters (instead of 26) and those extra letters are Æ æ Ø ø Å å, which are only used in Norway and Denmark and they are very much used, just like there is no norwegian words that has the letters W, X and Z in it, we just have them for english loan words like Pizza, Jazz and X-ray !
Hope this helps you understand more about Norwegian language !