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ChrisBlitz Jan 21, 2024 5:01 AM
Yo haven't talked in a long time,

I have alot of anime I want to watch but don't know whihc ones ot keep high priority. If you have time, I would appreciat if you look t my other ratings and see how my taste plays a factor. If not, just based on CW which ones stand out to you and how should I balance them in terms of LENGTH and GENRE. They are very mixed.

Diamond no Ace
Fairy Tail
Silver Spoon
Hitman Reborn
Blood Blockade Front
Madoka Magica
Apothecary Diaries
Run with the Wind
Future Diary
one Piece
Owari no Seraph
Food Wars
Soul Eater
World Trigger
Yu Yu Hakusho
Meusnier Jan 4, 2024 11:01 PM
Thank you! I have been well, quite busy with work last year, but things are moving in the right direction. How did 2023 treat you?
Meusnier Dec 31, 2023 10:24 PM
Happy New Year!
BirbSMB Sep 10, 2023 6:55 PM
Can you recommend me some good shows like Nana pls
Lucky_Z May 5, 2023 6:57 AM
Amazing taste
SophieSwitch Apr 22, 2023 3:33 AM
I LOVE your favourites! :3
ANT4 Mar 15, 2023 8:05 AM
Finally someone who agrees with me on Gurren lagann
ChrisBlitz Mar 10, 2023 8:18 PM
The watch order is a debate that has been raging on foreever so it was so hard to make a deicision how to start the series. I eventually started with unlimited blade works and its actually really enjoyable. Ufotable is amazing in terms of fights and the vibe it creates. Also the story is great as well as the chracters.

Alright, I'm not really into those genres like that but I may try it one day. I'm more into anything I find interesting and those genres haven't been in my list.

Yeah I really reccomend vinland saga, its just a masterepice. Espcially the second half of it is just peak fiction.
ChrisBlitz Mar 9, 2023 8:50 PM
Ooh Baccano is one I've been thinking about watching. Right now I'm starting the fate series so maybe after that I'll watch that one. Nah, I think anyone can appreciate good shows so I don't think being a girl would change that.

Yeha it gets much faster. That backstory was important because it introduced the entire narrtaive of the story so the pacing was a bit slow even though I still loved it. After that it gets faster and more fights happen.
Merve2Love Mar 9, 2023 4:34 PM

Read your Nana Review. The only things you're saying are pretty much:
1) It's soso
2) It's not finished
----> 6/10

That's not a Review, my dude^^
Tell us why...I mean...make some points...write something. What was that? xD
ChrisBlitz Mar 8, 2023 2:54 PM
Yeah both are amazing shows, hope you enjoy!

No problem, I also look forward to talking more about anime. I've actually been trying to find an anime to watch lately, do you have any reccomandations?
rasterman7 Mar 8, 2023 4:09 AM
Sure, anytime, though I'm not always online haha
rasterman7 Mar 7, 2023 4:26 PM
Hi, thanks for the friend request :D

If you want an anime recommendation from something I didn't see on your list I'd say Steins;Gate. It starts a bit slow but once it gets on, it doesn't stop. You might like it, I personally did quite a lot.
ChrisBlitz Mar 7, 2023 4:16 PM
Thanks for fr!

Yeah, glad to see someone else who thinks Tokyo Revengers lost its vibe

I'll reccomend a couple I think are very epic. Kurko no Basket is a great epic sports anime. Also vinland saga is beautiful in terms of epicness but also in themes and story. also code geass and jojo are great as well, first if you want that smart, manipulation hype and jojo if u want pure battle hype.
Stormy_77 Mar 5, 2023 5:59 PM
OMG you loved Dance Dance Danseur? Friend request automatically accepted! Coincidentally I also graduated law school a long time ago but chose not to practice.

Anime recommendations - guessing you like Idol shows and performing arts? Here are a few:-
Drama - Showa Genroku Rakugo, March Comes in Like a Lion, Chihayafuru
Sport / Performance - Cheer Boys features male cheerleaders, that anime packed a lot of heart into 12 episodes.

Idol Shows
1. Paripi Koumei (Ya Boy Kongming) - reverse isekai with catchy OP that went viral, great story, music, made me cry. My favorite anime of Spring 2022 (beat DDD narrowly).
2. Eternal Boys - more realistic, very enjoyable, older guys form boy band
3. Phantom of the Idol - this has the best take on "fans" I've seen in any idol anime ever. The nerd fans were more interesting than the idols IMO. I hope this gets a second season so I can see more nerd fan reactions. The animation and songs are average, I just liked this because fandom is rarely explored beyond "ooo he's so cool."
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