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Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi: Ayakashi Oyado ni Yomeiri shimasu.
Aug 20, 2021 6:59 PM
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Could you explain it really peeked my interest for some reason yikes
The narrative that we've been following since episode 1 implies that the owners of White Whistle are exceptionally talented delvers, the best of their kind and the heroes of many legends. Ozen is super strong, Lyza is brave and fearless, Bondrewd is a genius scientist, Riko is...
After 13 episodes and the movie I still have no clue what's so special about Riko. Even her obsession with the bottom of the Abyss can be interpreted as a side effect of the ressurection by a magic fleshy box rather than her own will.
- "When you put a little girl in such world, of course you can't expect her to do anything"
I expect that the said girl will eventually grow up, develop necessary skills and start to use her brains.
It is worth to mention the narrative of White Whistles being legendary heroes is intertwined with them also being deeply flawed people. Ozen is mentally unstable, Lyza is dangerously bloodthirsty, Bondrewd is Bondrewd. But Riko's character is lacking any shades of gray, she is sweet and innocent child that can't do anything morally compromised. Worse, the story panders to her aspiration of never doing anything that goes against her moral. Worst of all, she is praised for it as if her kindness and optimism is the result of an exceptional mental strength and not the product of her massive plot armor. The movie ends with Prushka's quote "You are very bright, Riko". What is it, but not the praise?
- "And they got to shine because we got a main character who is weak and didn't achieve much"
Riko got her White Whistle, she made it to the 6th layer, she killed one of the strongest characters in the series. All of this by doing bare minimum on her own. I don't feel any emotional satisfaction when such a good for nothing character is earning one great achievment after another because I don't feel that she deserved it.
- "Who care if Rico isn't that great in the end :) It didn't make the movie or the story any bad at all"
It does, Riko is essentially a female equivalent of a shallow otaku neet who gets isekai'd into a fantasy world and becomes more successful in a short period of time than any hard working local. Unfortunately, the world isn't yer cookie cutter isekai fantasy rpg, it's a masterfully crafted universe with a lot of unique and interesting aspects. While I don't understand how such a plot device like Mitty can be 10/10 and I don't like Regu too, I agree that the series has plenty of good side characters and the fantastic villain. But the sheer disparity in quality between the great side characters, the world building and the awful main cast never withers away.