Boo!Yeah I said last time that I was going to renew ACC and make it alive again.But now it's dead again for the second time. So sorry.
♦ Now's the chance to tell me if you're busy or not,then I won't tear my hair off if you turn in stuff on the deadline.
School's staring for my but I'm still going to try my best reviving ACC for the 3rd time August Card List
NOTE: All summer anime themes. You have to pick at least 5 and DO THEM ON TIME*
♦ I missed it ACC one year anniversary.I was planning on doing something on that day but instead I'm going to do it now.So I need ideas on a special event.Any volunteers?
♦ Any volunteers to help me with the club badges. I'll send you the psd and you'll help make some of the badges I still owe.
♦ Btw guys. We have deliverers in our club.ALOT. So if you ever need delivering cards or badges tell them.
♦ Sign up to make a layout in the staff room,first post.Choose your month and make a layout.The theme is any anime you like!So much freedom. Please help!
♦ Reply back so I know you're not stranded in an island with no wifi♦
Forum Monitors
Update the newsletter forum
I also made a Navigation thread, be sure to update everything in there: Current Card editions,Closed card editions, games,contests,closed contests
I also need a new layout maker! Please help me out.
Stay active~
any questions feel free to ask.
Hi there guys, it's been a while, but here's what's happening in TCC :
The owner (SouLovE) will be going on hiatus shortly until around April or March. Any questions can be asked in the club or on her profile.
March was kind of a break from cards and such, but we're coming back in April! We have 2011 Winter Anime as the theme, including :
Inu x Boku SS
Brave 10
And others
Want to join the Theme Cards Club staff? We're always looking for more card makers, also a game maker and watcher, and the position for a monthly banner maker is open as well.
All Comments (138) Comments
Anime Cards Club is now done with remodeling!
Okay, no I lied but we're like 99.9% finished
We have a brand new layout, staff members, badges,and much more!
It's like we're a brand new club, and do you know what to do in a brand new club?
✖Sign up for their newsletters (if you want to be updated).✖
✖Request for their new badges and member cards!✖
✖Leave some Card Suggestions✖
✖Not to mention that there are 2 new editions open! Open till Sunday or till post #50.✖
Rhythm Heaven SE & Fear LE
✖Play their games! haha but the games are still old so...✖
Count to 6000 - Rate Your Day - Eat or BURN - True or False? - Did you ever... - Do you like..
~Claims will be 2 weeks later~
Did I mention that we have a new staff? Well we still need more help! Sign up at the Staff Recruitment area!
just came by to wish everyone a happy halloween >:D
The min. is 5
Boo!Yeah I said last time that I was going to renew ACC and make it alive again.But now it's dead again for the second time. So sorry.
♦ Now's the chance to tell me if you're busy or not,then I won't tear my hair off if you turn in stuff on the deadline.
School's staring for my but I'm still going to try my best reviving ACC for the 3rd time
August Card List
NOTE: All summer anime themes. You have to pick at least 5 and DO THEM ON TIME*
♦ I missed it ACC one year anniversary.I was planning on doing something on that day but instead I'm going to do it now.So I need ideas on a special event.Any volunteers?
♦ Any volunteers to help me with the club badges. I'll send you the psd and you'll help make some of the badges I still owe.
♦ Btw guys. We have deliverers in our club.ALOT. So if you ever need delivering cards or badges tell them.
♦ Sign up to make a layout in the staff room,first post.Choose your month and make a layout.The theme is any anime you like!So much freedom. Please help!
♦ Reply back so I know you're not stranded in an island with no wifi♦
♦Other news in the staff room♦
*On time as in whenever before the deadline
longest staf letter ever omfg
-LE/SE/RE List for June Sign up! -
-New staff room-
You'll still make a card edition this month!
Forum Monitors
Update the newsletter forum
I also made a Navigation thread, be sure to update everything in there: Current Card editions,Closed card editions, games,contests,closed contests
I also need a new layout maker! Please help me out.
Stay active~
any questions feel free to ask.
I'm not so sure about that...
LOL Good!
I am fine, you?
I am good.
"U MAD BRO??????"
Hi there guys, it's been a while, but here's what's happening in TCC :
The owner (SouLovE) will be going on hiatus shortly until around April or March. Any questions can be asked in the club or on her profile.
March was kind of a break from cards and such, but we're coming back in April! We have 2011 Winter Anime as the theme, including :
Inu x Boku SS
Brave 10
And others
Want to join the Theme Cards Club staff? We're always looking for more card makers, also a game maker and watcher, and the position for a monthly banner maker is open as well.
Apply Here if interested.
P.S SouLove will be finishing all cards, banners, etc. before going on hiatus, so if you're really wondering where they were, wonder no more!
Bye guys, see you in TCC :)