ami vsushtnost ne znam i kakvo da obqsnq, pomnq imashe nqkakva anime grupa i nqkakuv drug tip, chiito nick beshe ot sorta na dean4o primerno, v kefche se pisheh sasukedeamon/hermitmode mislq i subirahme listenca i jultichki haha
interesno mi e razvitieto ti prez tezi da kajem 10 godini :D
About Animeshin:
As our motto already states, we fromAnimeshin
take it further than just obsessions..!
Where most other clubs and groups stop we
rush the borders to expand our reach by including an online gaming branch, our own website and forums and an open IRL community.
And thats only the tip of the iceberg of what
you may expect.
The possibilities are open and endless.
From casual watcher to die-hard otaku or baka..
..everyone is welcome to join the club.
All Comments (83) Comments
interesno mi e razvitieto ti prez tezi da kajem 10 godini :D
pedobears everywhere
What about you ? :D
About Animeshin:
As our motto already states, we fromAnimeshin
take it further than just obsessions..!
Where most other clubs and groups stop we
rush the borders to expand our reach by including an online gaming branch, our own website and forums and an open IRL community.
And thats only the tip of the iceberg of what
you may expect.
The possibilities are open and endless.
From casual watcher to die-hard otaku or baka..
..everyone is welcome to join the club.
(Click here to go to the club)
(The invitation is send to you together with this comment.)
~Jaruga (Baka Nation Admin)