Anime Stats
Days: 110.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries335
- Rewatched1
- Episodes6,549
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Manga Stats
Days: 21.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries66
- Reread0
- Chapters3,850
- Volumes231
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All Comments (9) Comments
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Please save & rehost.
They will be deleted after some time.
Let me know if there are any problems.
Thanks for request & have a nice day ^^
Hello dearies, I'm really sorry this delivery is so late but real life has got really
busy for me.
I promise I'll try to be more active and to all my friends who thought I died, I'm
sorry, we'll talk again I swear~ :'D
I hope you like these cards and I'm 100% sure there are mistakes so tell me if you find some~
_ _ _
Sorry they're late.
If anything's wrong with them, just PM or leave a comment on my profile. :D
Please don't forget to Save and Rehost ^_^
Free! ~Official Member Cards~
Your card is here~
Sry for the long wait ;__;
save and re-host pls~
(contact me if there are any problems)
Note* If you had number's in your name, it will not show up on the card due to it not being supported by the font. If you would like me to change the name or anything, just reply back and I will gladly make the change.
-Hope You Like Them-