Hello There, fellow anime/manga lovers..! I come in peace..!
My name is, erm...well...I like bunnies..! :D
I'm okay with any nickname you can come up with, as long as it's not insulting.
Anyways, unless I have the whole biology thing mixed up,..I pretty sure I'm a female... =3
I have a great imagination, so I'm interested in only the BEST of animes..! Feel free to PM/Comment me, about anything! I'm really random, soo,... I might freak you out a bit with my randomness,,.. O.o
If to be held at gunpoint and forced to say my top favorite animes/mangas,... I would most likely say...:
*Durarara!! (The Anime, Manga, and Novel are all interesting to me..!)
*Baka To Test Shoukanjuu -Second Season too-
*Shakugan No Shana (All Seasons...!)
*Nabari no Ou (Why does my favorite character always have to die..?!?!)
//\\//\\//\\--That's all I can think of writing at the moment--//\\//\\//\\
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January 2012 Edition
Just some news from the Hinata Shintani Fanclub~
As some of you may already know, we have reached 100 members!
Mhmm. So request the limited edition cards at our thread -here-.
That's not all...Positions on the club's staff are available. You should come - a p p l y -. *wink wink*
Anyway, we simply hope you'll stay an actively participate in our club.
..perhaps in the upcoming Holiday LE ;D
see you around,
It's really good, though in the first episodes, i would say it's boring but it's really nice :D
100% reccomended :D
but if u ever get bored in anime, i can tell you some good manga^_^
it's really worth reading, but i suggest that only u should read first the short ones :D