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Meitantei Conan
Meitantei Conan
6 hours ago
Watching 1156/? · Scored 5
One Piece
One Piece
6 hours ago
Watching 1122/? · Scored 9
Uchi Tama?! Uchi no Tama Shirimasen ka?
Uchi Tama?! Uchi no Tama Shirimasen ka?
6 hours ago
Completed 11/11 · Scored 7
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One Piece
One Piece
10 hours ago
Reading 1142/? · Scored 9

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Passionate-kun Aug 3, 2022 3:29 PM
I haven't watched anime in a very long time
ArtimesGamer Jun 21, 2021 1:12 PM
Well as you grow from adolesnece to an adult, there are thematic tones, specific provacotive storylines that you probably never really though of when you were a child. So likewise your outlook changes dramatically. Lion king for example is a classic Disney film but when your a kid your protrayal of the story is quite different, as a Lion growing up and enacting vengeage on scar who murdered Mufasa. But lion king has elements that are more deep to an adult that can appreciate it such as that its heavly inspired by shakespears Hamlet and the use of descrimination being a predominent theme in the story about two specific clans having different territory, even the idea's of evolution and life after death or recinarnation. There is alot of intersting things to recognize in that film.

With anime its kind of similar, there are certain deeper undertones you recognize or maybe even stuff you were not fully able to comrehend when you were a kid but now its like "wow that is really amazing". So yeah my scores to tend shift around a bit due to how I percieve things now incomparison to years and years ago.

DragonBall is also loosly based off of the Monkey King the chinese story of "journey west" obvously only loosly based but still the original Dragonball is the perflect blend of action story and classical adventure just like the Journey west where as Z kind of derails kind of far from that and more into a Battle shonen series. Even Akira toriyama admits him self that he ran Z into the ground and it started to deconstruct his original story idea so heavly but became so popular amonst shonen fans that he continued regardless. I prefer the old traditional classic adventure and the story was also deeply cohesive with a fair ammount of comedy, classic antics and even more romantic undertones like the relationship and development of chi chi and goku.
ArtimesGamer Jun 18, 2021 11:19 AM
Exactly, like i think I still have many varations of Dragon ball Z films and pretty much anything dragon ball related media rated as like 10/10's but in reality given my history of anime consumption now, that is probably not entirely accurate lol. Though the original Dragonball is still a 10/10 for me, no one can tell me other wise. That is Akira's Toriyama Magnum Opus.
Passionate-kun Jun 15, 2021 5:47 AM
Lol thank you! Looks like the the last time we spoke before this was in 2014!
ArtimesGamer Jun 14, 2021 8:56 PM
The series that I actually legimately dropped you can see there episode progression updated on the specific series, that is how you know its something I actually did not enjoy. It takes alot for me to drop a show though as I have a pretty high tolerence for some of the most primitive styles of story telling. But I have been a fan of anime for a long time so there is some stuff I probably dropped early on, then picked up later and found out I enjoyed it. After all being an adult, provides you an entirely different perspective and outlook on things that didn't associate with you when you were a child.
ArtimesGamer Jun 14, 2021 8:50 PM
Most of the stuff that is on my dropped list are series/ova's and films that potentually don't have fansubs available to watch or are considered Lost media. In some cases I do legitimatly add shows to my drop list that I do not like and ended up dropping them, but its a very small % of what is comprised of my Drop list.

My complete list is everything I have seen or watched and My "on hold" list is everything I have catalogued on Data Drives that I have not seen. I also have my entire "complete" list catalogued as well. I use MAL stats primarely as a way to keep track of my anime (what I owned, have downloaded, watched, etc) more so then using the way it was intended.
Passionate-kun Apr 10, 2021 2:49 PM
Thanks! Hello!
ArtimesGamer Dec 5, 2020 10:22 PM
Also love your name of one of my favorite series Fushugi Yugi.
ArtimesGamer Dec 5, 2020 10:21 PM
Eiichiro Oda the author of One piece has officially confirmed that One piece will end and it will be entering its final arc soon. How ever the translators at ohara forums were able to analize the kanji of the word "arc" in the official announcement and was able to identify the kanji word for japanese actually is used to represent "saga". So we will be entering the Final saga of the story.

The advertisement made the reference as the 10th volume of the One Piece Magazine will focus on a theme of rereading the manga to "prepare for the climax."

So with that being said, oda emphesis that its very immportant to "re-read" or if your anime only watcher, re-watch the story as many things will come to a head in the final saga and that its so easy to be spoiled in social media these days. The editor of one piece publication naito says its immportant to catch up well you can, other wise some of the deepest mysteries and secrets will be spoiled such as "what is the one piece".
katlee8225 Aug 4, 2014 11:01 PM

Passionate-kun Jul 31, 2014 12:27 PM
Reading books. watching TV series.
that's all what I'm doing in the last couple days xD
Passionate-kun Jul 31, 2014 12:10 AM
hey :D
what's up?
katlee8225 Oct 2, 2013 9:01 PM
Would you like to join my club?
ƸӜƷ ~*Cho Cho Empire*~ ƸӜ
Yakuzaa Sep 1, 2013 12:46 PM
Oh, sure I sent you a friend request! :)
I was checking your list, mmm try watching 07-Ghost I really, really liked it! (:
Yakuzaa Aug 31, 2013 1:58 PM
oh :\
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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