On a side note I saw our affinity is pretty high, wanted to ask you for some recommendations that meet these guidelines if you don't mind.
- Romance Focused
- Happy Ending (IE They get together by the end, could be yuri)
Heres my list https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Nexu?status=7
I've seen a fair bit of romance animes, so its hard to find new ones.
Greetings talkingbout, I saw that you watched a few Winter 2017 shows.
At the Anime Guild our main specialization is being a Seasonal Club. We are getting close on making that final turn this season.
We do choose the best Opening, Ending, Character and of course Anime of the Season with also a Discord Channel and a Power Ranking Group.
If that seems appealing to you, make sure you participate in our activities for the rest of Winter 2017 by joining our club.
I have already sent an invite as well as provide a link to our club ^.^ - http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=63899
All Comments (11) Comments
On a side note I saw our affinity is pretty high, wanted to ask you for some recommendations that meet these guidelines if you don't mind.
- Romance Focused
- Happy Ending (IE They get together by the end, could be yuri)
Heres my list https://myanimelist.net/animelist/Nexu?status=7
I've seen a fair bit of romance animes, so its hard to find new ones.
At the Anime Guild our main specialization is being a Seasonal Club. We are getting close on making that final turn this season.
We do choose the best Opening, Ending, Character and of course Anime of the Season with also a Discord Channel and a Power Ranking Group.
If that seems appealing to you, make sure you participate in our activities for the rest of Winter 2017 by joining our club.
I have already sent an invite as well as provide a link to our club ^.^ - http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=63899