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Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu: Spinout! Sore ga Bokura no Nichijou
Sep 10, 2012 7:44 PM
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Days: 35.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries319
- Reread80
- Chapters2,909
- Volumes583
All Comments (315) Comments
MINNA!!! GOMEN NE!!! YES WE ARE 200+ now and things are really becoming hectic at the admin side as we all are getting held up with our (personal) commitments, that's why this a really LATE newsletter update and it’s gonna be a quick one (so please excuse us!!!).
ADMINS REQUIRED!!! If you have time to pitch in to create newsletters/banners/layouts/member cards, pls. contact us/ send a PM. - Thanks, Vomic Team
It has finally happened guys! WE HIT 1000 MEMBERS!!!!! *throws streamers* I love all of you guys soooo much! Thank you for sticking with me all this time and making We Love Bishies the friendly, boy crazy club that it is. It would be nothing without you guys.
I have one more announcement. Starting next month I am not going to be sending out the newsletter to everyone. Only the people who sign up for it [+url=]HERE [+/url]will get one. With the club growing so much it’s becoming difficult to send it out. Thank you *bows*
Here are links to things you might like:
LE 1000 card
LE Bishie of the Month Cards
Vote for Next Month’s Bishie
Whip a Bishie
Sign up for Newsletter
FIRST AND FOREMOST ANNOUNCEMENT!!! Welcome Affiliates- Seiyuu/Anime/Chara. We at Vomic are proud to be associated with you guys and looking forward to more collaborative work with our fellow affiliates.
Guess The Seiyuu
Seiyuu Fanlisting
Your Favorite Chara/Seiyuu
Seiyuu Cards
Behind the Voice Actors
Seiyuu Magazine Scans & Pics Collection
Attention Members! Please subscribe to the club newsletter to remain updated about the latest happenings in the club and Seiyuu world. This is our second reminder to all the members who have not yet subscribed/submitted their names. The members who are not active on MAL for more than two months will not be receiving any Newsletter updates. Also let us know if you want the newsletter as a PM/Comment.
ADMINS/OFFICERS REQUIRED!!! If you have time to pitch in to create newsletters/banners/layouts/member cards, pls. contact us/ send a PM. - Thanks, Vomic Team
Hi hi minna-san! Sorry that we missed last month’s newsletter, I had a little hiatus pretty much all of June and spent July making up for it. Please forgive me! -bows-
Anyway, let’s get down to business! Here’re the goodies for this month:
Bishie of the Month Cards
Vote for Next Month’s Bishie
Whip a Bishie for August
We Love Bishies is always looking for perky members that wish to step forward and join our staff. Every month we need willing vict-- *ehem* volunteers to help pass out the newsletter. It is one of the most important jobs that we have in the group and is rewarded every month with special privileges. If you’re willing to take a stand for the bishies, please message Taichou on her page so she can mark you down!
Happy Nosebleeds
Yosha!!! We are becoming 150!!! And another announcement this month's LE Cards UP FOR GRABS!!! But claim them FAST (and of course you can choose your fave characters as well), but remember the LE cards only focus on the Seiyuu of the Month. This time the featuring Seiyuu is Kimura Ryohei san and he's also starring in our Featured Sports Anime of this month - Kuroko no Basuke (thanks to all members who participated).
Well, we are half way through with the summer season, but besides sports, what other things that make summer attractive, VACATION!!! So which anime grabbed your attention in this summer "VACA" let us know - YOUR FAVE SUMMER VACATION ANIME Hurry! Deadline is August 1st week.
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Seiyuu Fanlisting
Top chara of the mentioned Seiyuu
Claim a chara of a Seiyuu
Get a card of your fave or three most fave Seiyuus
Behind the Voice Actors
For Club & Forum updates subscribe to our newsletter: SUBSCRIBE
Attention Members! Please subscribe to the club newsletter to remain updated about the latest happenings in the club and Seiyuu world. The members who are not active on MAL for more than two months will not be receiving any Newsletter updates. Also let us know if you want the newsletter as a PM/Comment.
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ADMINS/OFFICERS REQUIRED!!! If you have time to pitch in to create newsletters/banners/layouts/member cards, pls. send us a PM (any of the admins) - Thanks, Vomic Team
Hello Vomicans!
A little late in club update aren't we ;). Not to worry...we can be excused as for our Summer Vaca mode or should I say celebration mode...coz Vomic is 100+ and also 2 yrs old in the Animelist. Just a few updates specifically for the "not so regular visitors" of the club :). We are celebrating this month honoring an awesome seiyuu Sakrai Takahiro, and for all the BL fans do not forget to check (if you haven't done so yet!) our Featured Anime of the Month. We also have also added another new monthly feature in our forums for Seiyuu Fanlisting (Thanks Littlestar for the topic!), and your contributions are awaited.
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Alright, our LE member claim card is OPEN for JUNE and this time around you have some sample cards to choose from (Thanks, Mayu chan:D). Of course, the main focus is Sakurai san coz he is our SOM, but we have two more Seiyuus as honorees. So choose wisely and choose to your heart's content (although there is a card & time limit!).ATTENTION MEMBERS!!! Those who have already claimed their member cards, please mention your Member ID that you claimed in your last post, when requesting for a new LE card.
☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞ ☜(˚▽˚)☞
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Seiyuu Fanlisting
Top chara of the mentioned Seiyuu
Claim a chara of a Seiyuu
Get a card of your fave or three most fave Seiyuus
Guess the Seiyuu mentioned above
For Club & Forum updates subscribe to our newsletter: SUBSCRIBE
☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞☜(˚▽˚)☞ ☜(˚▽˚)☞
ADMINS/OFFICERS REQUIRED!!! If you have time to pitch in for the creation of our newsletters/banners/layouts/member cards, pls. send us a PM (any of the admins) - Thanks, Vomic Team
Yo minna!
Summer is about to start although the spring anime is making quiet a rage this season and surely most of you must be in doldrums about which one to choose. If undecided, here is our recommendation -
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Last month we started the "Claim" for Member Cards. Konitan "fav chara contest" ended in a TIE (no surprises there as it is always difficult to choose the best character). Thanks to all those who participated and we are announcing this month’s special LE member card claim, because we are soon going to be a 100 MEMBER club :D. So go ahead, claim your member cards, but remember it’s on first come first serve bases.
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By the way, for those of you who missed out our contests on "Seiyuu Winners of 2011", have a glimpse on who officially won the 6th Annual Seiyuu Awards...
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Claim a Chara of a Seiyuu
For Club & Forum updates subscribe to our newsletter: SUBSCRIBE
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ADMINS REQUIRED!!! If you have time to pitch in for the creation of our newsletters/banners/member cards, pls. send us a PM (any of the admin) - Thanks, Vomic Team
Hi hi minna-san! WE HIT 800 MEMBERS!!!! WHOOT! 200 to go!!! Claim your LE +800 card, they’re almost all gone ;)
Alsooooo I still need people who are willing to help with the newsletter! If you are, please let me know on
Now here are links to the other stuff you can do:
LE Bishie of the Month Cards
Vote for June’s Bishie
Whip your Bishie for this Month
Birthday Wishes (If you’ve added your name before please don’t do it again ^.^)
Yo Vomicans!
This is gonna be a quick newsletter with some news updates & announcements. Polling results are out and the winners are as follows...
VOMIC BUZZ... - For Konitan & Gaming fans Armen Noir Portable is out~ Yay! A character special - Game has added extra scenes just for the characters!The character design and bounty hunter theme looks really cool? Check out the game OP on the Vomic homepage.
New Seiyuu to Claim (April 19 - May 19)- Kakihara Tetsuya TOP CHARA OF THE MENTIONED SEIYUU
Seiyuu claim for April- Claim a Chara of a Seiyuu
Share and get to know more abour your Seiyuu- GUESS THE SEIYUU MENTIONED ABOVE
Get your Club & Forum updates by subscribing to our newsletter:SUBSCRIBE
ADMINS REQUIRED!!!If you have time to pitch in for the creation of our newsletters/banners/member cards, pls. send us a PM(any of the admins)- Thanks, Vomic Team
Hi hi minna-san!!! Wow. So my favorite month just came and went seriously fast. Anyways, there’s nothing really new that I need to tell you. Just remember that we now have Facebook and Twitter pages (Twitter doesn’t allow linking so look for us with @WeLoveBishies)
LE Ren Cards
Vote for May’s Bishie
Whip a Bishie
Also, we still need people to help with the newsletter! If you want to volunteer let Taichou know!
~Happy Nosebleeds ^.^
Oh nice :)
I see your from Malaysia :)
What languages can you speak?
and You also like UVERworld :3