All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 156.1
Mean Score:
- Watching24
- Completed364
- On-Hold35
- Dropped18
- Plan to Watch55
- Total Entries496
- Rewatched49
- Episodes9,757
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 102.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries305
- Reread10
- Chapters13,935
- Volumes1,919
All Comments (55) Comments
i'm good! i'm just finishing up a 5-week break and going back to my clinical rotations next week lol. literally did nothing except for sleep, play games, and hang out with friends, so it was pretty good times. also thanks to a game i played a game called nier:automata, i starting reading about philosophy lmao.
haha but you aren't required by your program to read those right? i remember reading HoD and Mrs Dalloway for my English literature class in undergrad lol. you should be almost done your program by now, no?
who says you can't learn anything from reading manga? :p
i'm in my last year of pharmacy! i don't have any classes anymore and im basically bouncing from hospital to hospital. really excited for my next one cause it's in a trauma intensive care unit ahaha.
haha i don't actually read that much, only started recently xD
but you're a lit major right? you must a crazy amount :o
i actually went back and reread it today! hopefully you're finished by now so i don't spoil anything ahaha. he was definitely gifted with a remarkable ability with words, but i suppose the background in English language and literature helped a bit. part of me feels that if he hadn't gone back to neurosurgery after the diagnosis and pushed his body to the brink of collapse, he could have survived longer. but then he would have simply "survived", and not "lived". and perhaps it was the fact that he continued pursuing what gave his life meaning that ultimately allowed him to live longer. patients faced with terminal illnesses who simply let the illness take its course rather than try to pursue an endless slew of experimental and potentially harmful treatments actually end up living longer and better. so maybe the key to living longer is to not try to live longer, ahaha.
if you enjoyed reading this one though, i would highly recommend "Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande, another surgeon-writer. it's about death, but it's also about living.
tfw you cant just write a paper on whatever you want in uni RIP
lulno, i just had a laptop for classes sooo that was me
Naruto was honestly one of the best shows for its own demographic. I loved ninjas when I was a kid and how there's a consistent progression of self-improvement. But yeah fillers suck - I never ended up finishing Naruto in manga or in anime, I think I just got too lazy of finding when I stopped watching and never continued it lol
O wow, both of them are kinda classics tho. Perfect blue is an interesting pick tho... curious to read this paper.
Damn, going to school in the summer? I think I took a course once, was so bad I had to go to downtown Toronto for one course. zzzz. With that said tho I definitely should've done more in my summers. Even when I didn't go to school I volunteered and didn't do much else. My undergrad youth spent in front of computers and pleasantly nice elderly people.
Analyzed anime but written no reviews? RIP.
Wow, that interested in literature huh?
Ah, looks like you're watching Claymore. I saw that a few months ago and thought it was pretty decent. Kinda made me want to go read the manga afterwards, but I haven't got to it (started reading Berserk instead, have you watched that?). I'm sure you recognized Raki's annoying ass voice the moment you heard him LOL.
The website looks like a lot of commitment that I am not ready for.