hi sunny! hope you can still remember me. i just finished my term XD hopefully i'll be back this time. so excited to go home this december. haha
yeah now that i mention it, it seems like christmas is coming, cooler nights XD
lol yeah haha, i wonder how food taste actually there? i've been able to taste a lot of italian dishes here and they are all great, i just wonder if its the same there XD or maybe even better. yeah i'm sure you will love it XD if you are looking for countries with nice weather you should definitely visit indonesia or the philippines.
Oh lord! Stay with tiny cute Taiga! She doesn't put spaghetti on a hotdog bun! (Is that what that is?)
I doubt that would happen elsewhere either. I wish the whole world was like that. Friendliness about and "strangers" didn't make it more dangerous or socially unacceptable.
Clothes for $5? Lord, it feels like I couldn't buy a candy bar for $5.oo now-a-days.
I'll do it.
I grew up with the WWII games. I remember looking at CoD 3 on the brand new Xbox 360 and being absolutely stunned at the graphics as a kid. When it came out I traded my MechAssault 2 disk for CoD 3 to borrow and play (AND THE ASSHAT LOST MY GAME) but I played that so much I think it killed my first 360. I remember one scene in particular when the CoD games were notorious for the hand-to-hand cinematics. You had to press a button combination when someone attacked you with a knife and if you made it you won out and his knife misses getting lodged in the wall just left of your head and when you character looks at the blade the knife says "your end here" and I laughed and tossed him out the window.
I also remember thinking "I wish there was a game like Call of Duty but set in modern times," and that's when CoD Modern Warfare trailer came out, haha!
My brothers and I fought over the two systems (Nintendo 64 and PS1) so much my dad got angry and used the N64 to smash the Playstation. The N64 still works but the PS1 was garbaged. Like that following christmas they bought us Xboxes (THAT WAS 13 YEARS AGO WTF?) and we've been on Xbox ever since. But I think I'm going to get both next gen consoles here soon.
Well how old are the lot of you?
The oldest brother beats the youngest by 15 months. So the oldest is 22, followed by 21, 21, and 21 consecutively... I'm a triplet lol.
I'm also the youngest of the triplets and the youngest of the family (BY LIKE A MINUTE SO IT DOESN'T COUNT!) but when we grew up we always had rankings in leadership I guess. Tim, my oldest brother (the 22 year old) would always be leader, and I (the youngest) would always be second in command in whatever shenanigans we could come up with.
I don't mind answering (you just reminded me that I viewed some PMs a while back and forgot to answer!):
I grew up disgusted with myself. I mean even though we fought everyday I loved my family. But like with my work ethic? I had none. With my motivation to finish ANYTHING I ever started? None was there. Schoolwork? Neglected all homework. Relationships? Too scared to try anything new. Socializing? Anxiety.
I needed to change and I need to change in a hot minute. When I was little I saw two things on TV: Astronauts and Military personnel (I was... 8? when the attack on the WTC in NY happened and I remember watching it on TV.) Afterwards the US did a brilliant job making American and Allied soldiers look like heros. They were going to have to broadcast the war but they sure as hell didn't want a Vietnam repeat where soldiers would come home from all the atrocities they've seen and were spit on/had shit flung at them.
So American propaganda did, and still does, a real good job of making all who fight the religious extremist sects (like the Taliban, ISIS, Al Qaeda) look like heros, no matter the nation they are from... and that's what I grew up seeing. Well my Astronautics dream died with the retiring of the US Space Shuttle Fleet and the subsequent financial death of NASA's funding, but I always wanted to be a hero. I always wanted to be a hero with discipline, with work ethic, with pride, with honor; a genuine rugged tough guy.
But I lacked the motivation to go for it. That is until I got stuck in a dead beat job for so long that I just joined on the whim of "if I don't do it now I'll wonder what it's like and regret it forever" so I joined.
It is the most mentally tasking thing I've ever done.
Forget injury or physical fatigue, it is the most mentally tasking thing I've ever done.
And if it tells you anything: it is the most fun I never want to have again. I'm glad I signed up and I will NEVER regret it... but unless I had a wife and kid dependent on me for income before I got out I would never sign up again.
>School race
But you still finish it, just not running ^_^
Train with me in LoL! The game itself will bestow you with great stamina, or not... You'll decide =D
>French on a boat singing Johny Depp
Je ne vais pas mentir. J'ai utilisé Google Translate. Je ne comprends rien de ce que je dis en ce moment, afin de mieux vous garder avec moi. Je ne suis pas sûr de savoir comment "ours" se détache de vous, car il a plus d'un sens.
Not sure if you want to watch it. It's an adventurous movie. Well, just go watch!
Are you telling me you don't know how old your grandmother is? HUH?!
WTF! You call your mother an old fag? =D Just wait till she hears you, you'll get a good hiding xD
The way you put your words recently started to be very weird. I'm kind of sitting here with a dropped jaw and waiting for someone to fix me. Please don't stop impressing me xD
Sometimes I scold my mom for pampering them too much because they get too carried away and take everything for given.
>You not understanding what I typed :< Now I have to break it down to you so you can understand. Well, you said your nickname was often Souky, so I happened to use it and say that I typed with you before, but you were gone, and I was chatting with you cat. Ah, forget it! My head will burst any time soon! Don't know what I typed as well!
Bobcho ate a lot of bean soup when he was little. His name in our language means "Bean" in English.
xD Well, it's your fault for putting pussy names in the search bar!
Can't I play a bit, even just for a little? >.<
You seem to have big likings with Maldives. What's so special there that you want to go there? :O
>Waiting for the day you got something right hehe
This won't be long. I promise, I'll get something right. One day, one day, I swear!
>Do you have a problem with me cursing after what happened in our 1vs1? :'D
What do you mean? Hell no! It is a way to express your feelings and I don't take things like this seriously. I cursed you too, so I have to ask you the same question:
Do you have a problem with me calling you bitch in our 1vs1? =D
>Damn Rengar's voice... sounds like the monster under my bed. I mean........
After last day's games, I feel a bit uneasy when you don't finish your sentence and leave it out open like that.
I would, but I didn't know that you liked Katarina that much. Have you seen a Twist of Fate? I mean, it's where Katarina has that "cute" look on her face as well. She is almost always in the cinmetics if not always. This aside, I think Ahri has that not-the-one-I-wanted-to-see-face. She just seems totally off visually from the her model ingame, even in the splash art.
>Plushie and the cat
Plushie is actually quite big, half a meter I think or even more. That's the Bobcho, yup.
>The Walking Dead
I actually wanted to let that kid die when the zombies attacked near the fence where they worked on a tracteur to fortify the walls. But instead of that, the bigger guy died and that other fucker, father of the kid, didn't help me. What a douche! I'm going to kill him whenever I get the chance.
>Are you talking about the very first scene where zombies attack you and the cop?
Yup, that one. It was really scary and I'm startled really easily /got a rabbit's heart/ I just retried it once because I couldn't see the gun at the first try. Well, it isn't that bad of a game I'd say, but I definitely won't play in the dark especially since my mother tends to scare me to death when it's all dark and creepy.
>Favourite song
Well, you can link me other ones you like too, I'll listen to them d(^_^)b
Ah, I know this song, but I think the fast remix is way better. However, I'm more into the fast pace.
Hehe, then if I ever see you and if I wish something, will it come to true? ^_^
Here's one another song I like, maybe not your type, but I just really love the name Diana and the lyrics as well.
>Yeah, I'd prefer, but we need to close those topics first haha OTL
I know, but I just can't stop myself from typing xD OTL OTL (I borrow it just for today since I used no GIFs)
I know, I know! And that's what make it fun, though it takes a bit of time to type =D
>School race
I'll hold you onto tightly! Don't worry! Anyway, did you even manage to finish? XD
>Music on the boat
What? You haven't watched Johnny Depp's most valuable movie? Oh now we're talking about some death sentence here xD You must watch, alrght? Else I'll come and tell you, "Tu ferais mieux de le regarder car il va y avoir une certaine gifles!" /this was the best Google Translate could offer I apologize in advance =D/
Uhm, you can send me them over through Skype, but only if you want to.
>Cat and grandmother
Wait a minute, how old is your grandmother? Are you taking in mind your cat as if in cat years, which would mean your cat is an 84 old lady now =D
Isn't it mandatory for an owner to pamper his cats? I mean, I do it too and it probably looks creepy as fuck from other's perspective, but I just deal with it!
You don't want to talk to your cat, really? That's so sad. What if it wants something from you?
I want my cat to start talking because my bigger one meows all the time and I don't understand him. It's as if there is something that hurts him, but you can't speak Feline, so you don't understand :/
>Souky (which had been my username for years...)
Does this mean that one time you were out and I was typing with Souky was with your cat? O.O
My cats' names are Lea (The smaller one I've sent you) and Bobcho. Does your cats' names have any meaning behind them, or you just liked the sound of it?
>it's weird we still don't know each other's names
Yes, even though the wedding ceremony is under way already... Wai.. wat?
/On a serious note, I'd rather prefer if the person is not comfortable with telling me his name, to wait for them to decide the time they would like to./
These are pretty expensive. I don't know how you felt when you had to de-part with it D: Just report him in League consistently if you ever play together xD
It's not that much. I've play World of Warcraft for much more. Never mind this.
Every time I try to guess something that you like, it's always, but absolutely always wrong -.-
You said "fuck", want to be fined 1,000 rupees, huh? xD
Rengar can take your guts out and make them as an accessory of his, if we're basing it on his lore. He also has that bad-ass voice. Not sure if you've heard it. There, hear this:
Look at this one too, it's the newest cinematic of the game, and it's done really awesome. I send this to you specifically because of Rango (Rengar)
LOL, your laptop lives up to his name xD I think it's alive just so you can break bricks with it!
I know, I know now! You did well in the games we've played. I think I'm going to level up that new account I've made because it's probably very uncomfortable for you to have to keep up with the strategies of the higher level players. Example for that will be our last match yesterday. So, I'm going to do go level up that account now.
Huh, I actually went to the neighbours and took a code for your brother, I'll PM it to you right away!
>Gamble tazo and money
It really was. I gave them to my Mom, and she bough a bunny stuffed animal. I'll use this chance to give you a picture of my other cat as well, have I got your permission? ^_^
You really shouldn't go on and gamble money. It's bad and addicting just like drugs and LoL.
>I didn't really laugh at the last video but yeah, why not haha.
No way, that's Tyronne D:
>The Walking Dead
I've tried this one just as you told me, and I'm on the first episode at the city after we got out in the farm. It looks very fun and it seems like characters there have an actual personality since there's something like a popup window that says "-Certain person- will remember that" Though it scared the shit out of me the first time I played it and the cop tried to bust my ass XD
Time for a different question mhmhmhm :D
What is your favourite song? This one's mine, please don't tell me it's gay x_x
If you want we can move over to Skype since it's easier to chat? Though no GIF space for me OTL xD
Do stuff, you lazy girl. Wait, how come you get tired only from climbing the stairs, don't you have to go to school?
Video is gross, but I tried to use it as a jest, though it didn't seem to work out that way =D Sorry for the inconvenience I've caused you, forgive me? *>.<*
Haha =D I imagine people in the Chinese restaurant all hungry and waiting to take a bite of you. Fear my editing skills xD
Noooooooooooo,, you probably listened to the Pirates of the Caribbean's soundtrack whilst travelling with that boat, right? Right? ^_^ Nooooooooo(again!) you also had a ride with a quad, I've always wanted to have one and drive it like a freaking lunatic
Hey, are you for real? Is your cat actually 12 years old? Oh my god, she looks in her youth. I hope she lives up to 70 =D Wouldn't it be awesome if in so many years your cat actually manages to start talking in human language. Like, "Where's my cat food, boy?" Or, "I told you not to put the white laundry with the washing powder for colour!" =D The smaller one is four and a half years old, she's quite the pocket cat though. The other one, the elder one, is 9 years old. I don't think I've asked, but what are their names? And yours as well if you will to tell me. And please stop! Why would you be sorry for talking about your life? If anything, I'm interested in talking with people about their lives.
Okay, so I've got one picture, but it's kind of old and I can't seem to be able to find the ring-scarf thing with the bells, though I've got only the smaller cat there. She likes to climb up on the furniture and especially sitting high, e.g. on the fridge or the wardrobe.
Sorry, it's pixelated because the phone's camera isn't that good, hopefully you'll be able to see something.
>That gif with the chair tho!
I stumbled across it, so I thought I'd use it accordingly. I always have a plan. *sensual smile and shaking*
Ah... So you were still a little baby when you played? =D Chotto matte kudasai, do you actually have a Wii console? If so, there are new Crash Bandicoot games there, they have better graphics and stuff. PLAY IT PLAY IT! PLAY IT FOR ME AS WELL!
Darn, I went too much off-topic xD I seriously think this game is awesome. With all those features it has to upgrade your ship and return into your planet using those eggplants or whatever they are, is probably really appealing to the kids, me included. So, thanks about the explanation, Ms.
It's really not that special or whatever people say. I just estimate some of the things since I've played this game for quite a while on a casual level. Keep in mind I've got 3 years of experience even though I don't play to be high on the ranked chart or anything of that sort. You might want to tell him if he wants to raise his rank, now is the time because a lot of people are actually trying to win rather than trolling their games. That is mostly because of the end season awards.
So, you got interested in Gnar? He's cute and all, but he has that monstrous form that eats your bowels =D Though, if you want to play him, you either have to collect points, or wait until he is on the free week routine again since the last day he was free was yesterday. I think your brother might have explained to you, but the champion rotation consists of 10 characters that are FREE to play for a week. Gnar is relatively new, a three weeks old baby. They usually put the new one on the week after the release of the champion. If you like felines, there are Rengar - He's an assassin-like cat that hides in bushes and hunts his prey down to take part of their bodies as a trophies. *Note* This is just unique for Rengar. Then there's Nidalee - you could call her an Amazon that can turn into a cat, which also hunts down it's prey, pouncing left and right with great mobility. Or you could just tell me what preferences do you have for a hero, and I could pick someone for you to check out, alright?
Here's Rengar:
Here's Nidalee:
Uhm, what is your PC? You just need to have a video card that can render 3d. The game will receive an optimized map that will increase performance to lower-end machines very soon™ I promise.
I'm not sure, maybe there is a lunatic out there that likes to play games to lose, who knows now? Things change after all. xD *spoken like a truly the greatest philosopher*
I have no idea how to fix it, sorry. I just uploaded it and though, "Hey, I'd share this with Sunny-J, she might as well have some use out of it" Well, it's just an annoying pinging anyways. I've done another one... lol =D
I know, right? When you had those tazos instead of PC games that get you frustrated over and over again, you never actually had to worry that you won't have fun until they've robbed you out of tazos =D Uhm, I think I've made about 43 to 45 dollars, but that's when I was in my apogee of a tazo master and it lasted for a week and not any longer. The kids I used to play with took out all their allowance and gave it to me, it was worse than a gamble because I always won =D Actually, have you played for money like that?
Okay, I'll be sure to check out this one. Can't wait to play it =D
Watch where he goes on Omegle and shows them his tootsie roll =D
This one guy is not that funny but still hilarious nonetheless xD
So? Tall, short, overweight, underweight, male, female, dog, tri-gendered bisexual oak tree twice removed from the maple leaf family that identifies itself with a yellow spotted lizard... doesn't matter. You are Taiga.
As to your Spain comment: No.
In english: No.
(I'm overtired a bit .-.)
That's pretty cool. What made you pick up and actually do it? South Korea would be a cool place to visit I can imagine.
Me? My life isn't that interesting. I've never been on vacation 'cause I could never afford it.
Ah well. That means every place is a new place.
Everywhere I go will be a new adventure.
Hah. I played CoD until about MW3 came out and haven't yet played that one. I remember thinking "they make all these WWII games I wish the made a modernized warefare game" and like a year later the first Modern Warfare came out.
Reason I never played MW3 or any games past MW2 was because of Battlefield 3... to be honest. I'd go back to CoD with friends but all my friends picked up BF3 so I'd have nobody to play it with.
Well... then all my friends and I started moving out of our houses and we can never play together.
It's been a long time since I played with anyone but my 3 brothers... and it's been months since I played with them.
Xbox or Playstation (I don't know what platform those game are on)?
Typo? What typ-oooooh. Okay. Yeah.
You can ask wherever you'd like (but PM's would mean a more thorough answer probably).
I'm okay as well and I'm getting healthier. I'm on the start line of working out, but there's still time =D I need dat sexy bodi xD
I first want to apologize for the following clip. Sorry if you get grossed over stuff at this;
A...Are...Are you implying you are now a fried shrimp and I can eat you? xD
Jokes aside, what fun things were there? I'm curious. (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
Got it! The ginger s a male, yours is a female xD Mine are female and male as well.
I'm really glad everything turned out to be great except for the fact that the other kittens died :/ That sad theme aside, how old are your cats now? (=^ェ^=)
No, how much do they cost there? Here, they are about 3 to 5 Euros, but the ones we have are for small dogs =D
Anyways, I'll give you one once I get a new phone [I broke my old one (◞‸◟;) ] It could be either tomorrow or the next two weeks. I'll send you one for sure, so it's a promise, alright? xD
You have to, but it was a bit frustrating when I played. Once you die, you start all over again, but I guess that's where the thrill comes in xD What are these new PS3 jailbreak and what difference do they have compared to the normal ones Okay, I'm stupid. You want to crack the card so you can play games from a pirate discs, right? =D
I can easily use this console, envelope it in wool and use it as a pouf. My job's done here! xD
I'm really sorry I'm using you as my personal Wikipedia on how those games work, it just feels better to read it from someone who experienced the game first hand and is not an actual game advertiser like the people that are doing reviews and recommendations in bigger gaming sites. (✿◕‿◕✿)
I've watched the video and now I'm kind of feeling astonished what this game is about.
Do you have any upgrades on the small guys, like, for example, an attack damage amplifier structure that you attach to the ship and it makes them more strong as you go to fight monsters, or are they, just as you said, just different Pikmins that you get?
I had an immediate comeback for this reply, but I do not think it's worth it right now xD
Well, I'll always take you under my wing if you ever try to check up on it. As I said, the community is really toxic, though there's a mute button for this. Keep in mind there's another factor as well - Nobody, but absolutely nobody wants to lose except if he's some kind of masochist. So usually people start pinging over your head like crazy like it's your fault they died. I'm in the higher ranked chart, so it happens less, but it still does. Okay, let me give you a brief light to annoying pings.
Okay, I had no other work, so I made a shitty video about it. It's for the most annoying ping ;_; There you go:
My name is, just as in the video, Barack Òbama. Tell him I play on the Europe West. ^_^
Yeah, there were those stores that are from 1 dollar up to 100 that I'm not sure if you have there, but that's where they were usually at. So we're soulmates in terms of crying to our mothers for YU-GI-OH! cards xD There were tazos as well, does that ring a bell to you?
I think they were even more famous than the cards because you could play more practically. I remember making money out of them because I was just too good and I beat everyone. Then they get upset and start to gamble like they're in casino. I give them 10 tazos for 1 dollar and then take them back because they want to take a revenge on me or something D:
I'm okay with it. It's as if it gives a bit of space and time to reconsider what I type anyway =D
Now, I have a request. Please recommend me a PC game that will blow up my mind.
Today I'm on a video hype, so here's something you might like =D
Stop apologizing for replying late I'm going to hit you.
Aight, I laughed because in my head that's who you are now. Palmtop Tiger. Better get use to it, no offense but I have no reason to believe otherwise.
So adorable.
Yeah, I took Spanish but all my Spanish knowledge can be summed up as such:
In English: No
En Español: No
Well... if Canada was underwater I could go swimming I guess.
What's the favorite place ever you have visited? Just curious.
All Comments (74) Comments
Just have to say, saw your bio and :(
Good luck with whatever you're doing.
Just have to say, saw your bio and :(
Good luck with whatever you're doing.
yeah now that i mention it, it seems like christmas is coming, cooler nights XD
lol yeah haha, i wonder how food taste actually there? i've been able to taste a lot of italian dishes here and they are all great, i just wonder if its the same there XD or maybe even better. yeah i'm sure you will love it XD if you are looking for countries with nice weather you should definitely visit indonesia or the philippines.
I doubt that would happen elsewhere either. I wish the whole world was like that. Friendliness about and "strangers" didn't make it more dangerous or socially unacceptable.
Clothes for $5? Lord, it feels like I couldn't buy a candy bar for $5.oo now-a-days.
I'll do it.
I grew up with the WWII games. I remember looking at CoD 3 on the brand new Xbox 360 and being absolutely stunned at the graphics as a kid. When it came out I traded my MechAssault 2 disk for CoD 3 to borrow and play (AND THE ASSHAT LOST MY GAME) but I played that so much I think it killed my first 360. I remember one scene in particular when the CoD games were notorious for the hand-to-hand cinematics. You had to press a button combination when someone attacked you with a knife and if you made it you won out and his knife misses getting lodged in the wall just left of your head and when you character looks at the blade the knife says "your end here" and I laughed and tossed him out the window.
I also remember thinking "I wish there was a game like Call of Duty but set in modern times," and that's when CoD Modern Warfare trailer came out, haha!
My brothers and I fought over the two systems (Nintendo 64 and PS1) so much my dad got angry and used the N64 to smash the Playstation. The N64 still works but the PS1 was garbaged. Like that following christmas they bought us Xboxes (THAT WAS 13 YEARS AGO WTF?) and we've been on Xbox ever since. But I think I'm going to get both next gen consoles here soon.
Well how old are the lot of you?
The oldest brother beats the youngest by 15 months. So the oldest is 22, followed by 21, 21, and 21 consecutively... I'm a triplet lol.
I'm also the youngest of the triplets and the youngest of the family (BY LIKE A MINUTE SO IT DOESN'T COUNT!) but when we grew up we always had rankings in leadership I guess. Tim, my oldest brother (the 22 year old) would always be leader, and I (the youngest) would always be second in command in whatever shenanigans we could come up with.
I don't mind answering (you just reminded me that I viewed some PMs a while back and forgot to answer!):
I grew up disgusted with myself. I mean even though we fought everyday I loved my family. But like with my work ethic? I had none. With my motivation to finish ANYTHING I ever started? None was there. Schoolwork? Neglected all homework. Relationships? Too scared to try anything new. Socializing? Anxiety.
I needed to change and I need to change in a hot minute. When I was little I saw two things on TV: Astronauts and Military personnel (I was... 8? when the attack on the WTC in NY happened and I remember watching it on TV.) Afterwards the US did a brilliant job making American and Allied soldiers look like heros. They were going to have to broadcast the war but they sure as hell didn't want a Vietnam repeat where soldiers would come home from all the atrocities they've seen and were spit on/had shit flung at them.
So American propaganda did, and still does, a real good job of making all who fight the religious extremist sects (like the Taliban, ISIS, Al Qaeda) look like heros, no matter the nation they are from... and that's what I grew up seeing. Well my Astronautics dream died with the retiring of the US Space Shuttle Fleet and the subsequent financial death of NASA's funding, but I always wanted to be a hero. I always wanted to be a hero with discipline, with work ethic, with pride, with honor; a genuine rugged tough guy.
But I lacked the motivation to go for it. That is until I got stuck in a dead beat job for so long that I just joined on the whim of "if I don't do it now I'll wonder what it's like and regret it forever" so I joined.
It is the most mentally tasking thing I've ever done.
Forget injury or physical fatigue, it is the most mentally tasking thing I've ever done.
And if it tells you anything: it is the most fun I never want to have again. I'm glad I signed up and I will NEVER regret it... but unless I had a wife and kid dependent on me for income before I got out I would never sign up again.
But you still finish it, just not running ^_^
Train with me in LoL! The game itself will bestow you with great stamina, or not... You'll decide =D
>French on a boat singing Johny Depp
Je ne vais pas mentir. J'ai utilisé Google Translate. Je ne comprends rien de ce que je dis en ce moment, afin de mieux vous garder avec moi. Je ne suis pas sûr de savoir comment "ours" se détache de vous, car il a plus d'un sens.
Not sure if you want to watch it. It's an adventurous movie. Well, just go watch!
Are you telling me you don't know how old your grandmother is? HUH?!
WTF! You call your mother an old fag? =D Just wait till she hears you, you'll get a good hiding xD
The way you put your words recently started to be very weird. I'm kind of sitting here with a dropped jaw and waiting for someone to fix me. Please don't stop impressing me xD
Sometimes I scold my mom for pampering them too much because they get too carried away and take everything for given.
>You not understanding what I typed :<
Now I have to break it down to you so you can understand. Well, you said your nickname was often Souky, so I happened to use it and say that I typed with you before, but you were gone, and I was chatting with you cat. Ah, forget it! My head will burst any time soon! Don't know what I typed as well!
Bobcho ate a lot of bean soup when he was little. His name in our language means "Bean" in English.
xD Well, it's your fault for putting pussy names in the search bar!
Can't I play a bit, even just for a little? >.<
You seem to have big likings with Maldives. What's so special there that you want to go there? :O
>Waiting for the day you got something right hehe
This won't be long. I promise, I'll get something right. One day, one day, I swear!
>Do you have a problem with me cursing after what happened in our 1vs1? :'D
What do you mean? Hell no! It is a way to express your feelings and I don't take things like this seriously. I cursed you too, so I have to ask you the same question:
Do you have a problem with me calling you bitch in our 1vs1? =D
>Damn Rengar's voice... sounds like the monster under my bed. I mean........
After last day's games, I feel a bit uneasy when you don't finish your sentence and leave it out open like that.
I would, but I didn't know that you liked Katarina that much. Have you seen a Twist of Fate? I mean, it's where Katarina has that "cute" look on her face as well. She is almost always in the cinmetics if not always. This aside, I think Ahri has that not-the-one-I-wanted-to-see-face. She just seems totally off visually from the her model ingame, even in the splash art.
>Plushie and the cat
Plushie is actually quite big, half a meter I think or even more. That's the Bobcho, yup.
>The Walking Dead
I actually wanted to let that kid die when the zombies attacked near the fence where they worked on a tracteur to fortify the walls. But instead of that, the bigger guy died and that other fucker, father of the kid, didn't help me. What a douche! I'm going to kill him whenever I get the chance.
>Are you talking about the very first scene where zombies attack you and the cop?
Yup, that one. It was really scary and I'm startled really easily /got a rabbit's heart/ I just retried it once because I couldn't see the gun at the first try. Well, it isn't that bad of a game I'd say, but I definitely won't play in the dark especially since my mother tends to scare me to death when it's all dark and creepy.
>Favourite song
Well, you can link me other ones you like too, I'll listen to them d(^_^)b
Ah, I know this song, but I think the fast remix is way better. However, I'm more into the fast pace.
Hehe, then if I ever see you and if I wish something, will it come to true? ^_^
Here's one another song I like, maybe not your type, but I just really love the name Diana and the lyrics as well.
>Yeah, I'd prefer, but we need to close those topics first haha OTL
I know, but I just can't stop myself from typing xD OTL OTL (I borrow it just for today since I used no GIFs)
[spoiler]Ops, surprise!
>School race
I'll hold you onto tightly! Don't worry! Anyway, did you even manage to finish? XD
>Music on the boat
What? You haven't watched Johnny Depp's most valuable movie? Oh now we're talking about some death sentence here xD You must watch, alrght? Else I'll come and tell you, "Tu ferais mieux de le regarder car il va y avoir une certaine gifles!" /this was the best Google Translate could offer I apologize in advance =D/
Uhm, you can send me them over through Skype, but only if you want to.
>Cat and grandmother
Wait a minute, how old is your grandmother? Are you taking in mind your cat as if in cat years, which would mean your cat is an 84 old lady now =D
Isn't it mandatory for an owner to pamper his cats? I mean, I do it too and it probably looks creepy as fuck from other's perspective, but I just deal with it!
You don't want to talk to your cat, really? That's so sad. What if it wants something from you?
I want my cat to start talking because my bigger one meows all the time and I don't understand him. It's as if there is something that hurts him, but you can't speak Feline, so you don't understand :/
>Souky (which had been my username for years...)
Does this mean that one time you were out and I was typing with Souky was with your cat? O.O
My cats' names are Lea (The smaller one I've sent you) and Bobcho. Does your cats' names have any meaning behind them, or you just liked the sound of it?
>it's weird we still don't know each other's names
Yes, even though the wedding ceremony is under way already... Wai.. wat?
/On a serious note, I'd rather prefer if the person is not comfortable with telling me his name, to wait for them to decide the time they would like to./
These are pretty expensive. I don't know how you felt when you had to de-part with it D: Just report him in League consistently if you ever play together xD
It's not that much. I've play World of Warcraft for much more. Never mind this.
Every time I try to guess something that you like, it's always, but absolutely always wrong -.-
You said "fuck", want to be fined 1,000 rupees, huh? xD
Rengar can take your guts out and make them as an accessory of his, if we're basing it on his lore. He also has that bad-ass voice. Not sure if you've heard it. There, hear this:
Look at this one too, it's the newest cinematic of the game, and it's done really awesome. I send this to you specifically because of Rango (Rengar)
LOL, your laptop lives up to his name xD I think it's alive just so you can break bricks with it!
I know, I know now! You did well in the games we've played. I think I'm going to level up that new account I've made because it's probably very uncomfortable for you to have to keep up with the strategies of the higher level players. Example for that will be our last match yesterday. So, I'm going to do go level up that account now.
Huh, I actually went to the neighbours and took a code for your brother, I'll PM it to you right away!
>Gamble tazo and money
It really was. I gave them to my Mom, and she bough a bunny stuffed animal. I'll use this chance to give you a picture of my other cat as well, have I got your permission? ^_^
You really shouldn't go on and gamble money. It's bad and addicting just like drugs and LoL.
>I didn't really laugh at the last video but yeah, why not haha.
No way, that's Tyronne D:
>The Walking Dead
I've tried this one just as you told me, and I'm on the first episode at the city after we got out in the farm. It looks very fun and it seems like characters there have an actual personality since there's something like a popup window that says "-Certain person- will remember that" Though it scared the shit out of me the first time I played it and the cop tried to bust my ass XD
Time for a different question mhmhmhm :D
What is your favourite song? This one's mine, please don't tell me it's gay x_x
If you want we can move over to Skype since it's easier to chat? Though no GIF space for me OTL xD
Video is gross, but I tried to use it as a jest, though it didn't seem to work out that way =D Sorry for the inconvenience I've caused you, forgive me? *>.<*
Haha =D I imagine people in the Chinese restaurant all hungry and waiting to take a bite of you. Fear my editing skills xD
Noooooooooooo,, you probably listened to the Pirates of the Caribbean's soundtrack whilst travelling with that boat, right? Right? ^_^ Nooooooooo(again!) you also had a ride with a quad, I've always wanted to have one and drive it like a freaking lunatic
Hey, are you for real? Is your cat actually 12 years old? Oh my god, she looks in her youth. I hope she lives up to 70 =D Wouldn't it be awesome if in so many years your cat actually manages to start talking in human language. Like, "Where's my cat food, boy?" Or, "I told you not to put the white laundry with the washing powder for colour!" =D The smaller one is four and a half years old, she's quite the pocket cat though. The other one, the elder one, is 9 years old. I don't think I've asked, but what are their names? And yours as well if you will to tell me. And please stop! Why would you be sorry for talking about your life? If anything, I'm interested in talking with people about their lives.
Okay, so I've got one picture, but it's kind of old and I can't seem to be able to find the ring-scarf thing with the bells, though I've got only the smaller cat there. She likes to climb up on the furniture and especially sitting high, e.g. on the fridge or the wardrobe.
Sorry, it's pixelated because the phone's camera isn't that good, hopefully you'll be able to see something.
>That gif with the chair tho!
I stumbled across it, so I thought I'd use it accordingly. I always have a plan. *sensual smile and shaking*
Ah... So you were still a little baby when you played? =D Chotto matte kudasai, do you actually have a Wii console? If so, there are new Crash Bandicoot games there, they have better graphics and stuff. PLAY IT PLAY IT! PLAY IT FOR ME AS WELL!
Darn, I went too much off-topic xD I seriously think this game is awesome. With all those features it has to upgrade your ship and return into your planet using those eggplants or whatever they are, is probably really appealing to the kids, me included. So, thanks about the explanation, Ms.
It's really not that special or whatever people say. I just estimate some of the things since I've played this game for quite a while on a casual level. Keep in mind I've got 3 years of experience even though I don't play to be high on the ranked chart or anything of that sort. You might want to tell him if he wants to raise his rank, now is the time because a lot of people are actually trying to win rather than trolling their games. That is mostly because of the end season awards.
So, you got interested in Gnar? He's cute and all, but he has that monstrous form that eats your bowels =D Though, if you want to play him, you either have to collect points, or wait until he is on the free week routine again since the last day he was free was yesterday. I think your brother might have explained to you, but the champion rotation consists of 10 characters that are FREE to play for a week. Gnar is relatively new, a three weeks old baby. They usually put the new one on the week after the release of the champion. If you like felines, there are Rengar - He's an assassin-like cat that hides in bushes and hunts his prey down to take part of their bodies as a trophies. *Note* This is just unique for Rengar. Then there's Nidalee - you could call her an Amazon that can turn into a cat, which also hunts down it's prey, pouncing left and right with great mobility. Or you could just tell me what preferences do you have for a hero, and I could pick someone for you to check out, alright?
Here's Rengar:
Here's Nidalee:
Uhm, what is your PC? You just need to have a video card that can render 3d. The game will receive an optimized map that will increase performance to lower-end machines very soon™ I promise.
I'm not sure, maybe there is a lunatic out there that likes to play games to lose, who knows now? Things change after all. xD *spoken like a truly the greatest philosopher*
I have no idea how to fix it, sorry. I just uploaded it and though, "Hey, I'd share this with Sunny-J, she might as well have some use out of it" Well, it's just an annoying pinging anyways. I've done another one... lol =D
I know, right? When you had those tazos instead of PC games that get you frustrated over and over again, you never actually had to worry that you won't have fun until they've robbed you out of tazos =D Uhm, I think I've made about 43 to 45 dollars, but that's when I was in my apogee of a tazo master and it lasted for a week and not any longer. The kids I used to play with took out all their allowance and gave it to me, it was worse than a gamble because I always won =D Actually, have you played for money like that?
Okay, I'll be sure to check out this one. Can't wait to play it =D
Watch where he goes on Omegle and shows them his tootsie roll =D
This one guy is not that funny but still hilarious nonetheless xD
As to your Spain comment: No.
In english: No.
(I'm overtired a bit .-.)
That's pretty cool. What made you pick up and actually do it? South Korea would be a cool place to visit I can imagine.
Me? My life isn't that interesting. I've never been on vacation 'cause I could never afford it.
Ah well. That means every place is a new place.
Everywhere I go will be a new adventure.
Hah. I played CoD until about MW3 came out and haven't yet played that one. I remember thinking "they make all these WWII games I wish the made a modernized warefare game" and like a year later the first Modern Warfare came out.
Reason I never played MW3 or any games past MW2 was because of Battlefield 3... to be honest. I'd go back to CoD with friends but all my friends picked up BF3 so I'd have nobody to play it with.
Well... then all my friends and I started moving out of our houses and we can never play together.
It's been a long time since I played with anyone but my 3 brothers... and it's been months since I played with them.
Xbox or Playstation (I don't know what platform those game are on)?
Typo? What typ-oooooh. Okay. Yeah.
You can ask wherever you'd like (but PM's would mean a more thorough answer probably).
I first want to apologize for the following clip. Sorry if you get grossed over stuff at this;
A...Are...Are you implying you are now a fried shrimp and I can eat you? xD
Jokes aside, what fun things were there? I'm curious. (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
Got it! The ginger s a male, yours is a female xD Mine are female and male as well.
I'm really glad everything turned out to be great except for the fact that the other kittens died :/ That sad theme aside, how old are your cats now? (=^ェ^=)
No, how much do they cost there? Here, they are about 3 to 5 Euros, but the ones we have are for small dogs =D
Anyways, I'll give you one once I get a new phone [I broke my old one (◞‸◟;) ] It could be either tomorrow or the next two weeks. I'll send you one for sure, so it's a promise, alright? xD
You have to, but it was a bit frustrating when I played. Once you die, you start all over again, but I guess that's where the thrill comes in xD What are these new PS3 jailbreak and what difference do they have compared to the normal ones Okay, I'm stupid. You want to crack the card so you can play games from a pirate discs, right? =D
I can easily use this console, envelope it in wool and use it as a pouf. My job's done here! xD
I'm really sorry I'm using you as my personal Wikipedia on how those games work, it just feels better to read it from someone who experienced the game first hand and is not an actual game advertiser like the people that are doing reviews and recommendations in bigger gaming sites. (✿◕‿◕✿)
I've watched the video and now I'm kind of feeling astonished what this game is about.
Do you have any upgrades on the small guys, like, for example, an attack damage amplifier structure that you attach to the ship and it makes them more strong as you go to fight monsters, or are they, just as you said, just different Pikmins that you get?
I had an immediate comeback for this reply, but I do not think it's worth it right now xD
Well, I'll always take you under my wing if you ever try to check up on it. As I said, the community is really toxic, though there's a mute button for this. Keep in mind there's another factor as well - Nobody, but absolutely nobody wants to lose except if he's some kind of masochist. So usually people start pinging over your head like crazy like it's your fault they died. I'm in the higher ranked chart, so it happens less, but it still does. Okay, let me give you a brief light to annoying pings.
Okay, I had no other work, so I made a shitty video about it. It's for the most annoying ping ;_; There you go:
My name is, just as in the video, Barack Òbama. Tell him I play on the Europe West. ^_^
Yeah, there were those stores that are from 1 dollar up to 100 that I'm not sure if you have there, but that's where they were usually at. So we're soulmates in terms of crying to our mothers for YU-GI-OH! cards xD There were tazos as well, does that ring a bell to you?
I think they were even more famous than the cards because you could play more practically. I remember making money out of them because I was just too good and I beat everyone. Then they get upset and start to gamble like they're in casino. I give them 10 tazos for 1 dollar and then take them back because they want to take a revenge on me or something D:
I'm okay with it. It's as if it gives a bit of space and time to reconsider what I type anyway =D
Now, I have a request. Please recommend me a PC game that will blow up my mind.
Today I'm on a video hype, so here's something you might like =D
I suppose I an a little tired.
Curious about what when I mention work? You can ask.
Aight, I laughed because in my head that's who you are now. Palmtop Tiger. Better get use to it, no offense but I have no reason to believe otherwise.
So adorable.
Yeah, I took Spanish but all my Spanish knowledge can be summed up as such:
In English: No
En Español: No
Well... if Canada was underwater I could go swimming I guess.
What's the favorite place ever you have visited? Just curious.