All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 66.1
Mean Score:
- Watching114
- Completed194
- On-Hold21
- Dropped0
- Plan to Watch237
- Total Entries566
- Rewatched1
- Episodes3,988
All Comments (99) Comments
And damn how many animes in your watching, I used to have almost that amount too, but I later excluded several that I saw that were not to my liking. I saw that your last update was from Hinamatsuri, I strongly recommend that you can return with him it is a very nice experience both for its production and also for the plot built
you should download "Taiga" for letting it keep track of your completed animes if you can't come here often :D
Yea, Shigatsu wa Kimi no was emotional and the piano music was nice. I still want to learn piano but don't have the money to spare.
I've forgotten about the melodrama and the slow pacing but yea, Kaori developed a lot at the end, but that was like an emotional bomb if you think about it. That was a good part of the story and a lot of things made sense after that. I enjoyed it, I'm glad you did as well.
!!Stop in from time to time and send a message every now and then, things can get quiet on MAL...
I am just relaxing right now before heading to bed. :P
Kinda understand you not coming on MAL much. Took me a whole year of ghosting here before being the active person I am now... Plus times are tough lately so I figure you're busy with life ^^'
Anyways, I'm doing fine~ Recovered from being sick and catching up on correspondences atm. You?
how are you? ^^
may it be much better than the last
for you
in school, work, family life or anything else