All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 287.2
Mean Score:
- Watching186
- Completed1,270
- On-Hold46
- Dropped1
- Plan to Watch269
- Total Entries1,772
- Rewatched0
- Episodes17,150
All Comments (163) Comments
I think I remember now. You were that old friend of mine that used to love yaoi pics, right? I'll have to go and find you some. *runs*
You should come back and visit the club once in a while *kick* and say hi to all the new peeps. :P <3<3<3
Come on and get Limited Edition Card!
Please just click image, and put number of your fav userbar thanks^_^
I was wondering, there is an anime database and a manga database.
Would be a posibility that there will be a Live Action database? It would be very usefull to have it.
There are soooo many Live Actions that are based on anime and manga, alot of ppl are watching them.
So how about it?