All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 236.5
Mean Score:
- Watching7
- Completed782
- On-Hold60
- Dropped39
- Plan to Watch242
- Total Entries1,130
- Rewatched74
- Episodes14,328
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 21.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries56
- Reread0
- Chapters2,924
- Volumes291
All Comments (30) Comments
Seeing as you like battle shows I have 2 I love the most. I would recommend One piece if you have the time I watch it every so often because of how many ep it has, it is fun to watch and Luffy is a great character. I would say watch Hunter x Hunter (2011) if you haven't already and also From the New World or shinsekai yori
I haven't seen Diamond no Ace yet but I have definitely heard good things, I'll have to watch it at some point. I actually found myself getting into volleyball because of Haikyuu, may be a bit sad but I really enjoy playing it. Me and my friend who also loves Haikyuu set up a volleyball team in our school and we both plan to join a club for it next year. Despite playing basketball and football I found that that didn't make me like the anime based off the sport and that I ended up liking a sport because of anime ^-^
I haven't watched nearly as much mystery anime as I'd like because I find it quite hard to find it done well. There isn't a particular one that comes to mind but I know the thing that made me like it so much was the first half of Deathnote. As one of my early anime it made me love the feeling of everything piecing together.
I haven't actually heard much about Mahoutsukai no Yome but it looks interesting enough that I think i'll enjoy it.Lots of people recommending it as well so high ish hopes for it. I usually try not to have high hopes for things because I feel like that's what makes people disappointed with them but I can't help it with all the people I know saying they're loving it so far.
And list away with the sports anime, I play quite a lot of sports so I tend to find myself really immersed in them. Something about the comradeship and competitive atmosphere in it all that gets me really hooked. I've already seen Free! as well and loved it. The five of them are so good together and the development of Rin just made me love it even more. Can't wait for season 3 which is airing next year! :3
And my favourite genre is probably action or mystery. When they're done right an action series can get you really into it and a mystery really gets me intrigued and wanting to find it out before it's revealed, not that I'm very good at it :p Honestly though I enjoy most genres, I tend to pick off of the premise, whether it looks interesting to me or if my friends have enjoyed it rather than the genres it's tagged with. I'm guessing yours is sports? Which is your favourite sports anime?
Baccano has been on my ptw for a while, hopefully I'll get around to watching it soon.
And I do, I haven't seen too many (something I wouldn't mind changing) but the ones I've seen I've enjoyed. Favourites so far have been Haikyuu, Kuroko no basket and Tsuritama (not very sporty but it has the tag)
Whats up? What have you been watching recently?
the one in the thread to order from is 400px. just let me know and i'll gladly size them to your preference of these 3.
LOL really i am a senpai ? How old are you ?