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Dragon Heart: Reikai Tanbouki
Dragon Heart: Reikai Tanbouki
Feb 28, 6:29 PM
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Fairy Tail: Final Series
Fairy Tail: Final Series
Feb 21, 9:59 PM
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The Siamese: First Mission
The Siamese: First Mission
Feb 13, 2:17 PM
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May 29, 2024 5:40 PM
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katsucats Feb 11, 2020 4:58 PM
Did a Google image search and found Crusher Joe (1983).
HunnyMelons Oct 24, 2015 6:42 PM
Hey there :) Thanks for the add. I didn't know you had an account here.
boa555 Sep 2, 2014 1:13 PM
that page is epic whats your opinion on male tsunderes i hate them to but they dont use abuse as much as the females what male tsunderes do you hate and like
boa555 Sep 1, 2014 4:34 PM
ok i wish people would hate tsunderes again there was a time when people hated these characters people also hate on the sweet kind characters such as nagisa tohru orihime mikuru etc
boa555 Sep 1, 2014 3:28 PM
yes i only like tsunderes if there more dere then tsun or if there well made bad news i found a fan club for Kirino i know this seems stupid to bash on peoples opinions but i cant stand people likeing Kirino so tell everyone you know to troll that club you troll it to lets tell people how bad Kirino is im going to make a club for geting rid of the fans of Kirino and louse
boa555 Aug 30, 2014 8:37 AM
i know about Kirino shes worse i only hate louse more because shes more well known i hate louse i dont get why people like her theres nothing good about her AT ALL Saito shoud have picked one of the other girls over this bitch louse shoud die a slow painful death in a gas chamber same with Kirino i never felt so much hate for any character in my life theres some tsunderes i do like i like taiga misty utau shana etc but i hate most of them i hate most male tsunderes to but theres some i do like
boa555 Aug 29, 2014 8:33 AM
hi want to be friends i hate tsunderes to and louse is my most hated character EVER
KuroTsuki14 Nov 23, 2011 1:29 AM
Sadly yes, ever website that people loves to hang out and have fun will be block or shut down.

And guess what the fucking comcast has taking action now by blocking [ ] when the bill haven't fucking passes. Now i'm ten time worried get block over fucking Severe Provider will block my favorites website. I don't know what Severe Provider you using but those severe are likely block websites :

On good news note: The bill is heading toward a committee vote in the House of Representatives Dec 15 which give people couple days to fight the bill, and Microsoft quietly opposes bill now
KuroTsuki14 Nov 21, 2011 8:41 AM
They can't win. Once it passes lot people will rage at them, like wall street protester. As soon they start notice recession getting worse because they made it worse by passing the the bill.

I sure couple website won't be block, like dictionary and couple online store. They better be website that will help me writing books.

and it seem like Alex deleted her xanga account and just send her message on dA.
KuroTsuki14 Nov 21, 2011 1:56 AM
Petitions that are going on but guess what? Those fucking asshold congress rejected them!I also read up congress are not listen to us and only people ain't against bill can vote not us. WTF DOES THAT POST MEAN???? Vote is bettween 2-5 polls not one! THAT SO UNFAIR! What worse about millions fucking companies Even computer tech companies and this one too

So that mean it's going to fucking passes. The only thing we have left is protest and boycott when it passed. I'm so fucking pisses right! This bill will hurt creator, dreams and jobs which making the fucking recession ten worse!
KuroTsuki14 Nov 20, 2011 11:11 PM
And i thought we live in freedom in country. They hate us for using the internet for fun, they blaming us for no reason when they should find person breaks the copyright law, and didn't know drawing fanart and fiction was part of the copyright. It's like we don't have right do anything for any more!!!! FUCK THIS COUNTRY! Once my fmaily have money I'd move to England.

You better started exporting stuff off the internet righr now before bill passes and tell Alex about it too, I don't how to contact her anymore.

What's more sad is that not many people know about it, like family doesn't really care about the bill at all.
KuroTsuki14 Nov 20, 2011 10:44 PM
Oh good, I was wonder why mom haven't told me yet.The gov and congress only fucking care about their self and making money. And guess what? it's worse than the ssi and game bill, it's the SOPA bill!!! and lot people are scared that it's liky going to passed. And if it passed: No more Myanimelist, youtube, Lj, Facebook, dA, all the website where people post copyright stuff and you & I can go to jail just for posting fanart/fiction and upload copyrigts in past.
And the only way people can talk to each others is by letter and phone. You can read info about it here,sopa, latest update
KuroTsuki14 Sep 26, 2011 10:02 PM
-----For some odd reason I have gotten used to the dub, like some episode Mikado's dub is good,
like epi 5 and 11. What? really? Oh really I for got about, I heard some where that they're Sakura and shouran. Oh it's because CLAMP likes to do crossover these days, and oh are you watching Blood -c? It's new anime made by clamp.

Shakugan no shana isn't that good to me, it's just one of moe type anime with action/otaku-oriented for guys, producers by J.C. Staff which they're only good at making money of fanservice and moe.

----Idk if bill had passed or not :\, yeah they'll cut you off ssi. Bill about video games on
youtube? Why would they do that ?

----WHAT? Racist????? WTF?!!? I not even fully black and she saw my mom before, Or it's that her
mom can smalls cats on me :\

----I heard that getting artist or graphics design degree, they don't make much money or it's hard to find a job involve drawing and art. :\ heck Anna once told me that her sister hate anime and manga because manga-ka don't make much money. What suck the most is that another recession coming.
KuroTsuki14 Jul 20, 2011 11:56 PM
Yeah i'm watching blue exorcist but I don't think will watch katanagatari, I heard of it before by read anime blogs. Just not much in to Martial Arts or/and history period in japan. :\

Adult Swim shorten the op and ed theme, i was sad about that, but what I wan't happy is the dub, I hate Mikado's and kida's voice sound so wrong, the japanese is way much better and sound like teenage. The only reason why still watch on it on tv so i can get my Mikida fixs. The odd things is I being getting dreams about Durarara on tv before I heard the news about. O_o

Have you moved in with your mom yet? Well that good that hurricane didn't hit lafeyette.

Oh yeah have you heard there bills they try to post this Aug. If bills doesn't passed then you and I won't get SS money any more.

All most for got, Anna called my sister couple weeks ago and Anna thought my family hate her, which that not true at all, must be her mom made up lied about it cause the last time I talk to her mom was on halloween night and the only thing I said is that my sisters missed Anna and she needs get back online and talk to Nike.
KuroTsuki14 Jun 4, 2011 7:08 PM

Well some old guy says it got cancel. Like did back in 1998 he got the date wrong.

Oh yeah Durarara dub is coming on Adult Swim this June! Not sure when this june since they going to replace kekkaishi once it ended. But I look at AS schedule and they doing a rerun of kekkaishi. idk but i still going to check if they lying on schedule or not.

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