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Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Mar 6, 2013 11:52 AM
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Time passes by fast cuz it's almost march O_o Got this week off tho so the Anime industry will get a boost from my part XD
Finished Phantom: Requiem for the phantom. Looking for another anime to watch. Got any suggestions??
Thanks, it's going pretty good at the moment. knowing everything already? lol yh you wish
Well, since you wouldn't know what I'm talking about if I named some random anime unknown to you, I looked up you're animelist. I'd say Durarara. Pretty sick world lol no worries about life just random events all over the place. How about you?
You know what? I'd like to see what you find so fascinating about mermaid tails. Gimme the link XD
I guess you can afford to make the projects wait for 2 episodes..doesn't sound bad. Unless you end up watching some other anime lol Sometimes it's like YouTube. You're watching a music video and after some time you're watching how to make ice cream for example >.>
I hate it how limited the battery power is but you'll have to watch as mush as you can. Hope I can watch anime in the meantime XD See ya soon
They did waste some good characters for such a story but anyways, It's fun watching so give it a try. Did you also look at the new season releases? Here's a link to the chart:
Winter 2011-2012 releases
Haha Yh it's always like that. You think you got some time to relax but nooo there's more. Today(Friday) was also the day for me to do some stuff I didn't get to so Imma grab some episodes of anime while I can XD
That's like all the exams right. They get your grades look awful but if you pass them, they aren't that big of a deal. But they have to be done so good luck! Hope you're ready for college ;)
I managed to squeeze Air Gear into my busy schedule. Idk if you've seen it so if you didn't, try it. It's pretty good. D. Gray man has been on my list like..since last year? haha it has way to many eps for the little time I let's hope for what you said, some more time to watch some anime
I had 2 weeks off and spent it with friends and family I hadn't seen in a while. Also been working on some stuff for college.
Couldn't spend it entirely how I wanted but still, very enjoyable 2 weeks. [Not in terms of watching anime unfortunately :p ]