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Days: 125.5
Mean Score:
- Watching53
- Completed394
- On-Hold49
- Dropped83
- Plan to Watch81
- Total Entries660
- Rewatched0
- Episodes7,700
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 8.1
Mean Score:
- Total Entries26
- Reread0
- Chapters1,077
- Volumes172
All Comments (723) Comments
So are you like going to start chatting on here more often now? We can catch up and i check this site even more often then FB, so you will be able to chat to me on a regular bases here.
Probably one of the biggest things for us recently is my sister had another child just now, its a adorable baby boy. Name is Cylus. I got to say im excited. We have always had girls, especially on my mom's side of the family but its kind of nice to have a little nephew now. I look forward to mentoring him and spoiling him.
How are things going with your kid? Did you manage to gain custody yet?
As for me im still on a waiting list for housing, hoping it happens pretty soon. I can't wait to start living independently.
Anyways its nice to hear from you again jer, btw i just bought like a whole box set of one piece manga lol that series has just been on total fire lately, its clearly my favorite shonen currently.
If you go to this site, They actually have a training classroom you have to do first before you become part of the team, but thats what im doing now and its pretty fun if your into diagnosing problems with computers. My knowledge in this field is really improving now from what it used to be. I might be able to actually get a certified job doing this kind of work soon. The team has excellent tech support to if you ever have any trouble with your computer.
Yeah one piece is amazing. Its one of the most spectacular innovative shows ive seen. I could watch this show and marathon it from start to finish, i also recently been trying to spread the OP love to alot of other fans that usually drop it due to the different animation style. So because of me lots of other people are giving it a chance so im thankful of that.
Yeah i recently took an interest in writing, since im taking writing classes at college now and i can benefit from that by writing some reviews and its good practice. I wrote some reviews on amazon also, some video game reviews.
Btw i just bought this game, "tekken 6" dude its awesome. You know how i was kind of a huge fan back in the day playing tekken. Well now this is something different cause you can play worldwide with players from various countries all around the world. You would be surprised how the "world rank" stacks up. This one guy has 3657 wins and only 40 losses against online players. He is ranked number 1 on the charts. That is just outrageous, i can't imagine any one possibly being that good lol.
I fought this one guy that had like 540 wins, he wasted my ass so bad. I went full on defense, and sat there with 5 min on the clock and he took 4 of those 5 min just defending every single combo i throw at him, then he destroyed me in like 30 seconds. I was amazed. I can't believe how far off i really em when it comes down to being ranked in the world record.
There are some hardcore fanatics out there.
Btw have you ever seen higashi no eden. Thats a pretty good series, you should watch that.
Oh yeah and jer, i just got a new phone number so if you ever want to call me, you can, it plugs straight into my computer so i will always be able to get it and if i don't i will see the message popped up on my screen. The number is 541-508-0031
OH yeah, you remember that girl i met at barnes and noble like ages ago lol. But she never responded back to me. Just now i finally logged on yahoo and i got her addy. So now we can finally talk, she lives in medford. I think its kind of cool though that im chatting to some girl that actually lives close to me.
Oh btw jer you should check out the game Borderlands, im currently playing it and its kind of like an MMO, accept its shooter based. Im sure you would love it. They have it for the ps3, the pc, and 360 and all platforms connect to each other online so if im playing on my ps3 and your playing on the pc. We can still play it together. You should check it out though, try and find a crack for it or something. It is pretty fun, kind of a cross between mass effect and Fallout 3. You get these different classes, different builds you can use, you have to do quests, fight mobs, lvl up, etc. The same typical MMO formula. Accept its more action based, like i said its a shooter game. If you get to crack it though, let me know and ill play with you online. You can also host a private server and add me and i can help you lvl up and actually play with you on your game. Its pretty fun. End game content is like raiding, grouping to take down large bosses and stuff and there is tons of pvping. You should look at some videos though.
Here is another cool aion video
So next month i think ill get that and then my computer will be back in good shape. That case has helped me tremendously though. Its almost damn near impossible to overheat this computer now.
So i can play games for hrs and not have any problems. That reminds me, i think i may want to go back to aion. That game has just got a complete make over. See the problem with the game before was a few things. For one, the gold spamming issues and the botters was definitely annoying, that gotten taken care of pretty fast though. But i think the one thing that aion didn't have was enough content. You look at other games out there like guild wars, world of warcraft and final fantasy 11. They have tons and tons of content to keep players busy. Aion lacked alot of end game content, plus the game was new so they were still working out there battle engine tweaks and pvp imbalances and what not.
But that all changes, when the new expansions came out. Now the game is so much larger, more areas, more pvp areas. Perhaps one of the biggest additions to the game was the upgrade to the Cry engine 2.0. Thats the same engine that crisis runs on. Anyways, a few games you really need to check out from NC soft.
One if of course the new and improved aion. Then there is another game called Tera online and then of course soul and blade, you have seen videos of soul and blade before. Ill link you a few vids to check out for aion and tera. Tera looks pretty awesome to by blue hole studio.
Here is Tera online.
The graphics in tera look even better then aion online lol. No offense, but when i go back to playing games like wow, i feel like im in the stone age lol. Cause this is the new gen for MMORPGS. Now lets just hope the gameplay is awesome. So far i love aion, its alot larger now and you can do alot more things, they have really expanded on the raids, the whole pvp concept of the game.
Anyways i found a private server for Aion online and im actually playing it for free right now and i was wondering if you might want to check it out? I mean you don't have to play it, if its not your thing, but just get a feel of a different game you know? With some amazing graphics. You never know, you may even like the game play. So why not give it a shot?
Here ill give you the links for it.
The client is here. yeah its a huge ass download though.
Get the torrent, with our speed connection, the torrent is definitely the easiest way to get the client cause its like a 10 gb file.
Here is the private server i am on right now.
Just follow the simple instructions, download the .bat file and place it in the right directory and you can play the game for free :D
I am not forcing you to play the game or anything, i just want you to check it out. Cause i don't think you have ever played any MMORPGS with graphics like this. It's pretty awesome. The one thing i really love about aion also is it has the most stable system i ever encountered for some reason. I lag on Wow even in a few areas and in aion, it obviously has better graphics but i don't lag there at all. There is a few people i know that play it with shitty ass computers and it doesn't lag for them, weird huh? I guess it has to do with how the graphic engine is built or something, its a more stable system i guess.
That thing is freaken awesome man. It has a 200 MM fan on the top. and 4 extra fans. Ventilation on the whole outside of the case.