99 Red Luv Balloons for my Heartlezzy ~<3333333
Hello, I'm Akori. Nice to meet you. Make no mistake, I came from America to Japan. Please speak to me in English or Japanese.
Yaaay! HAHA! Glad to hear you treated you nicely<3~ About time!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! He's so cuuuute~ Awww. How old is he now?
Yeah, I love me pups even if they can be a bit naughty sometimes.
Hm, Gilbert, the Senegal Parrot, speaks when he wants to, he's stubborn. He loves to talk when my mom starts to betch about work or something, he'll be in the cage gibbering, mimicking her, since he seems to like to mimick her. O_o We've had him for a while probably 13/14 years now. He still yells for me sometimes since when I was little my mom would yell at me to wake up. "SAMANTHA IT'S TIME TO GET UP! SAMANTHA!" XD
Haha Sex and the City one, ooo I remember that one. XD
:O LOL! Lady GaGa Madonna. XD She's an international sensation! Aww, too bad they didn't have your color~ Man, that betch is probably perma out of ever being bankrupt again. For a while there she kept getting bankrupt from all the costumes and shoes she designed. Hah, I've believe that, it'd explain her songs. I did hear that betch say "Speechless" was about her father and his heart but then in another place she said "It's about when my father was drunk on the other line and I was speechless." XDDD
Yeah, pretty much what it is. Did not care for it at all. O_o People made it out to be SOOO good. XD Eh, they also went fanatic over Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law (for the life of me I can't understand why people can fangasm over him, srsly).
Yeah that's truuue. LOOLz. she is. O_O so ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
5'11? :O He needs to be taller!
Aww cute! Yeah. >___< What is wrong with her though? Have they really said? I heard rumors of cancer.
NANA is in need of being finished. >_<!
:O Do eet! Love Rose of Versailles<333 so much loldrama. XD
Oh and that video. Yeah. XD WTF.
have to love how he tried to shake his booty.
OO cute! Please do show pics!
Aww, sucks that you got rid of him but I'm sure he's loving his country life. =)
Yeah I have 2 golden retriever pups (2 years old) and 2 birds, a Senegal Parrot and a cockatiel.
Me either. XD Thought she'd get the risk taker one perhaps. XD idk.
I got the top. >.>
Aww, they can be amusing sometimes, though. :D
Yeaah. Poor Alexander<3~
XD Gaga will take ovah teh world~ I was bored today and finally looked at January/February's Elle magazines and there was an article about Gaga, she said she had a coke addiction, lmao, doesn't surprise me. XD
I see, well I'm not too sure, haven't really looked in the papers to see the reviews for the movie. Although, I haven't heard much "ZOMGAH" from others, so that could either be a good thing or a bad thing. O_o Since I remember people gasming over Sherlock Holmes and when I got to watching it I was a tad disappointed. =
No problem~ eh, it's good for if you miss things too from being busy and whatnot.
HAHA! I'd have to scrub my eyes with soap if they did. *_*
SRSLY. She called again today all wasted talking about throwing treats at the dogs. o_O BIG NONO! Especially since two of them have diabetes, plus she'd probably poison them. <.<
LMAO! Nah, but she found this erotic personality quiz and she got the Romantic, d'awww. XD Surprised she didn't make you take it. <.<
Yeah, there were speculations that he killed himself because of the death of his friend; he never got over it and just followed her.
LOL GaGa is the antichrist, that heathen!
Haha, no I haven't, it doesn't look like a movie I'd go see.
Hm. well this site might be your friend then: http://www.icefilms.info/
Well if you want to see it before then, I guess. :D >_>
Although I don't think they have it on there yet. yeah, they just have the 1941 version.
Hm, the next movie I do want to see if Alice in Wonderland, I guess, for Depp and Burton. XD
Hmm, she was wearing this tan get up and cyndi was in black, so it was like the white/black witch.
:D I lol'd a lot reading through that; Gaga conspiracies. XD
Oh gawd IB, x_x especially with Tuttroll in there. >___________< *urps*
HAHAAHAHA! Balls. XDXD Well that wouldn't be surprising if she had said balls. XD
:O I'd have to do some searching! I'm sure I could find it. XD
OOOO! Sebby has a nice voice then. :O That fucking "trust me" song is catchy. >_<
Awwww, oh well. How was Uehara, though?
Lmao, what about Ciel?
They should do a NANA musical, totally. :| Nah, not really. XD
They should bring back Rose of Versailles. <_< I'd go to that.
Hm, well this isn't the first time, like she always complains; usually on a Friday. O_o I remember when I was taking care of their pups (since they were out of town) and apparently she called the cops because there was a slip? >.> But the dogs were not barking at all since I was with them. XD The cops said they came and sat outside to hear for 15 minutes and there were no dogs barking so they know she's a loon.
:O Don't forget the whip cream. ;)
Hrm, I've never heard of that song. :D Well I'm glad she's improved from that at least. XD Yeah, "Lungs" is it, although she's already working on another one.
HAHA! That's right, Heartz is the Romantic, lmfao.
No, that was the one! Ooo I KNOW! I heard it on the news tonight. O_O He offed himself! I bet it was GaGa's doing, totally; gave him an impossible shoe to design.
Yeah! >__< Fucking Kanye. Swift is in a movie that will be out soon "Valentine's Day" critics say she blows as an actor, which isn't surprising. The movie looks dumb anyway, plus it also has Ashton Kutcher in it and he annoys the hell out of me.
Yes! XD LMAO camel toe. XDDD indeed. made me LOL. Thrown in hell. O:
GaGa is doing shet with Cyndi Lauper now, to fight against AIDS? Because women have AIDS? Idk, they sounded stupid. XD GaGa was preaching about safe sex and monogamous relationships on Good Morning America, made me LOL.
Heartz showed me this yesterday, it's amusing: http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=1676
:O LOL! That song is addicting.
Lolz! We french kissed on a subway train he tore mah clothes right off he ate mah heart and then he ate mah braaaain~
Tell me how they pull off Sebastian and Grell. XD
All Comments (374) Comments
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! He's so cuuuute~ Awww. How old is he now?
Yeah, I love me pups even if they can be a bit naughty sometimes.
Hm, Gilbert, the Senegal Parrot, speaks when he wants to, he's stubborn. He loves to talk when my mom starts to betch about work or something, he'll be in the cage gibbering, mimicking her, since he seems to like to mimick her. O_o We've had him for a while probably 13/14 years now. He still yells for me sometimes since when I was little my mom would yell at me to wake up. "SAMANTHA IT'S TIME TO GET UP! SAMANTHA!" XD
Haha Sex and the City one, ooo I remember that one. XD
:O LOL! Lady GaGa Madonna. XD She's an international sensation! Aww, too bad they didn't have your color~ Man, that betch is probably perma out of ever being bankrupt again. For a while there she kept getting bankrupt from all the costumes and shoes she designed. Hah, I've believe that, it'd explain her songs. I did hear that betch say "Speechless" was about her father and his heart but then in another place she said "It's about when my father was drunk on the other line and I was speechless." XDDD
Yeah, pretty much what it is. Did not care for it at all. O_o People made it out to be SOOO good. XD Eh, they also went fanatic over Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law (for the life of me I can't understand why people can fangasm over him, srsly).
Yeah that's truuue. LOOLz. she is. O_O so ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
5'11? :O He needs to be taller!
Aww cute! Yeah. >___< What is wrong with her though? Have they really said? I heard rumors of cancer.
NANA is in need of being finished. >_<!
:O Do eet! Love Rose of Versailles<333 so much loldrama. XD
Oh and that video. Yeah. XD WTF.
have to love how he tried to shake his booty.
LOL @ the vid in your profile.
Hope it's a good one. =)
Aww, sucks that you got rid of him but I'm sure he's loving his country life. =)
Yeah I have 2 golden retriever pups (2 years old) and 2 birds, a Senegal Parrot and a cockatiel.
Me either. XD Thought she'd get the risk taker one perhaps. XD idk.
I got the top. >.>
Aww, they can be amusing sometimes, though. :D
Yeaah. Poor Alexander<3~
XD Gaga will take ovah teh world~ I was bored today and finally looked at January/February's Elle magazines and there was an article about Gaga, she said she had a coke addiction, lmao, doesn't surprise me. XD
I see, well I'm not too sure, haven't really looked in the papers to see the reviews for the movie. Although, I haven't heard much "ZOMGAH" from others, so that could either be a good thing or a bad thing. O_o Since I remember people gasming over Sherlock Holmes and when I got to watching it I was a tad disappointed. =
No problem~ eh, it's good for if you miss things too from being busy and whatnot.
HAHA! I'd have to scrub my eyes with soap if they did. *_*
<_< Tuttle.
She looks like a troll. >__>
:O Ooo major eye candy for you then. :P How tall is he?
OOO I see~ well it seems like it has quite the cast; shall be a good see. =)
Lmao, go hunt down Ai Yazawa for me. ;___;<3
>_< omgah yes! I would be so amused.
watashi wa chichioya ga nihonjin desu..
demo umare wa nihon desu..
anata wa.??
jaa korekara yoroshiku:3
SRSLY. She called again today all wasted talking about throwing treats at the dogs. o_O BIG NONO! Especially since two of them have diabetes, plus she'd probably poison them. <.<
:O Dirteh dirteh girl!
*gives you some honeynut shetbags* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJNYunnIkPE
Yeah, it shall be interesting~ O_O!
LMAO! Nah, but she found this erotic personality quiz and she got the Romantic, d'awww. XD Surprised she didn't make you take it. <.<
Yeah, there were speculations that he killed himself because of the death of his friend; he never got over it and just followed her.
LOL GaGa is the antichrist, that heathen!
Haha, no I haven't, it doesn't look like a movie I'd go see.
Hm. well this site might be your friend then: http://www.icefilms.info/
Well if you want to see it before then, I guess. :D >_>
Although I don't think they have it on there yet. yeah, they just have the 1941 version.
Hm, the next movie I do want to see if Alice in Wonderland, I guess, for Depp and Burton. XD
Hmm, she was wearing this tan get up and cyndi was in black, so it was like the white/black witch.
:D I lol'd a lot reading through that; Gaga conspiracies. XD
Oh gawd IB, x_x especially with Tuttroll in there. >___________< *urps*
HAHAAHAHA! Balls. XDXD Well that wouldn't be surprising if she had said balls. XD
:O I'd have to do some searching! I'm sure I could find it. XD
OOOO! Sebby has a nice voice then. :O That fucking "trust me" song is catchy. >_<
Awwww, oh well. How was Uehara, though?
Lmao, what about Ciel?
They should do a NANA musical, totally. :| Nah, not really. XD
They should bring back Rose of Versailles. <_< I'd go to that.
aayuu yatsu wa yomenakute..
Haha, that's not good! Awww, dumb kitty. XD
Hm, well this isn't the first time, like she always complains; usually on a Friday. O_o I remember when I was taking care of their pups (since they were out of town) and apparently she called the cops because there was a slip? >.> But the dogs were not barking at all since I was with them. XD The cops said they came and sat outside to hear for 15 minutes and there were no dogs barking so they know she's a loon.
:O Don't forget the whip cream. ;)
Hrm, I've never heard of that song. :D Well I'm glad she's improved from that at least. XD Yeah, "Lungs" is it, although she's already working on another one.
HAHA! That's right, Heartz is the Romantic, lmfao.
No, that was the one! Ooo I KNOW! I heard it on the news tonight. O_O He offed himself! I bet it was GaGa's doing, totally; gave him an impossible shoe to design.
Yeah! >__< Fucking Kanye. Swift is in a movie that will be out soon "Valentine's Day" critics say she blows as an actor, which isn't surprising. The movie looks dumb anyway, plus it also has Ashton Kutcher in it and he annoys the hell out of me.
Yes! XD LMAO camel toe. XDDD indeed. made me LOL. Thrown in hell. O:
GaGa is doing shet with Cyndi Lauper now, to fight against AIDS? Because women have AIDS? Idk, they sounded stupid. XD GaGa was preaching about safe sex and monogamous relationships on Good Morning America, made me LOL.
Heartz showed me this yesterday, it's amusing: http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=1676
:O LOL! That song is addicting.
Lolz! We french kissed on a subway train he tore mah clothes right off he ate mah heart and then he ate mah braaaain~
Tell me how they pull off Sebastian and Grell. XD