Hey guys, I'm Jace.
I'm 18, from Chicago, and I like TV, music, and games. I specifically use this site to log anime, though, of course.
As someone who is critical of anime and enjoys reviewing it, I feel I should clarify what my numerical scores mean, both for myself and others.
10: A masterpiece; I wouldn't change a thing.
9: Incredible, but is perhaps a few marks shy of perfection.
8: Excellent; easily worth the time, despite minor flaws.
7: Very good, but flawed.
6: Fine, but something is lacking.
5: Average. Too inconsistent and/or flawed to give a higher score.
4:Disappointing. There's potential here, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.
3: Bad, but perhaps I can understand the appeal.
2: Terrible. Perhaps there's some redeemable factor, though...
1: Absolutely nothing can redeem this trash.
As far as non-anime stuff goes (in no particular order),
Some of my favorite music: Death Grips, Radiohead, LCD Soundsystem, Radiohead, Kendrick Lamar, Open Mike Eagle, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Explosions In The Sky, La Dispute, Deafheaven, New Order, The Strokes, Iceage
Some of my favorite Western TV/movies: Scott Pilgrim vs the World, Memento, The Shining, Community, Arrested Development, The Shawshank Redemption, Alien/Aliens, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Life Aquatic, Submarine, Donnie Darko, Avatar: The Last Airbender,
Some of my favorite games: Shadow of the Colossus, A Link to the Past, A Link Between Worlds, Super Mario World, Final Fantasy VI, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Shovel Knight, Pokemon, The Last of Us
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