Loves to read manga and watch anime.
Ambivert (65% introvert + 35% extravert)
Always appreciate somebody's creations/writes/makes/inventions.
I am multi-talents (cant specify any since a lot)
Love to Hike & Travel <3
Samsung Tablet S7
HUION Kamvas 16 Pro
HUION Keydial Mini 18 Keys
Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming 7
Intel Core i7-4790k 4th Gen
Creative Technology Sound Blaster
Mindblown Scene of the Year
Just Chika Dances
Heres my Rating System
10- Probably the best and my favorites
9 - Best but not favorite
8 - Enjoyed it but not the best
7 - OK but not enjoy much, need to be improved
6 - OK but quite disappointed, has room for improvements
5 - Less like but chance dislike it but still has room for improvements
4 - Disappointed the way you produced the projects (anime/manga) but still considerable. / Might Dropped
3 - Trash but still considerable. / Might Dropped
2 - Trash in the Bin. / Dropped
1 - I just wasted my time. Better luck next time. / Dropped
DISCLAIMER: If you dislike/condemn/hate my point-of-views regarding reviews or posts that does not even related with you or your personal life, (or/a.k.a "cyberbullying"), DO be a professional by privately message me, not by posting in public comment like an a-hole/jerk (this is the actual FACT that recognized by UNICEF, Findlaws "Cyberbulling", NIH, ResearchGates, and other law agencies). I or (we) will not hesitate to delete (or might be report or take further actions) toward this kind of behaviors, comments or posts.