An anime nerd who finally decided to keep track of the trash I consume x)
I'm 24, one of those kids whose anime stints started in a roundabout way from Pokemon cards when I was like 6, and a huge fan of binge watching completed shows that nobody talks about anymore. I rp on tumblr. If you'd like to chat, feel free to hmu.
How I rate stuff:
10: I legit think this is perfect
9: Amazeballs
8: Great. Well-done and well-rounded.
7: Pretty darn good. This is often the realm of unexpected gems.
6: Above average but meh
5: Average to the very core
4: Below average (but watchable)
3: It's bad (why did I watch this)
2-0: I'm probably mad I watched this
I try to judge anime by what I think they were striving for and whether or not I think they succeeded.
Digimon and Naoki Urasawa's Monster aren't gonna be judged on the same scale, for example.

All Comments (30) Comments
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c a r d s; chloe // d e l i v e r y; nuella
♛ The Queen's Safe Haven
♛ Official Member Cards (January 2016)
♛ Pick up your cards here.
♛ Please save your cards on time.
♛ Thank you for requesting ^.^
c a r d s; chloe // d e l i v e r y; nuella
⊹ save and rehost. let me know if there's any problems ⊹
sorry for the delay. computer trouble..
Official Member Cards
thread || cards (#99-#127)
For those that have unsubcribed, ignore this NL.
We're also gonna start a new subscribers list.
If you want keep on receiving newsletter, sign up here
Since we're heading into the new club year, we'll try to put out more newsletters.
And a new list because there's a good amount of inactives and those that probably
don't want to subscribe anymore. But it's a lot of work to figure that out.
Written by Renkurana
If you want to unsubscribe, contact Renkurana
Instead of replying in the thread, I came here. ^^
So, did you finish Junjou Romantica? What did you think about it?
Are you still hyped about free!? It is one of my favorite anime ever! I adore it! <3 What's your favorite character? And who do you ship? ^^
If you want free! cards, 1 februari I open free badges in The Night Kids and all the characters will have a character edition in februari. :)
Here's your Official Member Card ☆