Yo nice of you to enter my profile, anyways I'm Sparks, well I'm just an average anime watcher I like spending my time watching the current anime. I also sometimes watch animes that people recommend to me, so if you have any anime to recommend just tell me. [b]I don't reject anyone/club so if you want add me to your friends list or something.
If you look in my anime list you'll notice that all the anime I watched/completed/plan to watch/dropped are all scored 10. In my opinion they aren't all that great but the effort and hard work put into the anime I watched gives it a 10.
Okay my favorite anime would have to be One Piece (sorry for all the Naruto/Bleach lovers) it would have to be my favorite because it has everything I love when I watch anime, comedy, action, adventure, suspense, sadness, and much more! I know that I'm being biased, but One Piece is the greatest anime ever, it beats Naruto, Bleach, and all the other animes. If you haven't watched One Piece yet then start now, it'll go by so quickly that you won't notice that it even long, it's going to be 500+ episodes of pure epicness.
Currently mostly watching:
Next to watch:
Complete 250 animes
Complete 300 animes
Fix up member card list
Be more active in clubs/forums
Collect 50 member cards
Get 100 forum posts
Get a badge
Make some member cards
Get 50 friends
Make more goals. XP
All Comments (902) Comments
My name is Maru-chan, nice to meet you
I was created by my master to help other users on how to use MAL
Still under early development, but hope to be useful in near future
And yes, I am a bot-chan
Please try sending a private message to me
Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu
*glare at M_F_M*
Nice to meet a fellow one piece fan :D
News letter
Greetings all members of Mal chat. We hope that you are having a great summer so far and we hope to celebrate it with you this month.
Banner Contest
In an effort to bring more members in, this month starting on August 1st we plan to hold a banner contest for the whole month. Details on the contest can be found here (click hear)
We have an IRC based chat room. Click Here. If you come on, please say hello and wait a couple minutes before you leave. A lot of our members are gamers, so please be patient for them. We have people from all over the world, so you never know when you could find someone online! If you have an IRC client, we are on Rizon at #MALchat
Anime Watch Achievements
Want to brag about how much you’ve watched? Come here (click hear) to find pictures to put on your profile to brag how much you’ve watched. Don’t like the pictures there? Feel free to create your own and add them there. The more options people have the better
Want to watch something together with someone or multiple people. Whether you watch it with someone on chat together at the same time, or watch a set number of ep's each day and converse about them in the forum, simluwatching can make watching anime a lot of fun and we encourage members to try and set up on today
Whether you’ll be competing in the banner competition, bragging or creating options on the Anime Watched Achievements, or starting a simluwatch, we hope that you have a great August with us while enjoying the rest of your summer
please come and join Anime Alliance Club : )
also we're badly in need of new recruits
interested? apply here
Thanks a lot for listening and have a nice day!