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Jan 1, 2018 5:27 PM
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ZephSilver Oct 5, 2017 4:39 PM
And if that's all the creators intended, to just turn the manga into an anime, then all the good and bad that comes with the manga will still be applicable to the anime. Point being, problems still remain problems regardless of what medium it's presented in.

You're literally not saying anything in your comment here. All you're doing is reinforcing the points I've already made. And at that point, the conversation goes nowhere.

Honestly, it's pretty simple, don't overthink it. Critique all works individually. The only time you should reference outside material is to compare and contrast the application.

And if you're incapable of doing that, well, that's why I write the reviews that are capable of doing that. There are always variables to any individual case, but the bases of taking a show's merits and detriments into consideration don't change.
ZephSilver Oct 2, 2017 6:03 PM
Let's see how long I'll last this time.

Well, that's what separates you from me. If you can't separate the two, you can't properly critique either, which is the sad but ugly truth of the matter.

The mangaka will be criticized if we were critiquing the manga.... but we're not. The creators of the adaptation have the executive decision to alter whatever they see fit to make the most viable product possible. That's how we get screenplays. That's why you see writer credits other than the original creator because it's those people's responsibility to bring the content to the screen.

Gankutsuou, an anime in my favorites, was adapted from the Count of Monte Cristo but instead of trying to cram 500 pages of dense content into a 20-something episode anime, the creators took huge creative liberties and created something that's only loosely based on the book. And guess it? It was the best idea they could have done because the anime was fantastic.

Anyone gave the creative license to tell a story, whether it be original content or adapted should be held accountable for their end product and NOT someone outside of that.

Could you imagine if a thief already in jail serving time gets an extra 10-years added to his sentences because another unrelated thief used the story of his ideas to commit a separate robbery? No, that would be dumb. In the same way, why should a mangaka be charged with the crime of people that just took their book and did something with it?

I hope this helps.
ZephSilver Sep 30, 2017 4:39 AM
I never read the manga and I don't take them into account since an adaptation is its own entity.

Here's my thing, something staying "true the original" doesn't matter if the original has the same highlights and flaws. When people think something being adapted verbatim makes it flawless, it doesn't. I just meant the adaptation follows its source and nothing more. If a manga was terribly written and the anime adaptation followed it verbatim, does that mean the anime is "good" because it followed a shitty source faithfully? In the same sense, if a terribly written manga gets an adaptation that fixes those issues making it a well-written anime, do you then proceed to say the anime is "bad" because it wasn't faithful to the source?

The point being is that regardless of if there's a source or not, AoT's anime should not be judged on the merits of outside material, it should be judged for what it has to offer.

So as an anime, AOT is fun, messy but fun.

ZephSilver May 2, 2017 1:00 PM
Thanks for the compliment, friend request accepted. Hopefully, I could waw you with future reviews until then, have fun browsing through the older catalog. (nice favs btw)
Norstone Sep 12, 2013 10:51 AM
Miyano Mamoru-san for the win. ^_^
Сори, просто го видях във фаворитите ти и не можах да се сдържа.
- Лего с нов профил.
-Elly--chwan Jun 23, 2013 2:29 AM
Would you like to join ??
M_San Oct 3, 2012 7:59 AM
Well, I tend to grade almost all Average, so I hope you re-evaluate me being evil *_*
O, but I really do prefer shonen.

For Sakamichi no Apollon - I didn't quite like the ending in the anime. Hope the manga has a different development :)
Archaeon Aug 25, 2012 2:28 PM

Nice picture xD
Wolf48 Aug 23, 2012 12:49 PM
Здравей ~
Да не се изненадаш от add-a гледам аз
Член си на LuffyFanClub (btw някакви идеи дали още правят membercards О.О ) + ще ходиш на Анивенчър, та за това е add-a
... Оу и си БГ XD
Erfalion Aug 20, 2012 4:39 AM
Анивенчър, както всяка година, ще го пропусна. Не ми се бие път до София чак. В Пловдив имахме тази събота аниме event, та поне на него отидох :D
lovelyangel666 Aug 19, 2012 4:00 PM
И все пак имаш повече манга в списъка от мен :D 10х for the add ^.~
Erfalion Aug 17, 2012 10:49 AM
Обожавам "Вещерът", много добра поредица :)
Не гледам чак толкова, последно време се отдадох на социализация и манга (покрай даскало, че аниме е малко трудно)
I agree. xD
Erfalion Jan 14, 2012 6:23 AM
- book - Azimov, Orwell, Sapkovski
Сапковски като Анджей Сапковски,авторът на 'Вещерът' ?

PS: Anime compatibility with soregashi is: High 79.2% :DD
Majeh-Sama Jan 4, 2012 2:21 PM

January 2012 Edition

lovelyangel666 Sep 29, 2010 2:03 PM
Anime compatibility with soregashi is:
Extremely High

awesome shit...
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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