All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 156.5
Mean Score:
- Watching17
- Completed515
- On-Hold22
- Dropped118
- Plan to Watch242
- Total Entries914
- Rewatched58
- Episodes9,323
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 8.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries79
- Reread0
- Chapters1,172
- Volumes122
All Comments (93) Comments
so not sure but ik there are a few movies
I hope so too
was gonna ask how u got into anime but its answered on your profile :D
nope I havent
its a long way and its been hard for me to go out in general :(
I rewatched it like twice when I was a teenager
Im fine just annoyed that Ive been skipping the gym
glad ur doing good :)
how are you?
I'm very much the same, but I think I add more to my Plan to Watch than I should. I feel like I'm watching more anime than before too, but at least with many I don't have to wait week to week. I'm still trying to squeeze in some of the new Winter 2019 ones, but I'm still not caught up with or even began some from Fall 2018 yet. Just like you I'll eventually get to them.
I hope you're doing well as well. ^w^
I hope you checked out Cells at Work by now. Yeah I'm like that too. I start more anime than I finish. I know how I am, so I do stop myself from starting anime I know I won't finish immediately. The only reason they're not in my On Hold list is because I will eventually return to it and finish it.
Well even if it is fanfiction, they should at least acknowledge that it wasn't their original idea. I haven't written anything in a long time now though.
Well I hope you've been having a great start to this year, and if you're not, then you can "start fresh" with the Chinese New Year.
I really liked Cells at Work, although I have to admit it took me much longer to finish the series than it should have. On the plus side, I got to see a special extra episode that I most likely would have missed if I had removed it from my queue. And yeah it does feel like I've only been adding to the long list rather than removing them as I finish them.
Oh, yeah I feel like writing fanfiction can be beneficial even if you're not trying to pursue a career out of it. I'd just rather post fanfiction rather than original material. I always get the notion that someone will steal an original idea and try to pass it off as their own.
Sorry for the late reply. Even though I visit this site often, as of late I kinda ignore my notifications since it's mostly been new anime being added. So all the other messages tend to get buried underneath all of them. I hope you had a great Christmas this year. I had a pretty okay one, but a little uneventful. Well thankies and have a Happy Happy New Year!!
Ugh, I have so many anime on my currently watching list, but I haven't even began watching Yona of the Dawn. I will be watching it soon though, since a few shows are near the end of their run. I've been waiting to start that one and Cells at Work.
It's been a very long time since I watched Digimon that I don't even remember the story. I mean we're talking about something from 2000 and when I wasn't as big of an anime fan as I am now. I would personally like to work on something original and not based on someone else's work, but writing fanfiction can help you since you are already using an established cast and setting. Don't know about posting any of it online though. Lol the doujins can get pretty bizarre and yeah most of them are X-rated. It's when they begin going towards fetish territory where I draw the line.
I used to enjoy watching wrestling and playing video games, but both have taken a backseat to anime. I feel like I'm so far behind that I have to catch up.
It is nice to create fanfiction of certain shows and games. I tend to fantasize about the older version of some characters more than romantic relationships. Or creating new events that occur.
Please tell me when you finish it, either here or on fb as I don't always check here haha