>>>Status:new season list updated Spring 2018<<< ^_^
my taste is anime with good story telling with light of comedy,
it mean is a serious anime ,but serious itself is'nt enought for me
because thats depend with how unique thats story was,how good thats story writing,how deph the romance are(but not in every cases) ,and what the kind telling about thats stories,it will be looking from all aspect
i does'nt care with toplist reccomendation,because the result will be like up and down,(when you watch it mostly not match with score)
and some opinion of overrated is designated for judge,dropping,insulting,and baiting
when the new anime with good story and become popular is judging by someone i will avenge them no matter what of they (person,group,club,fanbase) i will become hatters for they guilty
and what the overrated they want insert to my brain it will never happend
me is me
By the way
This my toplist, it not based by any point of toplist or someone else
but 100% my experience when i was watched (incoming new season)
new! my toplist on this Summer 2018 season(updated 7/8/2018)
1 Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo no Dorei Majutsu
2 Satsuriku No Tenshi
3 Happy Sugar Life
4 Asobi Aobase
5 Island
6 Grand Blue
7 Shichisei No Subaru
8 Harukana Receive
Best of preverious season Spring 2018 (updated 7/8/2018)
1 Hinamatsuri (9,6/10)
2 Golden Kamuy (8,7/10)
3 Mahou Shoujo Site(8.5/10)
4 SAO Alternative GGO(8,2/10)
5 Tokyo Ghoul RE(7,8/10)
6 Devils Line(7,5/10)
7 Caligula(7,2/10)
note(this not final result... the final result will showing on the final of this season
depending to how good the story was ).
and this my top list so far (updated 13 feb)
MY 70 BEST ANIME so far
1-re zero:kara hajimaru isekai seikatsu(+2) (8x Rewatch XD)
2-aldnoah zero(new>>>>>)
3-sword art online (season 1)(-1)
4-kiseijuu sei no kakuritsu
5-aoki hagane no arpeggio:ars nova(+1)
6-sakurasou pet na kanojo(-1)
7-golden time (+1)
8-boku dake ga inai machi (-1)
10-Plastic memories(-3)
11-papa to iu koto kikinasai
12-kimi no na wa
13-shigatsu wa kimi no uso
15-Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri
16-owari no seraph
17-kyoukai no kanata
19-outbreak company
20-hai gensou no grimmgar
21-yamada-kun to 7-nin majo
22-fate stay night(2006)
23-zero no tsukaima
24-under the dog
25-Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin
26-zetsuen no tempest
28-nagi no asukara
29-ga rei zero
31-yuu yuu hakusho
32-dantalian no shoka
33-maoyuu maou yuusha
34-sword art online (season 2)
35-galilei donnar
36-tokyo ghoul va (season 2)
38-fate stay night:unlimited blade works
40-elfen lied
41-sacred seven
42-tokyo esp
43-mondaiji tachi ga isekai
44-hitsugi no chaika
45-gokukoku no brynhildr
46-fullmetal alchemist:brotherhood
47-ao no exorcist
49-chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai
50-little buster extachy(season 2 extra)
51-rakudai kishi cavalry
52-rokka no yuusha
53-dentsetsu no yuusha densetsu
54-tokyo ghoul(season 1)
55-little buster season 1
56-tears to tiara
57-no game no life
58-date a live (season 1)
59-zero no tsukaima (season 4)
60-seiken tsukai no world break
62-mahou sensou
63-seiken no blacksmith
64-shinsekai yori(+5)
65-shakugan no shana (season 3)
66-amagi briliant park
67-mirai nikki
69-H2O: Footprints in the Sand(+1)
70-iyumekui merry(-1)
70-rokujouma no shinryakusha
note:some list between 11 to 70 need some retrieval maybe in next week
symbol : +(rank position incerease), -(rank position decerease)
All Comments (94) Comments
Now you know that you need to respect the creator so....you don't need to call anime trash with serious tone...just chill bro. :)
Well you can make a fun of them but don't need to go too far or too much putting your hatred towards certain series. Just enjoy what you love and don't give a shit with other series. You might have a problem with top rank list in mal but who cares..some of my favs are really underrated too in here. Just save your energy to watch anime. xD
Everyone has their own taste. I understand your taste, well...a little bit. I could tell most of your anime is teenage-romance, harem, and comedy with a little bit action and drama. Too bad I can't see your list since mal is still under constructed so I can't give you recommendation.
I might give you some recommendations that you might really love it once mal is fully recovered.
Do as you please bro. :)
And you are an Indonesian right? If so then use indonesia instead, hehe. It can make easier for both of us to talk. xD
Maybe you want to try this if anime that you consider great is light story and comedy : https://myanimelist.net/anime/6347/Baka_to_Test_to_Shoukanjuu?q=Baka%20to
Oh and....you are an indonesian, aren't you? If that so, me too.
I'll recommend Steins Gate...it is good movie. If you really like Re Zero so much then you would like it too.