' so-ay '
Majority of my ratings are predominantly just based on my overall enjoyment of the show and how it made me feel.
* I consider anything above a 5 at least (re)watchable. *
10 - Generally a masterpiece, & deserves high praise. Most likely fanboying, though.
9 - Also deserves a high praise. Often a superior soundtrack and animation with a great storyline.
8 - Very good and enjoyable. Entertaining and easily watchable. Although still lacks some 9-10 qualities.
7 - Good. Interesting execution, usually featuring a good fluid story with some insightful character development.
6 - Enjoyable with average writing. Watchable still, I suppose.
5 - It's alright. Below 5 is usually where I start to question if I'll even finish it, or just drop it altogether.
4 - It was fun, but often lackluster in terms of writing.
3 - Not an enjoyable anime. Debate why I'm even watching it and whether I should be doing something better with my time.
2 - Unwatchable. Bad score, bad execution.
1 - Crime against humanity.