All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 81.8
Mean Score:
- Watching3
- Completed144
- On-Hold12
- Dropped26
- Plan to Watch142
- Total Entries327
- Rewatched2
- Episodes4,841
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 36.3
Mean Score:
- Reading12
- Completed35
- On-Hold41
- Dropped18
- Plan to Read648
- Total Entries754
- Reread0
- Chapters6,029
- Volumes666
All Comments (141) Comments
Waiting 4 ur return
thx again for commenting! have a good one ✌️
Just watched Old Boy and Memento recently, they were excellent. I wrote my thoughts on them on my new Twitter that I solely devote to analysis and thoughts on media now.
Think I’ll watch Seven and Fight Club next.
I also started the first ten chapters of REAL. 🙃
I’ll be adding some films I’ve seen over the next couple days as well (though there’s too many to remember 😅)
Can you remind me what's your opinion on Tokyo Ghoul/:re? I believe we talked a little bit on twitter a long time ago, but I forgot why you haven't finished re yet. Just randomly got curious haha.
I am all good, watching Haikyuu!! atm and it's awesome !
I hope you're doing good :)
I notice our taste is pretty similar as I was about to recommend Psycho Pass and it's rated 8 on your hold. NANA and Mushishi also rated high on your on hold category.
I recommend the Kara no Kyoukai 1-7 movies. because the structure of the movies is out of order on purpose and then converges also. It reminds me of Bakemonogatari cause of the plot structure, supernatural storyline and a powerful Yandere.