Precisely when things are going conveniently and properly is when you get your feet swept out from under you. Life is just a series of choices. If I had done this, or if I hadn't done that. If I had chosen this, or if I had chosen that. You can ponder things for eons or give them barely a moment's thought. The results will still unfold right before your eyes. And no matter how ugly they may look, or how foul they may smell, I have no choice but to accept them. One single choice is enough to throw off your entire course. Once you're off a set of rails, there's no getting back on. And one day, when you're tired of plodding forward, you'll whisper. "It wasn't supposed to turn out like this."
Do you want to see my
huge Saber? Or do you by any chance haven't seen '
My Sun' yet? Well, go on and click those tags below to unveil my treasures:
If my
huge Saber wasn't enough
(it means your tastes suck), fret not, I'll give you a taste of the 'My Sun' instead:
I'm pretty sure you've been enlightened by now, but here's another just in case. You mongrel!:
Another My Sun [
Mai-san] being adorable
And that's a wrap! I don't do reviews on any anime/manga that I like or otherwise, but feel free to drop by and add me, 'cause why not? I'm a cool guy.
All Comments (7) Comments
Bake, shinsekai, fma , code gayass ( i like the show, animation and production is unbelivable, hasn't aged a day), 3-gatsu. Good shit. I agree with your favorites.
And the ever so controversial sao.