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All Comments (14) Comments
It doesn't bother me to be categorized as right or left, it's obvious that depending on the arguments or remarks brought forwards no one can escape a certain grid of interpretations.
The ones who bug me the most are the assholes who usually show up to require from you a justification that you aren't on the side that they judged as being in the wrong.
Those kinds of cloning activists generally claim to adhere to total humanism and absolute tolerance.
Medb is my favorite Fate verse slut, and they didn't do whatever they wanted for once because they stuck quite close to mythology.
Thanks, the forums seem like a noxious enough place.
I am a bit shy in new servers though, so I might not talk a whole lot lol
Depends on what the discord server is for, really!
Thanks for accepting my req btw!
Yup, you'll see a lot of them being very vague and wishy-washy when it comes to what exactly is their complaint. Ideally they'd like to say "I don't wanna share my space with brown people." but that's not good PR so they'll roll back to "Nation's right to self-determination" or "A nation should prioritize its citizens" as though immigrants do not become citizens? There's no logos in any of it, but it's so tenacious for some reason.
It's perfectly understandable if you were caught by their rhetoric at some point, the anti-SJW craze of mid-2010's were rather strong, and they had a really effective mechanism built in that slowly spikes up the radicalization, like the gradually heating bathtub analogy. You don't realize when you start boiling in it, I don't blame you for that. What matters ultimately is progress.