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![Oniichan no Koto nanka Zenzen Suki ja Nai n da kara ne!!](
Oniichan no Koto nanka Zenzen Suki ja Nai n da kara ne!!
Nov 4, 2016 10:52 AM
· Scored
![Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu](
Code Geass: Boukoku no Akito 2 - Hikisakareshi Yokuryuu
Nov 4, 2016 10:51 AM
· Scored
All Comments (63) Comments
Welcome to Card Dreamland's newsletter! We will be sending out newsletters for new events, activities, goals that have been reached, and much more!
Current Activities
Creation Card Contest
sign up to win cool prizes!
Birthday List
Ideas for Future Card Themes
request and see new & upcoming card editions
Open Card Requests
Get your official club badge here!
Member Cards
Celebrating 500+ members
Cowboy Bebop Theme
Current Events
Staff Recruitment
Click here to sign up for more newsletters
Thanks for taking the time for reading this!
=IALC Newsletter=
Halo halo semua member IALC, mohon maaf menggangu jika menganggu tapi kami ingin coba sampaikan beberapa hal yang berlangsung di IALC saat ini
Pertama adalah Voting Best Summer 2014 Anime sedang kita selanggarakan, bagi teman teman yang sudah menonton dan ingin mendukung anime favorit di musim itu silahkan datang dan vote~.
Berikut link threadnya, IALC Vote Anime Summer 2014 Terbaik
Lalu selanjutnya adalah Grup LINE IALC! beberapa waktu yang lalu kita coba buat untuk mempermudah komunikasi antar member dan ini berhasil, ayo bergabung di grup LINE kita bagi yang memiliki smartphone ataupun android user di PC.
Dan ini link threadnya, IALC LINE Group
Sekian saja newsletter untuk saat ini, semoga teman teman dapat ikut berpartisipasi di kegiatan yang sedang kita adakan ini.
Jika ada pertanyaan jangan sungkan untuk bertanya di club ataupun lewat kami admin dan officer. :3
btw nice pict kawai Tsukiko :3
Hello members~
I have seen that the club seems a little down even if we are still active.
So I'm sending this newsletter to bump you up and invite you to pass by the club~
(He misses you ^.^)
There is gonna be a new change. It consist on opening a card theme ever WEEK. So go and pass by to ask for the card and not lose the change to collect it.
There is also the Creation Card Contest (C.C.C.), remember that if you win first or second place you are able to ask all the cards of an edition from linette (me ^^').
That's all, have a great summer and we wait for you in our club~
~*alauraborealis's Delivery*~
I am delivering badges for the Romantic Comedy Anime Club <3 club.
They are from the thread called ~RCA 1K Member Celebration LE~.
Honto ni gomenasai (I'm really sorry) for how long it has taken me to deliver these.
Ctrl + F to find your badges.
***Remember to save and re-host your badges!***
If there is a problem with your badge, please be sure to PM me so I can correct the problem!
Please save and rehost. If you are having any problems finding your name please press CTRL + f and type your name in to find it.
Ruri Gokou LE
Thread | Cards
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu LE
Thread | Cards
P.S. Sorry for the lateness on both editions (especially the Ruri LE). I put most of my MAL free time into setting up the club's current competition over the past month so I'd have it done before my Spring break. Thanks for your patience! ^^"
Namine's Café
Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai LE~
Cards || Thread
Sylph's Card Shop
Ecchi Couples LE~
Cards || Thread
//Remember to save and Re-host
Ctrl + f to find your cards
If something is wrong with my cards tell me and I'll fix it for you