Your average nerd. I do database programming and administration by day, and like to watch anime, play games and whatever else fits my fancy in my time off.
It completely possible that my anime tastes are completely different than your. So if I said I hated a show you loved, please be forgiving, knowing full well that you may hate what I consider to be one of the best animes ever.
"May peace prevail in the World"
All Comments (8) Comments
I watched it the first time on a whim, to see how bad it was and to laugh at so, but my reaction to it was, too strong to say the least.
But you got to admit towards the end of the review I tried to be a little objective about it.
"You are welcome to your opinion, but you'll sound a lot more mature yourself if you wait until your emotions are a little more subdued and then you can try to talk about the show in a more objective manner."
That's honestly going to be impossible to do since I stated I can't even get past 5 minute of the first episode. LOL, but no, seriously, putting a bullet through my head would easier for me sadly.
But at least I didn't let up on my own reasons to give it a one LOL and thank you for not posting a rage comment that I know that an untold amount of them will rain down on my profile in a matter of minutes.
i need a new Goal to achieve :/