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Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou
Sayonara no Asa ni Yakusoku no Hana wo Kazarou
Mar 12, 11:18 AM
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Mar 2, 10:01 AM
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Sengoku Youko: Senma Konton-hen
Sengoku Youko: Senma Konton-hen
Feb 28, 11:27 AM
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myeongie Aug 16, 2015 4:46 AM
Ah, well it could be due to all those baby sittings I've done. I always seem to have children around me as well. (Ironically, it's me who's the youngest of all my siblings). I may have a weakness for children as it is.

But I'm glad to see you thought of it as a well made movie!
Meyneth Jul 28, 2015 10:03 AM
That's fine ^~^
I just listened to it and it's good good ;^; Tears are streaming
Meyneth Jul 27, 2015 9:40 AM
LiSA's Headphone Actor is certainly good, but I like Soraru's Headphone Actor more.
Then there's....
Soraru - Lost Time Memory
Amatsuki - Outer Science
Amatsuki x Mafumafu - Children Record
Mafumafu - Summertime Record
Mafumafu - Konoha's State of the World
Mafumafu - Mekakushi Code
kradness - Kisaragi Attention

They're all so good, I couldn't bear to leave any of them out ^~^
Meyneth Jul 24, 2015 10:38 PM
Not a bit later, a lot later .3.
The anime aired in the year of 2014 and I learned of the music project back in 2012. Now that feels like a long time ago now I think about it ;^;
My favorite songs of the series would be...uhh it's hard to choose X.X They're all so good.
The songs that easily stand out the most for me are Summertime Record, Lost Time Memory, Children Record, and Headphone Actor. Wait..that's over 1/3 of the main album...
And then there is Ene no Dennou Kikou and Transparent Answer, which are exclusive songs . _ .
Meyneth Jul 23, 2015 3:08 PM
Yeah! I love the whole Kagerou Project song series by Jin. Even though the song series was made so many years ago, I still love it. I was really happy when I heard Mekakucity Actors was coming out. It just strengthened my love for the Kagerou Project.
myeongie Jul 20, 2015 2:13 AM
Aha, thanks. I used to be really bad at prioritising, and even left things as important as assessments till last minute. I'm not really sure when or why but I suddenly started picking up my game somewhere in my life. Needless to say, things have gotten a LOT easier than before. My first white hair will be a long way away!

Also—glad you're liking Ratman. I haven't read many proper mangas that aren't one-shots or BL (although I do have a lot of proper manga my digital library), so this judgement may not be the best, but I do think it's really good. I'd love to see what you think when you finish it. (:

I'm anticipating your scene!
I've had a few instances where I've listened to a track and envisioned a scenario that's so clear I feel I could write it down word-for-word, as if copying from a pre-written text. However, unfortunately, my writing skills aren't really on par with my imagination. When I write it down I seem to just dishevel my thoughts. I'm trying to get better at transcribing my thoughts when I have time. Even though I haven't gotten anything solid yet, I'll get there eventually! ^^"
myeongie Jul 19, 2015 1:45 PM
Sorry for the late reply! I've just gotten back to the routinely life of a student so things have been a bit chaotic.

Nagi no Asukara is amazing. I've enjoyed it so far, and I don't see it going in a direction I won't!

After seeing that you've written a scene, equated a track and even evoked emotion, I'm coming up with a bunch of scenarios now—my imagination's running wild! If its okay with you, I'm really interested in this scene you might sound a bit pushy but may I read it? I understand if you don't want me to, though. ^^
myeongie Jul 14, 2015 3:53 AM
Yeah, I was a bit unsure (for lack of a better word) about the ending. There was such big build up to it, I think I was expecting a bit more from it. However, all in all, it was a good anime. Its OST is one of my favourites to listen to till this day. (:

I really look forward to your suggestions! It's obvious you've had more experience with animes, especially ones with amazing soundtracks, so I'm excited to hear from you. I also have friends who aren't really fussed about soundtracks, and so I don't really have many chances to just let loose and be a total music nut. In saying that, I'm genuinely happy to have met you!
As for Muv-Luv Total Eclipse—I'll give it a try. Just read the synopsis and it looks pretty good.

A Game of Laplace really does seem like it's going to be good. I haven't added it to my list yet, but I took a look at the synopsis earlier and it really peaked my interest. I'll probably start watching both Muv-Luv and A Game of Laplace when I'm not busy with other work and studies. On to my Plan to Watch list they go~!
myeongie Jul 12, 2015 12:46 AM
Von is a truly beautiful love song. One of my favourite scenes in the series was actually the ferris wheel one! I also really liked the motorbike scene, and the final episode as a whole.

The way Hisaishi performs is mesmerising. It really does seem like he feels every note. I love it when musicians perform like that. I hope to see him live one day. It's on my bucket list. (:

And, it is a shame when you can't remember the soundtrack of an anime. Sometimes I'll recognise the song but I won't know any of the details, which means I can't download it. I so, so get frustrated when that happens.

Hyouka is really good so far. It's quite interesting and I enjoy watching it a lot. Despite there being a whole heap, I actually hadn't yet watched a mystery anime before Hyouka. I'm extremely late on that part, aha. Anyway, I'll definitely tell you what I think of Hyouka when I've finished. Can't wait until then!
myeongie Jul 10, 2015 6:28 PM
I'm a sucker for animes with good soundtracks. Sometimes the general artistic side, including the music, of an anime has brought me to watch it before I even consider whether the plot is something I'd enjoy. I completely understand watching an anime just to discover meaning behind the works. I first discovered Zankyou no Terror after hearing its OST in a soundtrack playlist a YouTube user had created. After watching the anime the compositions became that much more beautiful. It's always fulfilling to know the context and meaning of a composition is. Not knowing it, to me, seems like I'm not listening to it the right way.

Sawano Hiroyuki is absolutely amazing. Einaudi is amazing as well. In fact, I'm listening to his Divenire as I'm typing this. Talking about composers actually reminded me of one of my other favourites: Joe Hisaishi. I can't believe I forgot to put him on my list! I first discovered him after falling in love with the Spirited Away soundtrack when I first watched the movie. Till this day he's one of my favourite composers ever. He's truly amazing.
skyBlueVanilla Jul 10, 2015 6:53 AM
myeongie Jul 10, 2015 1:50 AM
Well needless to say, you can be a music nut along with the rest of us without knowing how to play anything at all. That's what I believe. :3

Also, I listen to a lot of soundtracks too! That even includes epic orchestral battle music. My brother got me into listening to stuff like that after he used battle music while we were doing a spring (or rather, autumn) clean a while back.

I really can see how you can association Rach with Grieg. Just going off a few works I remember from the top of my head, you could say they've both got really colourful and expressive music.

I'll be honest, I had never heard of Eternal Sonata before now. I looked it up and I'm really curious about it. It's now on my list of games that I have waiting! It'll probably be a while before I get to it though...ahaha
-PassingBy- Jul 9, 2015 4:46 AM
I've only watched two episodes since I'm busy with school and stuff, but it's really cuuuuute *^* Whenever I feel stressed or something, I just watch this and I feel somehow a bit more relieved xD
myeongie Jul 9, 2015 4:27 AM
Hi to you too. (:
To answer your question, I love playing classical music the most. Rachmaninoff and Chopin are my favourite composers, but their works are slightly out of my league. Sometimes, though, I do like to wander away from the classical world and learn piano transcriptions for anime OSTs that I like.
-PassingBy- Jul 7, 2015 4:53 AM
Acchi Kocchi is suuuuper duuuuper cute >w< And I really love the opening song! xD Nyahoi! xD

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